
单词 时髦的人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔be a slave to sth〕She's a slave to fashion.她是个拼命赶时髦的人剑桥高阶〔dresser〕He's a very snappy (= stylish and modern) dresser.他是个穿着非常时髦的人剑桥高阶〔fashion plate〕A person who consistently wears the latest fashions.穿戴时髦的人:穿最时髦衣服的人美国传统〔fashion victim〕I'm not a fashion victim; I stick to what suits me.我不是一味赶时髦的人, 我坚持穿适合自己的服装。外研社新世纪〔fashion victim〕I'm not a fashion victim; I stick to what suits me.我不是一味赶时髦的人,我只穿适合自己的服装。柯林斯高阶〔fashionable〕A stylish person.时髦的人美国传统〔fashionmonger〕One concerned with following, spreading, or setting the fashion.赶时髦的人:学习、模仿或追求时髦的人美国传统〔hipster〕One who is exceptionally aware of or interested in the latest trends and tastes, especially a devotee of modern jazz.消息灵通的人,赶时髦的人:对最新的潮流和品味有浓厚的兴趣或十分敏感的人,特指现代爵士乐的热爱者美国传统〔slave〕She's a slave to fashion.她是个拼命赶时髦的人韦氏高阶〔slave〕Sue's a slave to fashion.苏是个拚命赶时髦的人牛津高阶〔snappy〕He's a snappy dresser.他是个穿着时髦的人剑桥高阶〔swinger〕A person who actively seeks excitement and moves with the latest trends.时髦人物,新潮人物:热衷于以最新趋势寻求刺激和追赶时髦的人美国传统〔trendy〕He's a trendy dresser.他是个衣着时髦的人英汉大词典〔trendy〕This is where all the North London trendies go for a night out.这是伦敦北部所有爱时髦的人晚上出没的地方。剑桥高阶He's a snappy dresser.他是个穿着时髦的人剑桥国际He's a very snappy (= stylish and modern) dresser.他是个衣着时髦的人剑桥国际She likes to keep in with the fashionable crowd (= to stay friendly with them because she hopes to get some advantage).她喜欢讨好时髦的人剑桥国际The smart set is/are going to the Caprice restaurant this season.这群赶时髦的人在社交季节里要去卡普利斯餐馆。剑桥国际They are all slaves to fashion. 他们都是拼命赶时髦的人译典通This is where all the North London trendies go for a night out.这是所有伦敦北部爱时髦的人出去过夜的地方。剑桥国际

