
单词 偿付
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arrears〕They have promised to pay the arrears over the next five years.他们保证在随后的5年内偿付逾期债款。柯林斯高阶〔bankrupt〕He was declared bankrupt after failing to pay a £114m loan guarantee.因未能偿付1.14亿英镑的贷款担保金, 他被宣告破产。外研社新世纪〔black〕The newspaper was blacked out by insolvency.由于无力偿付债务,该报被迫停刊。英汉大词典〔bond〕The bonds were redeemed in 2002.这些债券已于 2002 年偿付牛津搭配〔call〕The company will call its bonds next month.公司将于下月偿付债券。21世纪英汉〔carrying charge〕The interest charged on the balance owed when paying in installments.额外维持费用:在偿付分期付款时除欠款外追加的资金美国传统〔charge〕The cost of the proceedings will be a charge on his estate.诉讼费用将拿他的产业来偿付英汉大词典〔court〕Members of trade associations want to take bad debtors to court.同业公会成员想把拒不偿付的债务人告上法庭。外研社新世纪〔delinquency〕A debt or other financial obligation on which payment is overdue.逾期债款:一笔过了期还未偿付的欠债或其它财政义务美国传统〔discredit〕Failure to meet a bill on the due date would result in total discredit for the drawee.票据到期不能偿付会使支付人彻底丧失信用。英汉大词典〔due bill〕A written acknowledgment of indebtedness to a particular party but not payable to the party's order or transferable by endorsement.非现金偿付的借据:对某一方的债务的书面借据,但不能凭债权方命令付款或通过背书转移美国传统〔engagement〕They were consequently unable to meet their engagements.他们因而无力偿付约定的款项。英汉大词典〔family man〕I am a family man with a mortgage.我是个有家室的男人,还有笔按揭款要偿付柯林斯高阶〔fund〕To provide money for paying off the interest or principal of (a debt).拨款偿付:拨款偿付(债款)的利息或本金美国传统〔insolvency〕An instance of being insolvent.不能偿付的事例美国传统〔insolvency〕The condition of being insolvent.不能偿付的状况美国传统〔levy on〕They decided to levy on his property to pay his debts.他们决定扣押他的财产以偿付他的债务。21世纪英汉〔liable〕He could find himself liable for the cost of the repairs.他可能会觉得自己有责任偿付修理费用。麦克米伦高阶〔liable〕The court ruled he could not be held personally liable for his wife's debts.法庭裁定他个人不负有偿付妻子债务的责任。牛津高阶〔lumber with〕She was lumbered with a bill for about ninety pounds.她必须得偿付一张90英镑左右的账单。柯林斯高阶〔meet〕Certain expenses are met for all committee members.已经偿付了所有委员会成员的一些费用。外研社新世纪〔meet〕He could not meet his bills.他无力偿付欠账。英汉大词典〔meet〕He met his debts.他偿付了债务。21世纪英汉〔misappropriate〕He is accused of misappropriating $30,000 to pay off gambling debts.他被控挪用了3万美元去偿付赌债。剑桥高阶〔moratorium〕A moratorium has been declared on all debts for three years.已宣布一切债务延期3年偿付英汉大词典〔moratorium〕An authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or nation, permitting temporary suspension of payments.延缓偿付:对于借款人,例如一个银行或国家,允许暂时延缓偿还借款的授权美国传统〔moratorium〕An authorized period of delay in the performance of an obligation.延缓偿付期:在履行法律义务时法律所允许的延缓期限美国传统〔moratory〕Authorizing delay in payment.延期偿付美国传统〔mortgage〕They were struggling to keep up with their mortgage payments.他们千方百计按时偿付按揭款。牛津搭配〔obligation〕UAL's current cash reserves are sufficient to repay these obligations.联合航空目前的现金储备足以偿付这些债务。外研社新世纪〔occupant〕All outstanding bills will be paid by the previous occupants.