
单词 无论是
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COOK〕The use of garlic, whether for medicinal or culinary purposes, dates back several centuries. 大蒜的使用,无论是用于医学目的还是烹任目的,都可上溯至几个世纪以前。朗文写作活用〔INVENT〕The painting is beautifully conceived in every way -- composition, colour and texture. 那幅画各方面的构思都很美妙—无论是布局、色彩,还是质感。朗文写作活用〔balance〕The difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side.收支差额:无论是贷方还是借方在总数上的差额美国传统〔civil law〕Judges are influenced by decisions made in similar cases, whether in civil law or in common law countries.无论是在罗马法系国家还是在普通法系国家, 法官们都会受到类似案件已有判决的影响。外研社新世纪〔class act〕She's a real class act on and off the soccer field.无论是在足球场上还是场下,她都绝对是个出类拔萃的人物。韦氏高阶〔collective〕We have had a successful year, both collectively and individually.我们这一年干得不错,无论是整体还是个人都取得了成功。牛津高阶〔covariant theory〕The principle that the laws of physics have the same form regardless of the system of coordinates in which they are expressed.协变论:认为不论物理学的规律无论是在什么样的坐标中表达的都具有相同的形式的原理美国传统〔credit〕You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit.无论是付现还是赊购,都可以要求经销商打折。柯林斯高阶〔darkly〕Von Otter was superb both in the darkly dramatic songs, and in the lighter ones.冯·奥特无论是演唱严肃的戏剧曲目还是较为轻松愉快的歌曲时,都表现得无可挑剔。柯林斯高阶〔devour〕She devoured everything she could lay her hands on: books, magazines and newspapers.无论是书、杂志,还是报纸,只要能弄到手,她都看得津津有味。牛津高阶〔disregard〕Whoever planted the bomb showed a total disregard for the safety of the public.无论是谁放置的炸弹都是对公众安全的极端漠视。柯林斯高阶〔double bind〕The principal is caught in a double bind because whether she expels the student or lets him off, she still gets blamed.校长陷入了左右为难的境地,因为无论是把男孩开除还是对他从轻处理,她都会受到指责。剑桥高阶〔economically〕An efficient public transport system makes sense both environmentally and economically.高效的公共交通系统无论是在环境保护方面还是在经济方面都是有意义的。外研社新世纪〔economically〕Politically and economically, the country is going through enormous changes.无论是政治上还是经济上,该国都正在经历巨变。麦克米伦高阶〔fiscal〕The fact, though, is that neither the police nor the fiscals do anything.然而, 事实上, 无论是警察还是检察官都无所作为。外研社新世纪〔for what it's worth〕They are, for what it's worth, the single most successful playhouse in the West.无论是否重要,他们是西方唯一一个最为成功的剧院。剑桥高阶〔gargoyle〕He's prettier than Richard, but a year-and-a-half on the road with us will turn anyone into a gargoyle.他比理查德好看一些, 但无论是谁, 只要跟我们在外奔走了一年半后, 都会变得惨不忍睹。外研社新世纪〔hardy〕Hardy fans stuck with the team through good times and bad.无论是在巅峰还是在低谷,坚强的粉丝们一直支持着这个队。韦氏高阶〔idealism〕Philosophy The theory that the object of external perception, in itself or as perceived, consists of ideas.【哲学】 唯心主义:认为一切外物无论是其本身或观察到的都存在理念的观点美国传统〔imaginary〕We must protect older people from harm, whether it is real or imaginary.我们必须保护老人免受伤害,无论是真实的或是想象中的。朗文当代〔linguistically〕Somalia is an ethnically and linguistically homogeneous nation.无论是从种族上讲, 还是从语言上讲, 索马里都是由同一种族组成的国家。外研社新世纪〔location〕Neither the farmer's name nor the exact location of the find has been made public.无论是这位农夫的名字, 还是该发现的确切位置, 都没有公之于众。外研社新世纪〔logistics〕The skills and logistics of getting such a big show on the road pose enormous practical problems.搞如此大型的巡演,无论是技术上还是物流上都面临着巨大的实际问题。柯林斯高阶〔lose out〕Whoever benefits from the new government programs, the American taxpayer is bound to lose out in the end.无论是谁从政府的新计划中获益,最终吃亏的肯定都是美国的纳税人。韦氏高阶〔mainmast〕The taller mast, whether forward or aft, of a two-masted sailing vessel.主桅:双桅帆船中较高的桅杆,无论是位于船头的还是船尾的美国传统〔metaphorical〕The ride is the literal and metaphorical high point of the park.无论是从字面意义还是从比喻意义上说, 这趟骑乘都可以说是该公园游览的“顶级体验”。外研社新世纪〔microscopically〕No living organisms, large or microscopically small, inhabited it.那里没有任何生物生存, 无论是大型的还是显微镜下才可见的微小生物。外研社新世纪〔microscopically〕No living organisms, large or microscopically small, inhabited it.那里没有任何生物生存,无论是大型的还是极微小的生物。柯林斯高阶〔monomorphic〕Parrots are monomorphic – that is, both sexes are exactly the same visually, both in size and colour.鹦鹉是单形性鸟, 即雌雄外观无论是体型还是颜色都完全一样。外研社新世纪〔move〕Tears, prayers, entreaties, nothing would move him.