
单词 十分得体
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PERFECT〕Gary came in, impeccably dressed in a dark blue suit. 加里走了进来,穿着深蓝色套装,十分得体朗文写作活用〔PERFECT〕He was perfectly dressed in a dark suit and tie. 他穿着深色西装,系着深色领带,十分得体朗文写作活用〔groomed〕His mother was always impeccably groomed.他妈妈总是打扮得干净利落,十分得体剑桥高阶〔impeccable〕She has taught her children impeccable manners .她把她的孩子教育得举止十分得体朗文当代〔note〕His opening remarks struck the right note.他的开幕词讲得十分得体牛津搭配〔suitably〕I am not really suitably dressed for a party.我穿这样的衣服参加聚会并不十分得体牛津高阶〔tact〕On this occasion the press have not been intrusive and they have shown great tact.媒体此次并没有过多纠缠,表现十分得体柯林斯高阶Her speech was well suited to the occasion. 她的讲话在这个场合十分得体译典通