一切未支付的账单将由前住户偿付牛津高阶〔offset〕The money will help to offset big medical bills.这笔钱有助于偿付巨额的医药费。牛津搭配〔oligopsony〕A market condition in which purchasers are so few that the actions of any one of them can materially affect price and the costs that competitors must pay.寡头买主垄断:一种由少量买方控制的市场状况,由于买主极少,以至于任一买主的行为都有可能极大地影响价格及竞买者所必须偿付的费用美国传统〔outlay〕The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.这家公司很快偿付了初期的广告费。牛津高阶〔overpay〕If you budget to overpay your mortgage on a regular basis, you can save a lot of money.如果你能做好预算经常性的超额偿付按揭贷款,你能省下很多钱。剑桥高阶〔payback〕We have confidence in his payback ability.我们相信他有偿付能力。英汉大词典〔payment〕They are finding it difficult to meet the payments on their car.他们感到很难偿付汽车款。牛津高阶〔pocket〕On the hotel bills alone, he'll be a hundred dollars or so out of pocket.单偿付旅馆账单,他就缺少100元左右的钱。英汉大词典〔preference〕A priority of payment given to one or more creditors by an insolvent debtor.优先偿付:由破产负债人给予一个或多个债权人的优先偿付美国传统〔preference〕The right of a creditor to priority of payment.优先受偿权:债权人得到优先偿付的权利美国传统〔prefer〕To give priority or precedence to (a creditor).优先偿付:给予(债权人)优先权美国传统〔protect〕The insurance policy protects you against theft.你如遭窃,这保险单将保证偿付你的损失。英汉大词典〔protect〕The insurance policy protects you against theft.你如遭窃,保险单将保证偿付你的损失。21世纪英汉〔rate〕Do you pay your mortgage on a fixed or variable rate (= of interest)? 你怎样还抵押贷款,是定额偿付还是不定额偿付剑桥高阶〔receipt〕The total receipts barely covered expenses.全部收入仅够偿付各项支出。英汉大词典〔recompensable〕The firm will recompense you for your traveling expenses.公司将偿付你的旅费。21世纪英汉〔recoup〕He offered to recoup me for my share of the expenses.他表示愿意为我偿付我应承担的一份费用。英汉大词典〔recoup〕To return as an equivalent for; reimburse.偿还:作为一个相等物偿还;向……偿付美国传统〔redeem〕The amount required to redeem the mortgage was £358,587.偿付抵押贷款一共需要358,587英镑。剑桥高阶〔redeem〕The government redeems savings bonds.政府会偿付储蓄债券的。英汉大词典〔reimburse〕The funds are supposed to reimburse policyholders in the event of insurer failure.这项基金将在保险公司不能偿付的情况下对投保人进行赔付。柯林斯高阶〔remuneration〕They demanded adequate remuneration for their work.他们要求为他们的工作偿付足够的报酬。剑桥高阶〔repayment〕Brazil is putting forward a new debt repayment plan.巴西即将提出一个新的债务偿付计划。柯林斯高阶〔repayment〕You can pay it off or make a minimum repayment.你可以一次付清或先付最低分期偿付款。柯林斯高阶〔reserve currency〕Currency kept in reserve by a government for the paying of international debts.储备货币:由政府储备用来偿付国际债务的货币美国传统〔revolving credit〕Credit repeatedly available up to a specified amount as periodic repayments are made.循环贷款:当间断性地偿付时可重复使用一定金额的货款美国传统〔satisfied〕The sum of money given by the insurance company satisfied for his losses.这笔款是作为补偿他的损失由保险公司偿付的。21世纪英汉〔secure〕To guarantee payment of (a loan, for example).担保:保证(如贷款的)偿付美国传统〔secure〕To guarantee payment to (a creditor).提供保证:保证向(债权人)偿付美国传统〔sell off〕We had to sell things off to pay the brewery bill.我们不得不变卖东西以偿付啤酒厂的账单。柯林斯高阶〔skunk〕To fail to pay (an amount due).