无论是眼泪、祈祷还是恳求, 都不会让他动摇。外研社新世纪〔otherwise〕We welcome any comments from viewers, favourable or otherwise.我们欢迎观众的任何意见,无论是褒是贬。朗文当代〔overground〕Bus routes and railways, both overground and underground, converged on the station.公共车汽车和轨道交通路线, 无论是地上的还是地下的, 都在该站交汇。外研社新世纪〔personally〕I knew him both personally and professionally.无论是工作上还是私下里,我都了解他。韦氏高阶〔personally〕She had a lasting impact on his life both personally and professionally.无论是对他的私人生活还是职业生涯她都有持久的影响力。朗文当代〔pertain〕They assumed that what they saw as a reward or a punishment would pertain for all their subjects, whether human or animal.他们想当然地认为他们眼中的奖惩适用于他们统治下的所有生灵, 无论是人还是动物。外研社新世纪〔piper〕In sports or in politics, he who pays the piper calls the tune.无论是体育运动还是在政治活动中, 都是谁花钱谁说了算。外研社新世纪〔printing〕This is a magnificent book on all counts: text, photographs and printing.这是一本各方面都很出色的书, 无论是文本、图片还是印刷。外研社新世纪〔screening〕She was the ideal American teenager, both on and off screen.无论是在荧幕上还是在生活中,她都是人们心目中完美的美国青少年。柯林斯高阶〔sea〕All transport operations, whether by sea, rail or road, are closely monitored at all times.所有的交通活动,无论是通过海路、铁路还是公路,都时刻受到密切监视。柯林斯高阶〔single〕Gay men are now eligible to become foster parents whether they are single or have partners.无论是单身还是有伴侣, 同性恋者现在都可以领养孩子了。外研社新世纪〔single〕Gay men are now eligible to become foster parents whether they are single or have partners.无论是单身还是有伴侣,同性恋者现在都可以领养孩子了。柯林斯高阶〔single〕We're paying a single rate for all workers, experienced or inexperienced.无论是熟练工人还是生手,我们给所有工人发放一样的工资。麦克米伦高阶〔skitter〕The rats skittered around them in the drains and under the floorboards.无论是下水道里, 还是地板下面, 都有许多耗子绕着它们蹿来蹿去。外研社新世纪〔skitter〕The rats skittered around them in the drains and under the floorboards.无论是下水道里,还是地板下面,都有许多耗子绕着它们蹿来蹿去。柯林斯高阶〔standing〕You have to pay standing charges whether or not you use the service.无论是否使用这项服务,你都必须一直缴费。朗文当代〔versatile〕He's a very versatile young actor who's as happy in highbrow dramas as he is in TV comedies.他是一个非常多才多艺的年轻演员,无论是高雅电影还是电视喜剧都一样得心应手。剑桥高阶〔viewer〕The first series is probably the one best remembered by fans and casual viewers alike.无论是电视迷还是普通观众,第一部连续剧很可能是他们记得最清楚的。牛津搭配〔wake〕Waking or sleeping, I think of you.无论是睡着还是醒着,我都想着你。21世纪英汉〔way〕Was it his fault or not? Either way, an explanation is due.是他的错或不是?无论是不是,都得有个解释。牛津高阶〔whatever〕If you are unable to find work, for whatever reason, our advisers will be there to help you.如果你找不到工作,无论是出于什么原因,我们的顾问都会帮助你。麦克米伦高阶〔whether〕The game will be played whether it rains or not.无论是否下雨,比赛都会举行。韦氏高阶〔whether〕Whether right or wrong, he usually wins the argument.无论是对是错,在争论中获胜的通常总是他。英汉大词典〔whoever〕The police, or whoever, would not think of looking for him here.无论是警方还是其他什么人都不会想到来这里找他。外研社新世纪〔whoever〕The police, or whoever, would not think of looking for him here.无论是警方还是其他什么人都不会想到来这里找他。柯林斯高阶〔whoever〕Whoever was responsible for this crime is a dangerous man.制造这起罪案的人, 无论是谁, 都是一位危险人物。外研社新世纪By using radar, infra-red sensors and lasers, crews can pick out either moving or stationary targets.通过使用雷达,红外传感器或激光,船员们能分辨出无论是活动的还是固定的目标。剑桥国际He finds all pornography distasteful, whether it's hard-core (= very detailed) or soft-core (= not very detailed).他感到色情描写无论是细节的还是非细节的都令人厌恶。剑桥国际He said that, with its varied climate, the country can grow anything from drought-resistant cotton to tropical and temperate fruits.他说该国气候多样,可以种植任何作物,无论是抗干旱的棉花还是热带和温带的水果都行。剑桥国际Strangely, neither Betty nor Bob nor Juan saw what had happened.很奇怪,无论是贝蒂、鲍勃还是朱安都没看见发生的事。剑桥国际The laws, both federal and state, tend to be laxly enforced.无论是联邦还是各州的法律看来执行得并不严格。剑桥国际There has been no deus ex machina to bring down either the president or his government.无论是把总统还是其政府搞下台的奇迹都没有出现。剑桥国际We offer a package to suit your business, whether you want spot advertising or to sponsor one of our popular features.我们提供适合贵企业的一揽子方案,无论是插播广告还是赞助热门专题节目都可以。牛津商务Whoever uprooted that tree ought to be ashamed of themselves.无论是谁,连根拔起了那棵树都应该为自己感到惭愧。剑桥国际

