
单词 地下水
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIRTY〕An investigation revealed that the mine was polluting both the air and the groundwater. 调查显示该煤矿污染了空气和地下水朗文写作活用〔cavefish〕Any of various freshwater fishes of the family Amblyopsidae, found in subterranean waters and having rudimentary, nonfunctioning eyes.洞穴鱼:钝棘翻车鱼科的淡水鱼,生活在地下水中,有退化的、不起作用的眼美国传统〔dowser〕A person who uses a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals.勘探队员:运用探测竿勘探地下水或矿物的人美国传统〔dowse〕To use a divining rod to search for underground water or minerals.探寻:用探测杆探寻地下水或矿藏美国传统〔ground water〕Water beneath the earth's surface, often between saturated soil and rock, that supplies wells and springs.地下水:地表以下的水,常在饱含带土壤和岩石之间,为井和泉的补给水源美国传统〔groundwater〕There are fears that groundwater might become contaminated.有人担心地下水可能会遭污染。朗文当代〔groundwater〕There were concerns about contaminated groundwater.对污染的地下水产生了担忧。韦氏高阶〔percolate〕Ground water percolating downwards becomes superheated and then blasts upwards.向下渗透的地下水变得过热, 然后向上喷发。外研社新世纪〔permeate〕Rain permeates through the ground to add to ground water levels.雨水渗入地下,提高了地下水水位。朗文当代〔phreatic〕Of or relating to ground water.地下水的,与地下水有关的美国传统〔phreatophyte〕A deep-rooted plant that obtains water from a permanent ground supply or from the water table.地下水湿生植物:一种根很深的植物,从永久性地下水资源或潜水面获取水分美国传统〔rhabdomancy〕Divination by means of a wand or rod, especially for discovering underground water or ores.棍卜:通过杖或棒的占卜,尤指为发现地下水或矿产美国传统〔square off〕In Florida, farmers are squaring off against cities for rights to groundwater.在佛罗里达, 农夫们摆出与城市争夺地下水水权的架势。外研社新世纪〔square off〕In Florida, farmers are squaring off against cities for rights to groundwater.在佛罗里达州,农民正摆好架势,准备和城市争夺地下水的使用权。柯林斯高阶〔subirrigate〕To irrigate from beneath, as by underground pipes.地下灌溉:从地下进行灌溉,例如用地下水管进行灌溉美国传统〔tap〕The scheme aimed to tap underground water resources.该计划的目的在于获取地下水资源。麦克米伦高阶〔tufa〕The calcareous and siliceous rock deposits of springs, lakes, or ground water.泉华:泉、湖或地下水中的石灰质和硅质岩石沉积物美国传统〔vadose〕Of, relating to, or being water that is located in the zone of aeration in the earth's crust above the ground water level.渗流的:属于、有关或成为位于地壳露天地区且高于地下水平面的水体美国传统〔water table〕Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells.环保主义者称引流河水会导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。柯林斯高阶〔water table〕Heavy rainfall has caused the water table to rise.强降雨导致地下水位上升。韦氏高阶〔water witch〕One who claims to be able to find underground water by means of a divining rod; a dowser.水巫:声称能用魔杖找到地下水源的人;水巫美国传统〔water〕Building can be difficult where the water table lies close to the surface.在地下水位接近地表的地方不易建楼。牛津搭配〔witch〕To use a divining rod to find underground water or minerals; dowse.用神杖发现地下水源或矿物;用占卜杖探矿或水美国传统

