
单词 旅行的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPARE〕She was terrified of flying. The relative advantages of air travel didn't tempt her at all. 她害怕飞行,坐飞机旅行的相对优点根本就吸引不了她。朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕I didn't want to take on a job that would entail a lot of travelling. 我不想找一份要花大量时间旅行的工作。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕Travellers in Spain who are worried about the situation are advised to contact the British Embassy in Madrid. 在西班牙旅行的人如对形势感到担心,建议与位于马德里的英国大使馆联系。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕You're crazy to think of hitch-hiking on your own. 你一个人搭便车旅行的想法很不理智。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Do you have a schedule for the tour? 你有这次旅行的日程安排吗?朗文写作活用〔account〕I wrote an account of my trip.我把我旅行的经过记载下来了。牛津同义词〔airing〕Air travel will continue to grow at about 6% per year.乘飞机旅行的人数将以每年大约6%的速度持续增加。柯林斯高阶〔ambassador〕Travelers abroad should be ambassadors of goodwill and friendship.出国旅行的人应担负亲善友好的使命。英汉大词典〔armchair〕This great book is ideal for both the travelling supporter and the armchair fan.这本好书对于喜欢出门旅行的人和足不出户的神游爱好者都是理想的选择。外研社新世纪〔armchair〕This great book is ideal for both the travelling supporter and the armchair fan.这本好书对于喜欢出门旅行的人和足不出户的神游爱好者都是理想的选择。柯林斯高阶〔arrangement〕I will attend to all the arrangements for the journey.这次旅行的所有准备工作由我负责。英汉大词典〔asylum〕The travellers sought asylum from the storm.起了暴风雨,旅行的人寻找避难所。牛津同义词〔attract〕What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.这份工作最吸引我的地方是有旅行的机会。朗文当代〔blog〕You can read about my trip in my blog.你可以在我的博客里读到有关我的旅行的帖子。牛津搭配〔bottle〕The desire to travel has been bottled up for the last two years.过去两年旅行的愿望一直被遏制着。英汉大词典〔breakdown〕Most breakdown services give priority to women travelling alone.大多数故障救险组织优先救援独自旅行的女性。牛津搭配〔buzz〕I've been buzzing around town all day sorting out my trip.我一整天都在城里转来转去,安排旅行的事情。牛津高阶〔caravan〕A company of travelers journeying together, as across a desert or through hostile territory.旅行队:结伴一块旅行的一群游客,如在穿过沙漠或通过危险地带时结成的旅行队美国传统〔cautionary tale〕Her story is a cautionary tale for women travelling alone.她的经历对于独自旅行的女性具有警示意义。剑桥高阶〔commuter〕One that travels regularly from one place to another, as from suburb to city and back.通勤者:定期从一地到另一地旅行的人,如从郊区到城市并回来美国传统〔consist in sth〕The beauty of air travel consists in its speed and ease.乘飞机旅行的好处在于快捷、舒适。剑桥高阶〔cost〕The total cost of the trip was under $500.此次旅行的全部费用不到 500 美元。朗文当代〔day sailer〕A small sailboat for day trips.小帆船:用于日间旅行的小帆船美国传统〔departure〕Atocha station was the departure point for our tour.阿托查站是我们旅行的起点。牛津搭配〔discount〕They offer a ten percent discount on travel for students.他们给旅行的学生提供10%的折扣。剑桥高阶〔due〕The trip's success is due to her efforts.这次旅行的成功要归功于她的努力。外研社新世纪〔ease〕The government is expected to ease travel restrictions.人们期待政府放松对旅行的限制。韦氏高阶〔embrace〕She eagerly embraced the offer of a trip.她欣然接受出去旅行的提议。英汉大词典〔eschew〕Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, he eschewed publicity and avoided nightclubs.虽然他看上去好像很享受那种常乘飞机四处旅行的奢华生活,但是他不喜欢被人关注,也不去夜总会。柯林斯高阶〔excursion〕A group taking a short pleasure trip together.远足队,游览团:一起进行愉快的短期旅行的团体美国传统〔feature〕This tour includes the area's best-known natural features, including the Gullfoss waterfall.