赖…的债:不偿付(一定数目的应付款)美国传统〔solvency〕You should find some other way to attain solvency.你应想个别的办法来使自己具有偿付债务的能力。英汉大词典〔solvent〕Accountants confirmed that the firm was solvent.会计师证实该商行有偿付能力。牛津同义词〔solvent〕Capable of meeting financial obligations.有偿付能力的:能够承担财务方面的义务的美国传统〔solvent〕Many insurance companies are under pressure to increase premiums to stay solvent.很多保险公司面临压力,要增加保险费以保证偿付能力。剑桥高阶〔suspend〕To fail to make payments or meet obligations.没能偿付或履行义务美国传统〔take ... out〕Part of their pay is taken out in houses.他们的部分工资是以住房偿付的。21世纪英汉〔tender〕Law An offer of money or service in payment of an obligation.【法律】 偿还:为某一义务或责任的偿付而提供的钱或服务美国传统〔time〕Give me time and I will pay.宽限我些时间,我会偿付的。英汉大词典〔worry〕Paying the mortgage is a big worry for many people.偿付抵押贷款对许多人来说是一件很头痛的事。牛津搭配A judge granted a six-month debt moratorium to the collapsed group.法官给予这家倒闭的集团六个月的偿付宽限期。牛津商务He has a lot of old debts to meet. 他有许多旧债要偿付译典通I need a three-day moratorium to repay my debt. 我需要延期三天偿付债款。译典通I've fallen behind with the mortgage payments.我拖欠了该偿付的抵押贷款。剑桥国际Interest cover remains very comfortable.利息偿付倍数非常令人满意。牛津商务It takes about five days for the issuing bank to pay off the letter of credit.开证行偿付信用证大约需要五天时间。牛津商务Many creditors questioned the soundness of the company. 许多贷方对该公司是否有偿付能力提出疑问。译典通Many of the insurance companies are under pressure to increase premiums to stay solvent.很多保险公司面临着压力,要增加保险费以保持偿付能力。剑桥国际Many old people skimp (on) food and heating in order to meet their bills.许多老人节约食物和暖气供应以偿付帐单。剑桥国际Mr Clarke's insurance company had issued a summons for unpaid mortgage repayments.克拉克先生的保险公司就尚未偿付抵押借款的付款人发出通知。剑桥国际Only those firms that have passed honesty, competence and solvency tests are allowed to do business.只有那些已通过可信度、竞争力和偿付能力测试的企业才可以进行商业活动。剑桥国际She is not legally bound to pay the debts, but she has agreed to do so as a gesture of goodwill.她并没有法律义务偿付债务,但作为友善的表示她已同意这样做。剑桥国际Some insurance companies are struggling to meet solvency requirements.一些保险公司正努力满足偿付能力要求。牛津商务The company has interest cover of seven times its operating profits.这公司的利息偿付倍数是其经营利润的七倍。牛津商务The company has paid off more than $1.5 billion of maturities this year.公司今年偿付了超过 15 亿元的到期债券。牛津商务The firm has already paid half the fine, but it will have to liquidate additional assets (= sell them to obtain money) in order to pay the rest.该公司已偿付了一半的罚款,但为偿付余下的罚款的话就必须变卖更多的资产。剑桥国际The insurance policy protects you against injury. 如遭伤害,这保险单保证偿付你的损失。译典通The ombudsman's report condemns the time taken by some insurance companies to settle the claims of their customers.这个意见调查员的报告指责了一些保险公司处理其顾客提出的偿付要求的时效性。剑桥国际The sum will be lent at call.这笔贷款是可随时偿付的。牛津商务There is an outstanding debit balance on your account.你的账户中有未偿付的借方余额。牛津商务They had to rent out the upstairs to make mortgage payments. 他们不得不将二楼租出去以偿付抵押借款。译典通They need the money to stay solvent. 他们需要这笔钱来保持偿付能力。译典通We will reimburse any expenses incurred.我们将偿付所有相关费用。牛津商务

