
单词 先在
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕The program can be encoded on the disk's surface and then loaded into the microprocessor. 该程序先在磁盘表面加密,然后载入微处理器中。朗文写作活用〔Cotswold〕A sheep of a breed distinguished by its long wool, originally developed in the Cotswold Hills.科茨沃尔德羊:一种以长毛特征的羊的品种,首先在考兹伍德山饲养美国传统〔Culver's root〕The rootstock of this plant, formerly used in medicine as a cathartic and an emetic.灵威仙茎:该种植物的根状茎,早先在医药中用作泻剂和催吐剂美国传统〔FIRST〕The Spanish were the first to keep cattle in the American deserts. 西班牙人是首先在美洲的沙漠上养牛的人。朗文写作活用〔French seam〕A seam stitched first on the right side and then turned in and stitched on the wrong side so that the raw edges are enclosed in the seam.来去线缝,法式线缝:先在正面缝然后翻过来在反面缝的一种接缝方式,使所有的毛边都包在缝里美国传统〔advantageous〕Playing at home first would be advantageous.先在主场比赛会很有利。外研社新世纪〔area〕Choose a small area of the fabric to test first.先在布料上选一小块进行测试。韦氏高阶〔arginase〕An enzyme found primarily in the liver that catalyzes the hydrolysis of arginine to form urea and ornithine.精氨酸酶:首先在肝脏中发现的一种酶,它能催化精氨酸产生尿素及鸟胺酸的水解美国传统〔brush〕Brush some butter onto the fish before cooking it.烧鱼之前,先在鱼身上抹些黄油。韦氏高阶〔cerotype〕The process of preparing a printing surface for electrotyping by first engraving on a wax-coated metal plate.蜡模,蜡刻制版法:一种通过先在涂蜡金属板上刻字来准备电版印刷平面的工序美国传统〔cleanser〕Sprinkle some cleanser on the floor and let it sit for a while before you start scrubbing.先在地板上洒些去污剂,稍等一会儿再去擦拭。韦氏高阶〔condolence〕She was one of the first to sign the book of condolence.她是最先在吊唁簿上签名的几个人之一。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕May I conduct you to your table, sir, or would you prefer to have a drink at the bar first? 先生,我带您去餐桌呢,还是您先在吧台喝上一杯?剑桥高阶〔direct〕Can we fly direct to Chicago, or do we stop in Salt Lake City first? 我们直飞芝加哥,还是先在盐湖城停一下?朗文当代〔display〕Mapplethorpe's photographs were first put on display in New York.马普尔索普的摄影作品首先在纽约展出。朗文当代〔dunk〕Grandmother would never eat a doughnut without first dunking it in her coffee.奶奶从不吃没先在咖啡里浸一下的炸面圈。21世纪英汉〔educate〕He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford.他先在地方综合学校上学,然后在牛津大学接受教育。牛津高阶〔enslave〕Her ancestors were enslaved during the war.她的祖先在战争期间被奴役。韦氏高阶〔eventually〕She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually work for ‘The Times’.她希望先在当地报社找一份工作,而最后可以到《泰晤士报》工作。牛津高阶〔family〕Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century.她的祖先在世纪之交时来到洛杉矶。柯林斯高阶〔father〕Our fathers farmed that land.我们的祖先在那块土地上耕种。外研社新世纪〔forebear〕One of her forebears murdered someone in a church.她的一个祖先在教堂里杀过人。英汉大词典〔fork〕They started me off in the gardens as a handyman. Digging, forking manure, that kind of thing.他们让我先在园子里干些杂活,挖土、叉粪肥之类的。柯林斯高阶〔garrote〕A method of execution formerly practiced in Spain, in which a tightened iron collar is used to strangle or break the neck of a condemned person.绞刑:最先在西班牙出现的一种绞死人的方式,使用一种拧紧的铁环去使罪犯窒息或将其脖子勒断美国传统〔grope〕Our ancestors groped their way through the mists of ignorance and superstition.我们的祖先在无知与迷信的迷雾中摸索着走过来了。英汉大词典〔hand off〕Hand off first, don't push long passes.先在后场倒一倒脚,别忙着大脚传球。21世纪英汉〔impact〕The initial impact of the reforms will be felt most keenly in primary schools.改革的影响会最先在小学中明显体现出来。牛津搭配〔knot〕Knot the end of the thread before you begin sewing.先在线头上打好结再开始缝纫。英汉大词典〔market〕The felt-tip pen was first marketed by a Japanese firm.毡头笔是由一家日本公司率先在市场上出售的。外研社新世纪〔mat〕Wipe your feet on the mat before you come inside.你进来前先在地垫上蹭蹭脚。剑桥高阶〔park〕Park yourself on the sofa and I'll be down in a minute.你先在沙发上坐一坐, 我马上下来。外研社新世纪〔pilot〕The programme will initially be piloted in four schools.该项目将首先在4所学校进行试验。麦克米伦高阶〔police station〕The headquarters of a unit of a police force, where those under arrest are first charged.