本次旅行的线路包括了该地区最知名的自然景观,其中就有居德瀑布。剑桥高阶〔first〕It rained during the first few days of the trip.旅行的头几天下雨。朗文当代〔flatly〕People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, and all manner of casual attire for travel.人们穿着宽松的长裤、运动衫、平底鞋和各式适合旅行的休闲服装。柯林斯高阶〔glimpse〕Take a glimpse into the future of space travel.粗略展望一下太空旅行的前景。牛津搭配〔high point〕The high point of this trip was a day at the races in Balgriffin.本次旅行的最精彩部分是在巴尔格里芬看了一天赛马。柯林斯高阶〔highlight〕Our trip was highlighted by a great jazz concert we attended.我们这次旅行的亮点就是我们听的那场高水平的爵士音乐会。韦氏高阶〔idle〕The purpose of the journey is not idle curiosity.这次旅行的目的不是满足无聊的好奇心。外研社新世纪〔inclusive〕The fully inclusive fare for the trip is £52.这次旅行的全部费用是 52 英镑。牛津高阶〔inoculation〕Travellers in the tropics should have typhoid inoculations.在热带地区旅行的人应该注射伤寒预防针。英汉大词典〔itinerary〕An account or a record of a journey.游记,旅行日记:对旅行的陈述或记录美国传统〔jump at sth〕She jumped at the chance of a trip to Paris.她欣然接受了去巴黎旅行的机会。剑桥高阶〔kick in〕As discounts kicked in, bookings for immediate travel rose by 15%.由于开始实行打折,近期旅行的预订量上升了15%。柯林斯高阶〔lap〕A segment or stage, as of a trip.(旅行的)某段行程:一部分或一段,例如一段旅行美国传统〔lean〕Lean back and enjoy the ride.把身体往后靠,尽情享受乘车旅行的乐趣吧。朗文当代〔loaded with〕The car was loaded with supplies for the trip.那辆车上装满了旅行的必需品。韦氏高阶〔memento〕Crockett kept the cross as a memento of his trip.克罗克特保存这个十字架作为旅行的纪念品。麦克米伦高阶〔memento〕It was a memento of our trip.这是我们旅行的纪念品。韦氏高阶〔motorist〕One who drives or travels in an automotive vehicle.驾驶汽车或乘汽车旅行的美国传统〔notarize〕The airline requires children travelling alone to have a notarized letter of consent from one or both parents.航空公司要求单独旅行的儿童必须出具来自父母一方或双方的同意书。剑桥高阶〔odyssey〕The march to Travnik was the final stretch of a 16-hour odyssey.去往特拉夫尼克的这段路是长达16小时艰辛旅行的最后一程。外研社新世纪〔odyssey〕The march to Travnik was the final stretch of a 16-hour odyssey.去特拉夫尼克的这段路是长达16小时艰险旅行的最后一程。柯林斯高阶〔offer〕I can't turn down the offer of a free trip to Milan! 我不能拒绝免费去米兰旅行的机会!朗文当代〔of〕One of the advantages of travelling by train is being able to read.乘火车旅行的好处之一就是能看书。剑桥高阶〔pass〕They started passing around pictures of their trip.他们开始把旅行的照片传给大家看。韦氏高阶〔pick〕We picked up a hitchhiker on the way.我们在路上捎了一位搭便车旅行的人。麦克米伦高阶〔problematic〕Some places are more problematic than others for women traveling alone.对那些独自旅行的女性来说,在有些地方遇到的问题会比其他地方更多。柯林斯高阶〔proportionate〕The cost of the ticket is proportionate to the distance you travel.票价和旅行的距离是成比例的。牛津同义词〔romance〕He loves the romance of travelling on a steam train.他喜欢乘蒸汽火车旅行的那种浪漫感觉。剑桥高阶〔running〕She kept a running total of their expenses on the trip.她不断更新他们旅行的总支出。韦氏高阶〔sail〕Sail to Greece aboard the SS Monterey.乘船去希腊旅行的乘客请上圣蒙特雷号。麦克米伦高阶〔save〕She spent all the money I had saved up for our trip.她把我存着用来旅行的钱都花光了。麦克米伦高阶〔seafarer〕One who travels by sea.航海家:从海上旅行的美国传统〔seize〕He seized the chance of a trip abroad.他抓住那次去国外旅行的机会。英汉大词典〔shuttle diplomacy〕Diplomatic negotiations conducted by an official intermediary who travels frequently between the nations involved.穿梭外交:由一经常在被牵涉的国家之间旅行的官方调解人进行的外交谈判美国传统〔spanking〕We have made spanking speed in the journey.我们旅行的速度非常快。英汉大词典〔stage〕The last stage of the journey was the train north.这次旅行的最后一程是乘火车北行。麦克米伦高阶〔stage〕We did the first stage of the trip by train.旅行的第一段我们乘的是火车。牛津高阶〔starship〕A crewed spacecraft designed for interstellar travel.