
单词 无政府主义
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHOCKED/SHOCKING〕The anarchic music of punk caused public outrage when it first burst upon the scene. 带有无政府主义思潮的朋克音乐刚出现的时候激起了普遍的民愤。朗文写作活用〔anarchic〕Likely to produce or result in anarchy.鼓吹无政府主义的:妄想产生无政府或以无政府为结果美国传统〔anarchism〕Active resistance and terrorism against the state, as used by some anarchists.反政府恐怖活动:一些无政府主义者进行的反政府抵抗或恐怖活动美国传统〔anarchism〕He advocated anarchism as the answer to social problems.他提倡以无政府主义来解决社会问题。外研社新世纪〔anarchism〕He advocated anarchism as the answer to social problems.他提倡以无政府主义来解决社会问题。柯林斯高阶〔anarchism〕The theory or doctrine that all forms of government are oppressive and undesirable and should be abolished.无政府主义:一种理论或主义,认为所有形式的政府都是暴虐的、不受欢迎的,应当被废除美国传统〔anarchist〕An advocate or a participant in anarchism.无政府主义者:无政府主义的鼓吹或参与者美国传统〔anarchist〕Anarchists felt that parliaments were corrupt.无政府主义者认为议会非常腐败堕落。外研社新世纪〔anarchist〕He was a poet, an anarchist, and a vegan.他是个诗人、无政府主义者及严格的素食主义者。剑桥高阶〔anarchist〕He was apparently quite converted from his anarchist views.显然他基本上完全放弃无政府主义的观点了。柯林斯高阶〔anarchist〕West Berlin always had a large anarchist community.西柏林一直有一个庞大的无政府主义群体。柯林斯高阶〔anarchist〕Why should a person from a wealthy and influential family become a revolutionary anarchist?一个出生在有钱有势家庭的人为什么会变成革命的无政府主义者呢?外研社新世纪〔anarch〕An adherent of anarchy or a leader practicing it.无政府主义者:无政府主义的信徒或领袖美国传统〔burn down〕Anarchists burnt down a restaurant.无政府主义者把一家饭店烧成平地。柯林斯高阶〔burn down〕Anarchists burnt down a restaurant.无政府主义者纵火烧毁了一家饭店。外研社新世纪〔control〕Police admitted anarchists took control of downtown St Paul.警方准许无政府主义者控制圣保罗市中心。外研社新世纪〔diffuse〕Modern anarchism has become increasingly diffuse.现代无政府主义的定义变得越来越含糊不清。外研社新世纪〔equivocal〕The anarchists' attitude to violence is so often equivocal and subjective.无政府主义者对于暴力的态度往往是矛盾而又主观的。外研社新世纪〔grip〕An anarchic fervour gripped the campus.一阵无政府主义的狂热笼罩着校园。英汉大词典〔hijacking〕A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble.和平示威已遭到蓄意制造事端的无政府主义者的操控。柯林斯高阶〔hijack〕A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble.和平示威已经遭到蓄意制造事端的无政府主义者的操控。外研社新世纪〔infection〕The Spirit of Liberty will make its way into the home, until at last the very animals catch the infection of anarchy.自由精神将进入这个家庭, 最后连家里养的动物都受到无政府主义的影响。外研社新世纪〔infiltrate〕The movement has been infiltrated by anarchists.这一运动当中混进了无政府主义者。外研社新世纪〔label〕He was not one of those who would accept the label of anarchist.他不是那种愿意被人称为无政府主义者的人。英汉大词典〔militia〕The anarchists started to form volunteer militias.无政府主义者开始组建义勇军。牛津搭配〔nihilism〕The belief that destruction of existing political or social institutions is necessary for future improvement.无政府主义:认为对现存政治或社会组织的破坏是有利于未来改进的一种信念美国传统〔root〕Anarchism is deeply rooted in the country.在该国无政府主义根深蒂固。英汉大词典〔rule〕After the revolution, anarchy ruled.革命以后,无政府主义大行其道。牛津高阶He was a poet, an anarchist and a vegan.他是一个诗人、无政府主义者和纯素食主义者。剑桥国际His new magazine has anarchic tendencies. 他的新杂志有无政府主义倾向。译典通His novels were celebrations of anarchism. 他的小说颂扬无政府主义译典通The group tends to be hostile to authority, with a fringe which borders on anarchism.这个团体趋向于对权力机构抱敌对的态度,其主张已近乎于无政府主义剑桥国际

