
单词 延髓
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arcuate nucleus〕Any of various specialized groups of nerve cells in the medulla oblongata, thalamus, or hypothalamus of the brain.弓状神经核:延髓、丘脑或脑的丘脑下部的一种特殊神经细胞群美国传统〔brain stem〕The portion of the brain, consisting of the medulla oblongata, pons Varolii, and mesencephalon, that connects the spinal cord to the forebrain and cerebrum.脑干:大脑的一部分,由延髓、脑桥和中脑组成,连接脊髓与前脑和大脑美国传统〔foramen magnum〕The large orifice in the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes to the cranial cavity and becomes continuous with the medulla oblongata.枕骨大口:头盖骨基部的大口,脊髓由此通向头部的洞,并与延髓连成一体美国传统〔medulla〕The medulla oblongata.延髓美国传统〔myelencephalon〕The posterior portion of the embryonic hindbrain, from which the medulla oblongata develops.末脑:胚胎期后脑的后部,延髓在此发育美国传统〔pons Varolii〕A band of nerve fibers on the ventral surface of the brain stem that links the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum with upper portions of the brain.伐洛利氏桥;脑桥:脑干腹面的一束神经纤维,它将延髓和小脑与大脑的上半部分联结起来美国传统〔restiform body〕A large cordlike bundle of nerve fibers lying on either side of the medulla oblongata and connecting it with the cerebellum.绳状体:一种大型线状神经纤维束,位于延髓任一侧,并将它与小脑相接美国传统

