
单词 warplanes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕The village had been attacked by enemy warplanes. 那村庄曾遭到敌军战机的轰炸。朗文写作活用〔Allied〕They're backed by Allied warplanes and tanks.他们得到同盟国战机和坦克的支持。外研社新世纪〔SHOOT〕US warplanes continued their barrage again this morning. 今天早晨美国战机又继续密集轰炸。朗文写作活用〔allied〕They're backed by allied warplanes and tanks.他们受到盟军战机和坦克的掩护。柯林斯高阶〔coordination〕The operation involves using warplanes in coordination with ground troops.与…协作麦克米伦高阶〔evasively〕At least four high-flying warplanes had to take evasive action.至少有4架高空飞行战斗机不得不采取避让行动。柯林斯高阶〔evasive〕At least four high-flying warplanes had to take evasive action.至少四架高空飞行的战机需要采取规避行动。外研社新世纪〔inopportune〕The warplanes package could not have been proposed at a more inopportune time.有关军用飞机的这一揽子交易可以说是在一个最不恰当的时刻提出来的。英汉大词典〔light〕At first light on a Sunday morning, the warplanes raided the enemy's airport.星期天早晨天刚亮,战斗机空袭了敌机场。英汉大词典〔peacekeeping〕Nigerian warplanes involved in peace-keeping operations in Liberia.参与利比里亚维和行动的尼日利亚战机柯林斯高阶〔peacekeeping〕Nigerian warplanes involved in peacekeeping operations in Liberia参与利比里亚维和行动的尼日利亚战斗机外研社新世纪〔warplane〕Fifty new warplanes were delivered to the army.五十架新的战斗机交付军方。剑桥高阶Because of the limited gliding distance on the deck, carriers have to use catapults to help warplanes fly into air. 因为甲板上滑行的距离有限,航空母舰必须使用弹射器将飞机弹入空中。译典通

