
单词 抗议示威
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔activist〕Antiwar activists were protesting in the streets.反战积极分子在街头抗议示威韦氏高阶〔gesture〕The demonstration is a gesture of defiance against the government.这次抗议示威是蔑视政府的一种表示。外研社新世纪〔go off〕The protest march went off peacefully.抗议示威游行是和平进行的。剑桥高阶〔land sb in sth〕The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.在使馆外举行抗议示威活动导致一些抗议者被拘留了一夜。剑桥高阶〔sit-in〕An organized protest demonstration in which participants seat themselves in an appropriate place and refuse to move.静坐示威:参加者坐在特定地方并且拒绝离开的有组织的抗议示威美国传统Soldiers frogmarched several protesters away from the square.士兵们将几名抗议示威者反拧着手臂押出广场。剑桥国际The protest demonstration degenerated into an orgy of looting and shooting.这场抗议示威游行变成了大肆掠夺和开枪射击的暴行。剑桥国际

