
单词 reflection
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRIGHT〕The sun was so dazzling that it was impossible to even look at its reflection in the water. 阳光耀眼得甚至无法睁开眼看它在水面上的反光。朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕His memoirs are simply a blow-by-blow account of battles, and contain very little personal comment or reflection. 他的回忆录只是对战斗的详细叙述,几乎没有个人的评述或看法。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕The fact that they reached the semi-final is a reflection of their spirit and commitment. 他们进身半决赛这一事实反映出他们所具有的勇气和献身精神。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕Coleman's colourful life is recorded in his autobiography, Reflections of a Racing Driver. 科尔曼那色彩丰富的一生就记录在他的自传《一名赛车手的回忆》中。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕She applied a few drops of perfume behind her ears and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. 她在耳朵后面抹了几滴香水,对着镜子里的自己微笑。朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕Anna stood looking at her reflection in the mirror. 安娜站着照镜子。朗文写作活用〔REFLECT〕Anna stood looking at her reflection in the mirror. 安娜站着看自己在镜子里的影像。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕When children are criticized, mothers often see it as a reflection on themselves. 孩子受到批评时,做母亲的常常会觉得那是自己不对。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕My first impulse was to go straight to Henry and tell him my news, but on reflection I thought better of it. 我第一个念头就是径直到亨利那里去告诉他我的消息,但考虑过后还是不说为好。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕Physics To retain (radiation or sound, for example) wholly, without reflection or transmission.【物理学】 吸收:完全地吸收(辐射或声音),不反射或散射美国传统〔accurate〕Her novel is an accurate reflection of life in Spain.她的小说是西班牙生活的真实写照。剑桥高阶〔angle of reflection〕The angle formed by a reflected ray and a perpendicular to the surface at the point of reflection.反射角:由反射线和通过反射点与平面垂直的线所形成的角美国传统〔auctorial〕What is his reflection on his own auctorial life? 他对自己的写作生涯有何感想?英汉大词典〔bowl〕Caught in these reflections, I almost bowled over a man ahead of me.我陷在沉思中,几乎把前面的一个人撞倒。英汉大词典〔calm〕We could see our reflections in the calm surface of the lake.我们可以在平静的湖面上看到自己的倒影。麦克米伦高阶〔came〕The reflection of the pagoda comes and goes.塔影时隐时现。21世纪英汉〔cogitation〕A serious thought; a carefully considered reflection.考虑:认真的思考;仔细考虑后的反应美国传统〔diffusion〕The scattering of incident light by reflection from a rough surface.漫射:入射光线在粗糙表面的反射下分散美国传统〔dihedral group〕The group of rotations and reflections of a regular polygon.二面角群:正多边形的反射和旋转群美国传统〔divine〕To know by inspiration, intuition, or reflection.占卜,卜卦:由灵感、直觉或思考而得知美国传统〔echo〕Repetition of a sound by reflection of sound waves from a surface.回声:因表面反射声波而引起的声音重复美国传统〔echo〕To repeat (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves from a surface.发出回声:表面反射声波而重复的声音美国传统〔economically〕Burn's novel, vividly and economically written, is a sombre reflection on fame and its cost.伯恩的小说描写生动, 语言简练, 对成名以及为此付出的代价进行了深刻剖析。外研社新世纪〔economically〕Burn's novel, vividly and economically written, is a sombre reflection on fame and its cost.伯恩的小说描写生动,语言简练,对成名以及为此付出的代价进行了深刻剖析。柯林斯高阶〔ere〕It was not long ere a call came from the house and recalled me from my reflections.不久,家里打来了电话,把我从沉思中唤醒。柯林斯高阶〔flare〕An unwanted reflection within an optical system or the resultant fogging of the image.反射,模糊景象:光学系统内一种多余的反射或由此而产生的物象模糊美国传统〔food〕These give some food for reflection on the nature of stock-price fluctuations.这一切促使人们去思考股票价格波动的本质。外研社新世纪〔forth〕My reflections brought forth no conclusion.我思考后未能得出结论。外研社新世纪〔forth〕My reflections brought forth no conclusion.我的思考没有得出结论。柯林斯高阶〔ghost〕A displaced image in a mirror caused by reflection from the front of the glass.幻像:由镜前玻璃反射而引起的镜子中的幻像或重像美国传统〔glaze〕The moon's reflection glazed the sea with yellow.月亮的倒影给大海抹上了一层黄色。外研社新世纪〔grimace〕He grimaced at his reflection.他朝镜子里的自己做了个鬼脸。外研社新世纪〔grimace〕She grimaced at her reflection in the mirror.她冲着镜子中的自己做了个怪脸。朗文当代〔inadequacy〕This is a reflection of the inadequacy of the public hospital system.这反映了公立医院系统无法满足需求。英汉大词典〔intolerant〕This ban is a sad reflection of an intolerant society.这项禁令悲哀地反映了社会的偏狭。麦克米伦高阶〔in〕He saw his reflection in the mirror.他在镜中看到了自己的身影。韦氏高阶〔in〕I saw my reflection in the mirror.我在镜子里看到了自己的样子。外研社新世纪〔journal〕A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary.日志,日记:对于事件、经历及感想的有规律进行的私人记录;日志美国传统〔mature〕After/On mature reflection, he concluded that he had been mistaken.