
单词 木桩
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔designate〕The wooden stakes designate the edge of the building site.这些木桩表示建筑工地的界桩。韦氏高阶〔dig〕Dig a hole and hammer the stake in.挖个洞, 用锤子把木桩敲进去。外研社新世纪〔dig〕Dig a largish hole and bang the stake in first.挖一个大点儿的洞,先把木桩敲进去。柯林斯高阶〔dolly〕A small piece of wood or metal placed on the head of a pile to prevent damage to the pile while it is being driven.桩垫木:放在木桩一头的小块木头或金属,使钻凿时不致损坏美国传统〔drive〕We watched Dad drive the posts into the ground.我们看着爸爸把木桩打入地里。朗文当代〔fraise〕A defensive barrier of pointed, inclined stakes or barbed wire.防御工事:筑有尖利的、倾斜的木桩或铁蒺藜的防御性的障碍物美国传统〔impale on〕The cruel king used to impale his prisoners on sharp sticks.那个残暴的国王过去常把犯人钉在尖尖的木桩上进行折磨。21世纪英汉〔lake dwelling〕A dwelling, especially a prehistoric dwelling, built on piles in a shallow lake.湖上桩屋:一种居所,尤指史前时代建于浅水湖中的木桩之上的居所美国传统〔mark off〕We mark off the limits of our lots with stakes.我们用木桩为我们的地划界。21世纪英汉〔pale〕The basic construction can be built by wooden pales.基本结构可以用尖木桩做。外研社新世纪〔palisade〕One of the pales of such a fence.树篱:构成这种栅栏的木桩美国传统〔peg ... out〕Have you pegged out your claim yet?你已经把你要求的土地用木桩标出地界了吗?21世纪英汉〔peg down〕The travelers are trying to peg down their tents in the storm.旅游者在暴风雨中设法用木桩固定他们的帐篷。21世纪英汉〔peg out〕Mark out the area by pegging it out with string.用系有绳子的木桩标出这个区域的界限。外研社新世纪〔peg〕A similar pin forming a projection that may be used as a support or boundary marker.界桩,木桩:类似的可用作支撑物或界标的形成突起的栓形物美国传统〔peg〕Mark the area with wooden pegs and string.用木桩和线标记这个区域。外研社新世纪〔peg〕The surveyor pegged out that plot of land.测量员用木桩标出那块土地的界限。21世纪英汉〔picket fence〕A fence of upright pointed pickets.尖桩篱栅:用直立的尖木桩做成的篱笆美国传统〔picket〕To enclose, secure, tether, mark out, or fortify with pickets.用尖桩围住:用木桩围住、固定、拴住、标出或固定住美国传统〔post〕You have to get eight wooden posts, and drive them into the ground.你得找来八根木桩, 并把它们敲入地里。外研社新世纪〔prop〕The wall was propped up with wooden poles.墙用木桩撑着。麦克米伦高阶〔ringer〕A horseshoe or quoit thrown so that it encircles the peg.套环,铁环:为了圈住木桩而掷出的马蹄铁或环圈美国传统〔spile〕To support, plug, or tap with a spile.用木桩支撑、塞住或轻敲美国传统〔stake out〕She staked out a small plot in which to grow potatoes.她用木桩圈出了一小块地种土豆。外研社新世纪〔stake out〕We staked out the area where the pool will be installed.我们用木桩在要挖水池的地方标出了地界。韦氏高阶〔stake〕She staked the tomatoes to keep them from falling over.她用木桩撑住西红柿植株以免其倒下。韦氏高阶〔stake〕The settlers would arrive in a place and immediately stake out their territory.移民们到达一个地方后会立即用木桩标出属地。麦克米伦高阶〔stake〕The stakes are pushed or hammered into the ground and can be used for supporting a plant or forming part of a fence.将木桩插入地下,可以用来支撑植物或构成围栏。剑桥高阶〔stake〕They staked the goat in the back yard.他们把山羊拴在后院的木桩上。21世纪英汉〔stake〕To fasten, secure, or support with a stake or stakes.用木桩系住,保护或者支撑美国传统〔stake〕To tether or tie to a stake.系住或栓到木桩美国传统〔stilt〕They inhabit reed huts built on stilts above the water.他们住在建于水中木桩之上的芦苇草屋里。柯林斯高阶〔stockade〕A defensive barrier made of strong posts or timbers driven upright side by side into the ground.栅栏:将结实的木桩或木材竖直并排地钉入土地而制成的防御性护栏美国传统〔strongly〕The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts.围栏用粗大的木桩建成, 非常坚固。外研社新世纪〔strongly〕The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts.围栏用粗大的木桩建成,非常坚固。柯林斯高阶〔support〕Thick wooden posts supported the ceiling.粗木桩支撑着天花板。外研社新世纪〔tether〕The boy tethered the goat to a stake.男孩把山羊拴在木桩上。21世纪英汉〔tree〕A wooden beam, post, stake, or bar used as part of a framework or structure.木梁:作为一个框架或结构一部分的木梁、木杆、木桩或木条美国传统〔zareba〕An enclosure of bushes or stakes protecting a campsite or village in northeast Africa.防御栅:在非洲东北部,用来保护营地及村舍的灌木丛或木桩美国传统The area of land on which the house was to be built was marked out with thick wooden stakes.将要造房子的地块用大木桩标出。剑桥国际The objective in a game of croquet is to strike your ball through a set of hoops in a particular order before finally hitting the central peg.槌球游戏的目的是按一定的顺序将球击入一组弓形小铁门,最后击中中心的木桩剑桥国际The surveyor pegged out the plot of land. 测量员们用木桩标出了那块地。译典通They have pegged the tent down. 他们已把帐篷用木桩固定住了。译典通