警察分局;警察所:一个警察单位的总部,被捕者首先在该处受到指控美国传统〔powder〕Before the photo dries, the image is dusted with a special powder.照片晒干之前,先在影像上撒一种特别的粉末。牛津搭配〔prepunch〕To punch computer data cards or tape before an anticipated use.预先在…上穿孔:在预定使用之前在计算机信息卡上或磁带上打孔美国传统〔prick〕Prick the sausages before you fry them.炸香肠之前先在上面戳些洞。外研社新世纪〔purchase〕Tickets may be purchased in advance from the box office.可以预先在售票处买票。朗文当代〔score〕If you score the tile first, it will be easier to break.要是先在瓷砖上划一道痕,要破开就容易多了。剑桥高阶〔score〕Scoring the paper first makes it easier to fold.先在上面划一道痕,纸就较容易折了。朗文当代〔set ... out〕Before cutting, he set a workpiece out.车削前他先在工件上画了线。21世纪英汉〔sink〕We sank a few pints at the pub first.我们先在酒馆里喝了几品脱啤酒。朗文当代〔skin〕Prick the skins before grilling.烤前先在肠衣上扎孔。牛津高阶〔soap〕To get rid of grease spots on clothing, rub a little dish soap on the spot before washing.要洗掉衣服上的油渍的话,先在上面擦一点洗碗液,然后再洗。剑桥高阶〔splash〕She splashed some water over her boots to clean them.擦靴子之前她先在上面洒了点儿水。牛津搭配〔stock〕Start planning for Christmas now by stocking up the freezer with some festive dishes.现在就开始为圣诞节做准备吧,首先在冰箱里备足过节的菜肴。柯林斯高阶〔take〕The design first took off in American colleges.这种式样首先在美国大学里流行起来。英汉大词典〔then〕Add the oil and then the scallops to the pan, leaving a little space for the garlic.先在锅里放油,然后放入扇贝,留点地方搁蒜。柯林斯高阶〔thickness〕Put several thicknesses of newspaper on the table before you start painting.在你开始画画之前,先在桌上铺几层报纸。剑桥高阶〔think〕I thought we'd have a drink on the patio before dinner.我提议我们晚餐前先在露台上喝点饮料。麦克米伦高阶〔transcendental〕Concerned with the a priori or intuitive basis of knowledge as independent of experience.先验的:有关独立于经验之外的知识的,先在的或以直觉为基础的美国传统〔try out〕It's best to try the dye out first on a bit of spare fabric.最好先在多余的小块布料上试一下这种染料。外研社新世纪〔twice〕She should think twice before saying such stupid things.她在说这些蠢话之前应该先在脑子里过两遍。外研社新世纪〔upright〕Firmly secure the two uprights to opposite walls in the alcove and then fit the shelves in between them.先在两边墙壁的凹处固定住两根柱子,然后把搁板插进去装好。剑桥高阶He will be in the reception class when he starts school.他开始上学后将先在小班。剑桥国际He wrote a rough plan for his essay in a jotter before writing it up on his word processor.他在字处理机上写文章之前,先在便笺簿上列了个大致计划。剑桥国际Heat the oil in the pan and fry the onion and garlic for about two minutes.先在锅里把油热一下,然后把洋葱和大蒜炒两分钟左右。剑桥国际If you score the tile first, it will be easier to break.要是你先在瓷砖上刻条痕,把它断开就容易了。剑桥国际Much of her output as a writer (= What she wrote) was first published in magazines.她的许多作品都是先在杂志上发表的。剑桥国际Put several thicknesses (= layers) of newspaper on the table before you start to paint your model aircraft.在开始漆你的模型飞机前,先在桌上放几层报纸。剑桥国际She breaded the pork chop before frying it. 她先在猪排上洒上面包屑而后再煎。译典通Sprinkle some marjoram and olive oil over the salad before serving.上菜前先在沙拉上撒些墨兰角和橄榄油。剑桥国际Swirl a little oil around the pan before putting it on the heat.加热之前先在平底锅里加一点油。剑桥国际The falcon seemed to hang (in the air) for a moment before diving onto its prey.猎鹰向猎物俯冲之前,似乎先在空中停了一会儿。剑桥国际The fashion for short skirts was first set in the 1960s.短裙是首先在60年代开始流行起来的。剑桥国际The play will be performed first in London, and will then tour (= be performed in) the rest of the country.这出戏将首先在伦敦上演,然后到国内其他城市作巡回演出。剑桥国际They set up camp on the verge of the desert before embarking upon their long trek the following day.第二天就要开始艰苦的长途跋涉,所以他们先在沙漠的边缘搭起了一座营地。剑桥国际We dropped two sticks into the river and watched to see which one came out on the other side of the bridge first.我们往河里扔了两根木条,看哪一根先在桥的另一边出现。剑桥国际We spent a week by/on the coast (=by the sea) before going inland.我们在去内陆之前,先在海滨度过了一个星期。剑桥国际We started the voyage by provisioning our boat at the quay.我们在启航前先在码头给我们的船补给了必需品。剑桥国际You must prime the wood before you paint it. 油漆这木制东西前,你得先在上面涂上底漆。译典通

