
单词 倒退
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔a step backwards〕The changes that have been introduced are being seen as a step backwards.引入的这些变化被视为一种倒退剑桥高阶〔back ... up〕He backed up to the loading platform.他(把车)倒退到装货平台。21世纪英汉〔backslide〕No country has backslid into the protectionist policies that marked the depression of the 1930s.没有一个国家倒退回去重新执行20世纪30年代萧条时期的贸易保护主义政策。英汉大词典〔backsliding〕This may help to maintain the gains you've made and to prevent backsliding.这也许有助于维持你取得的进展, 并防止倒退外研社新世纪〔backsliding〕This may help to maintain the gains you've made and to prevent backsliding.这或许有助于保持你所取得的进展,防止倒退柯林斯高阶〔backwardness〕Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country.许多牙医不再为依靠国民保健制度的病人看病,这是该国的一大倒退柯林斯高阶〔backwards〕Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.政府加强对企业的干涉将是一种倒退柯林斯高阶〔backwards〕Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.政府对企业增加干预将意味着倒退外研社新世纪〔backwards〕The breakdown in negotiations will be seen as a step backwards.谈判破裂将被看成是倒退了一步。剑桥高阶〔backwards〕The new measures are seen by some as a major step backwards.新举措在有些人看来是一个很大的倒退朗文当代〔backwards〕With these new weaker pollution controls, the government seems to be moving backwards.出台这些更为不得力的控制污染的新措施,政府似乎在倒退麦克米伦高阶〔backward〕By cutting expenditure on health care, I feel we are taking a backward step to the bad old days.我觉得削减医疗保健开支是一种倒退,会使我们回复到以前那种糟糕的状态。麦克米伦高阶〔backward〕His new job, which paid less and had fewer responsibilities, felt like a step backward.他的新工作薪酬低管事少,感觉像是倒退了一步。韦氏高阶〔backward〕Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country.很多牙医将不再诊治国民医疗保健系统内的患者, 这是该国的一大倒退外研社新世纪〔back〕She backed across the room.她倒退到房间的另一端。牛津搭配〔back〕She backed out of the room carrying a tray.她端着盘子倒退着走出房间。麦克米伦高阶〔back〕The children backed away from him in fear.孩子们吓得倒退着躲开了他。牛津搭配〔back〕They instinctively backed away from the intense heat.热浪前他们本能地倒退牛津搭配〔back〕To move backward.倒退:向后移动美国传统〔clock〕I wish we could turn the clock back two years and give the marriage another chance.我但愿时光能倒退两年,再给我们的婚姻一次机会。牛津高阶〔clock〕The new censorship law will turn the clock back 50 years.新的审查制度将使社会倒退回 50 年前的状态。牛津高阶〔clock〕The new employment bill will put the clock back fifty years.新的就业法案简直是倒退了五十年。朗文当代〔clock〕They seemed determined to turn the clock back to the days of the cold war.他们似乎决心要倒退到冷战时期。英汉大词典〔cul-de-sac〕The government has backed itself into another ideological cul-de-sac.政府已倒退到另一个意识形态的死胡同。麦克米伦高阶〔fig leaf〕The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.这位发言人说,宣传活动只是为了掩人耳目,以掩饰历史上最倒退的税种。剑桥高阶〔freeze-frame〕The VCR allows you to fast-forward, reverse, or put the picture in freeze-frame.录像机可以快进、倒退或者定格图片。韦氏高阶〔gain〕War and poverty have reversed previous gains in children's health.战争与贫困使本已改善的儿童健康状况又倒退了回去。牛津搭配〔put/turn the clock back〕The court's decision on this case will turn the clock back 50 years.法庭对这个案子的判决简直是将历史车轮倒退了50年。剑桥高阶〔regression〕Such countries are not 'developing' at all, but regressing.这些国家根本不是在“发展中”,而是在倒退柯林斯高阶〔regressive〕The policy has been condemned as a regressive step.这项政策被认为是一种倒退而受到谴责。牛津高阶〔regressive〕This regressive behaviour is more common in boys.这种行为上的倒退现象在男孩中更加普遍。柯林斯高阶〔regress〕Business tends to regress during a holiday.