
单词 极光
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTERESTED〕On clear nights we were spellbound by the strange flickering of the Northern lights in the sky. 清朗的夜晚,我们出神地看着空中闪闪烁烁、神秘莫测的北极光朗文写作活用〔aurora〕Aurora australis.南极光美国传统〔aurora〕Aurora borealis.北极光美国传统〔inflame〕The shifting magnetic fields energize particles in the Earth's atmosphere and inflame the northern lights.不断转移的磁场使地球大气中的粒子能量增加, 从而点亮了北极光外研社新世纪〔optical activity〕A property caused by asymmetrical molecular structure that enables a substance to rotate the plane of incident polarized light.旋光性:由不对称分子结构引起的特性,它能使物质旋转产生极光美国传统〔polarize〕To cause polarization of light.造成极光美国传统〔polarizing microscope〕A microscope in which the object viewed is illuminated by polarized light.偏光显微镜:一种用极光来照射被视物体的显微镜美国传统〔raster〕A scanning pattern of parallel lines that form the display of an image projected on a cathode-ray tube of a television set or display screen.光栅:一种并行线扫瞄的形式,会在电视机或放映屏幕的阴极光线管上投影出影像美国传统〔streamer〕A column of light shooting across the sky in the aurora borealis.北极光:北极光横越天空的光柱美国传统

