
单词 大气压
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WEATHER〕The cylinder swelled and contracted with the changing atmospheric pressure. 随着大气压力的变化,圆筒会膨胀和收缩。朗文写作活用〔atmospheric pressure〕Pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere. At sea level it has a mean value of one atmosphere but reduces with increasing altitude.大气压力:因大气层的重量而产生的压力。在海平面上有一平均数值,即一个标准大气压,随着海拔高度增加而减小美国传统〔barometer〕Abbr. bar.An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in weather forecasting.缩写 bar.气压表,气压计:测量大气压力的仪器,尤用于天气预报美国传统〔boiling point〕Abbr. bpThe temperature at which a liquid boils at a fixed pressure, especially under standard atmospheric conditions.缩写 bp沸点:液体在一定压力下沸腾时的温度,尤指在标准大气压下液体的沸腾温度美国传统〔breathe〕The crankcase breathes through this duct.曲柄轴箱通过这个管道将内部压力调至大气压力。外研社新世纪〔compressed air〕Air under greater than atmospheric pressure, especially when used to power a mechanical device or to provide a portable supply of oxygen.压缩空气:在高于大气压的压力下的空气,尤指用来驱动机械装置或为便携供氧器供氧美国传统〔decompress〕To bring (a person exposed to conditions of increased pressure) gradually back to normal atmospheric pressure.使卸压:使(处于增强气压作用下的人)逐渐回到正常的大气压美国传统〔freezing point〕The temperature at which the liquid and solid phases of a substance of specified composition are in equilibrium at atmospheric pressure.凝固温度:特定合成物的液态和固态在大气压力下处于平衡时的温度美国传统〔high-pressure〕Of or relating to pressures higher than normal, especially higher than atmospheric pressure.高压的:具有、涉及高于平常的压力的,尤指高于大气压美国传统〔hypsometer〕An instrument using the atmospheric pressure as measured by the change in the boiling point of water to determine land elevations.沸点测高计:用大气压测水的沸点的变化来决定陆地海拔的一种仪器美国传统〔low〕Meteorology A region of atmospheric pressure that is below normal.【气象学】 低气压区:大气压低于正常值的地区美国传统〔microbarograph〕An instrument used to record very small changes in atmospheric pressure.微(气)压计:用来记录大气压力的极小变化的仪器美国传统〔overpressure〕A transient air pressure, such as the shock wave from an explosion, that is greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure.超压力:高于周围的大气压的瞬时气压,如爆炸产生的冲击波美国传统〔plenum〕A condition, space, or enclosure in which air or other gas is at a pressure greater than that of the outside atmosphere.充气增压:空气或其它气体压力大于外界大气压力的状态、空间或封闭空间美国传统〔pressure〕Meteorology Atmospheric pressure.【气象学】 大气压美国传统〔southern oscillation〕The atmospheric pressure conditions corresponding to the periodic warming of El Niño and cooling of La Niña.南方大气波动:相符合于周期性厄尔尼诺现象的温暖及拉尼娜现象的寒冷所造成的大气压美国传统〔statoscope〕A barometer for recording small variations in atmospheric pressure.灵敏气压计:记录大气压微小变化的气压计美国传统〔vacuum gauge〕A device for measuring pressures below atmospheric pressure.真空计:测量低于大气压的压强的装置美国传统〔vacuum〕A space in which the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.真空般状态:压强明显比大气压强低得多的空间美国传统When divers have been deep underwater, they should be careful not to return to normal atmospheric pressure too quickly.如果潜水员作了深潜,他们应注意不可过快地回到正常的大气压力中。剑桥国际