星际飞船:用于星际旅行的载人飞船美国传统〔start〕They selected the old mill as the start of the hike.他们以那座旧磨坊为徒步旅行的出发点。英汉大词典〔sum〕The number of the persons who travel by air sums to the millions in summer.在夏季乘飞机旅行的人数已达数百万人次。21世纪英汉〔tourism〕The practice of traveling for pleasure.观光:为娱乐而进行的旅行的业务美国传统〔tourism〕With the expansion of air travel, tourism boomed.随着航空旅行的发展,旅游业兴旺起来。牛津搭配〔tourist〕One who travels for pleasure.游客:为娱乐而旅行的美国传统〔travelogue〕A narrated film about travels.一种用幻灯或电影来作关于旅行的讲座美国传统〔travel〕The act or process of traveling; movement or passage from one place to another.旅行:旅行的动作或过程;从一个地方到另一个地方的运动或路程美国传统〔travel〕The job gives her the opportunity to travel overseas.这份工作给她提供了出国旅行的机会。牛津搭配〔wayfarer〕One who travels, especially on foot.徒步旅行者:旅行的人,尤指徒步旅行者美国传统〔way〕If a chance of travelling abroad came John's way, he would be delighted.如果约翰能碰上出国旅行的机会,他一定会很高兴。英汉大词典〔write〕The travel company has written giving information about the trip.旅行社已发信提供了这次旅行的资料。剑桥高阶〔yarn〕Doug has a yarn or two to tell me about his trips into the bush.道格要给我讲几个他到荒野地区旅行的奇遇故事。柯林斯高阶Air travellers continue to face disruptions with more strikes threatened by airport workers.空港职员威胁要举行更多次的罢工,坐飞机旅行的人依旧面临停运。剑桥国际All her luggage was in readiness for the trip. 她这次旅行的行李已准备就绪。译典通Every nook and cranny (= Every single place, even the smallest) of the house was stuffed with souvenirs of their trips to other countries.房间的每一个角落都塞满了他们去异国旅行的纪念品。剑桥国际Half way through our boat journey the sea began getting choppy and I started to feel ill.我们乘船旅行的半路上,大海开始变得波涛起伏, 我开始感到晕船了。剑桥国际He seized the chance of a trip to Singapore. 他抓住那次去新加坡旅行的机会。译典通I was longing to get home -- a desire peculiar to all people who travel unwillingly.我渴望回家,这是无奈旅行的人所特有的愿望。剑桥国际Listen to this ! You can win a holiday for two in the south of France just by answering three simple questions.听着!你只需回答三个简单的问题即可获得一次去法国南部的双人旅行的机会。剑桥国际One of the advantages of travelling by train is being able to read.乘火车旅行的好处之一就是能看书。剑桥国际Our request for permission to travel met with/received a flat/blunt/point-blank refusal from the authorities.我们旅行的许可申请被当局断然拒绝。剑桥国际Our round-the-world cruise was an experience (= something that happened) we'll never forget.乘船环球旅行的经历是我们永远难忘的。剑桥国际She jumped at the chance of a trip to Paris.她忙不迭抓住了去巴黎旅行的机会。剑桥国际She seized on the offer of a free trip. 她紧紧把握这次免费旅行的机会。译典通Substantial discounts are often available to people travelling in large groups.人们如果多人组团旅行的话,经常能得到可观折扣。剑桥国际The beauty of air travel consists in its speed and ease.飞机旅行的好处在于快捷、舒适。剑桥国际The guide book is written for the independent -minded traveller (=one who makes their own decisions without being influenced by other people).导游书是为喜欢独自旅行的人写的。剑桥国际The journey there was terrible, but once we'd arrived we had a wonderful time.旅行的途中很糟糕,但是一到那儿我们就玩得很开心。剑桥国际The loss of his savings dashed his plan for a trip round the world. 他的积蓄丢失了,这使他作环球旅行的计划成了泡影。译典通The travel company has furnished us with all the details of our journey.旅游公司为我们提供了旅行的所有细节。剑桥国际They were the first people to travel east of the mountains (= into the area beyond and to the east of the mountains).他们是第一批在山的东面旅行的人。剑桥国际Those (people) who would like to go on the trip should put their names on the list.那些要去旅行的人须在表中登记姓名。剑桥国际