生意在假期期间常倒退牛津同义词〔regress〕She suffered brain damage from the car accident and regressed to the mental age of a five-year-old.在那起汽车交通事故中,她的脑部受损,智商倒退到5岁孩子的水平。剑桥高阶〔retral〕Backward; reverse.向后的,倒退美国传统〔retroanalysis〕Retroanalysis is useful to the detective who solves a murder by deducing the series of events that led to the crime.倒退分析有助于侦探通过推断导致犯罪的一系列事件来解开谋杀案。英汉大词典〔retrograde〕He said it would be a retrograde step to remove single parent benefits.他说取消单亲补助金将是历史的倒退剑桥高阶〔retrograde〕The Prime Minister described transferring education to central government funding as 'a retrograde step'.首相称将教育投入转由中央政府拨款是“一种倒退”。柯林斯高阶〔retrograde〕The government's whole transport strategy is a huge retrograde step.政府的整个交通策略是一个大倒退麦克米伦高阶〔retrogression〕There has been a retrogression in the field of human rights since 1975.自1975年来,人权状况出现了倒退柯林斯高阶〔retrogression〕There has been a retrogression in the field of human rights.人权领域出现了倒退外研社新世纪〔retrogress〕To return to an earlier, inferior, or less complex condition.后退,倒退:回到先前的、较低级的或较不复杂的状况美国传统〔reversal〕This represents an apparent reversal of previous policy.这标志着早期政策的明显倒退牛津搭配〔reverse〕A mechanism, such as a gear in a motor vehicle, that is used to reverse movement.倒退装置:用来逆转运动的机械或结构,如电动运输工具中的齿轮美国传统〔reverse〕His white car reversed through the school gate.他的白色汽车通过校门倒退进去。21世纪英汉〔reverse〕Movement in an opposite direction.倒退:在相反方向上的运动美国传统〔reverse〕The first of the year Peter did well in school, but then he started moving in reverse.学年之始彼得成绩很好,但后来就开始倒退了。英汉大词典〔roll back the clock〕His proposal would roll back the clock on civil rights.他的提议会使民权倒退韦氏高阶〔rollback〕The rollback of reform is putting off private western investors.改革的倒退让西方的私人投资者十分反感。外研社新世纪〔shy〕The horse shied at the loud noise and threw its rider.那匹马听到巨响后惊得连连倒退而把骑手从背上掀了下来。英汉大词典〔snort〕The horse snorted and shied at the train.那匹马被火车吓得直喷鼻连连倒退21世纪英汉〔step〕Many teachers see an emphasis on written tests as a step backwards (=an action that makes things worse) .许多教师认为强调书面考试是一个倒退朗文当代〔step〕The new law is seen by many as a backward step.很多人认为这项新法律是一种倒退牛津搭配〔step〕This can only be seen as a step backward.这只能被视为一种倒退牛津搭配〔throwback〕They called his views “a throwback to Hitlerian racism”.他们把他的看法称为“向希特勒种族主义的大倒退”。英汉大词典〔undoing〕The act of reversing or annulling something accomplished; a cancellation.取消,废除:使完成的某事倒退或取消的行为;取消美国传统〔video〕Rewind the video right to the beginning.把录像倒退到开头部分。朗文当代〔wheel〕In his view the wheel of history could not be turned back.在他看来历史的车轮不能倒退柯林斯高阶Diplomats said yesterday that the renewed standoff represented a setback for the Helsinki process.外交官们昨天说重新开始的僵局表明了赫尔辛基进程的倒退剑桥国际The development of new nuclear weapons may be considered a retrograde step.新的核武器的研制也许可被视为是历史的倒退剑桥国际The horse shied at the shrill whistle. 那匹马听到刺耳的汽笛声,惊得往后倒退译典通The manufacturing sector may be heading back towards recession.制造业部门很可能会倒退到衰退阶段。牛津商务The policy has been condemned as a regressive step.这项政策被认为是一种倒退而受到谴责。牛津商务There is a time in the history of many great civilisations when they begin to retrogress.许多高度文明社会的历史中都有开始倒退的时期。剑桥国际They seemed determined to turn the clock back to the days of the cold war. 他们似乎决心要倒退到冷战时期。译典通This act will set the nationalist cause back by several years.这个法令会使民族主义事业的发展倒退好几年。剑桥国际This result is a severe setback for the team.这样的成绩对该球队来说是一个极大的倒退剑桥国际