深刻思考后,他推断出自己被人误解了。韦氏高阶〔mature〕On mature reflection we have decided to decline their offer.经过慎重考虑,我们已决定谢绝他们的建议。朗文当代〔mature〕Upon mature reflection, we find the accused guilty.经过慎重考虑,我们认定被告有罪。剑桥高阶〔melancholy〕Pensive reflection or contemplation.沉思,深思美国传统〔mirror〕She saw her reflection in the mirror. = She looked at herself in the mirror.她在照镜子。韦氏高阶〔mirror〕She was looking at her reflection in the mirror.她正看着自己在镜子中的模样。剑桥高阶〔mirror〕She was studying her reflection in the mirror.她正在端详镜子中的自己。朗文当代〔moralize〕To think about or express moral judgments or reflections.说教:思考或表达道德上的判断或看法美国传统〔newfound〕This success is a reflection of their newfound confidence.这一成功显示出他们刚刚树立的信心。剑桥高阶〔optical fiber〕A flexible optically transparent fiber, usually made of glass or plastic, through which light can be transmitted by successive internal reflections.光学纤维:一种有弹性的而且视觉透明的纤维,通常由玻璃或塑料制成,通过内部连续的反射可以传递光线美国传统〔pervade〕The film movie is a reflection of the violence that pervades our culture.这部电影反映了充斥于我们文化中的暴力。剑桥高阶〔puff〕Sean blew a puff of smoke at his reflection in the mirror.肖恩朝镜中的自己喷了一口烟。剑桥高阶〔radar astronomy〕The branch of astronomy that studies bodies in the solar system by analyzing the reflections of radio waves sent from Earth.雷达天文学:天文学的一个分支,通过对反射回来的发自地球的无线电波的分析研究太阳系中的天体美国传统〔reflection〕A high crime rate is a reflection of an unstable society.犯罪率高是社会不稳定的反映。英汉大词典〔reflection〕A moment's reflection will show the stupidity of this argument.只需认真想一下便可看出这种观点多么愚蠢。朗文当代〔reflection〕A moment's reflection will show you that that can't be true.稍加思考,你就会发现这不可能是真的。牛津搭配〔reflection〕A week off would give him time for reflection.歇上一周会使他有时间考虑考虑。牛津高阶〔reflection〕After 30 years as a judge, her reflections on/about justice were well worth listening to.她当了30年法官,所以她对司法制度的意见很值得一听。剑桥高阶〔reflection〕After a period of reflection, Russell decided to leave.仔细思考一番之后,拉塞尔决定离开。麦克米伦高阶〔reflection〕After days of reflection she decided to write back.几天的深思之后, 她决定写封回信。外研社新世纪〔reflection〕After days of reflection she decided to write back.想了几天之后她决定回信。柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕After some reflection the minister granted the request.部长稍一沉吟之后,便允准了请求。英汉大词典〔reflection〕Anna stared at her reflection in the hall mirror.安娜盯着大厅镜子中自己的模样。麦克米伦高阶〔reflection〕At the time I thought I was right, but on reflection I think perhaps I wasn't.仔细思考后麦克米伦高阶〔reflection〕Can you see your reflection in the glass? 你能看到玻璃里你的影像吗?朗文当代〔reflection〕Console yourself with the reflection that you are not the only one.你不是唯一的一个,不妨以这样的想法自慰一下。英汉大词典〔reflection〕He admired his reflection in the mirror.他欣赏着自己在镜中的影像。牛津高阶〔reflection〕He caught sight of her reflection in the window.他瞥见了她在窗户上的映像。牛津搭配〔reflection〕He commented that the situation is 'a sad reflection on past decades of schooling', and added that this is the first time a government has decided to grasp the problem.他说这种情况是“过去几十年学校教育的悲哀”, 并说这是政府第一次下决心应对这个问题。外研社新世纪〔reflection〕He is simply a reflection of his father.他长得跟他父亲简直一模一样。英汉大词典〔reflection〕He paused, absorbed by his reflections.他停下来,陷入了沉思。柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕He put silver foil around the fire to increase heat reflection.他用银箔围住火炉来增加热的反射。剑桥高阶〔reflection〕He saw the reflections of the clouds on the lake.他看到了云在湖面上的映象。韦氏高阶〔reflection〕He threw out his reflection for what it was worth.他不管对不对反正随口就把自己的想法说了出来。英汉大词典〔reflection〕He tries to wrench his daughter into a mirror reflection of himself.他想把女儿扭曲培养成自己的翻版。英汉大词典〔reflection〕Her reflection in the mirror looked distorted.她在镜子里的模样看起来变形了。牛津搭配〔reflection〕Her achievements are a reflection of her courage.她的成就是她勇气的显示美国传统〔reflection〕His low level of performance is no reflection on his general ability.他的不佳表现没有反映出他的正常水平。牛津搭配〔reflection〕His speech was an accurate reflection of the public mood.他的讲话是公众情绪的准确反映。朗文当代〔reflection〕How dare you cast reflections on my character? 你怎么竟敢诋毁我的品格?英汉大词典〔reflection〕I caught his reflection in the window.我瞥见了他在窗户上的映像。牛津搭配〔reflection〕I saw my reflection in the polished marble.在光亮的大理石上,我看到了自己的倒影。牛津搭配〔reflection〕In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water.希腊神话中的那喀索斯爱上了自己在水池中的倒影。剑桥高阶〔reflection〕In his latest collection of poems readers are confronted with a series of reflections on death.在他最新的诗集里,读者能够读到他对死亡的一系列感想。柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕In the reflection on the glass door he could see the class behind him.从玻璃门上他可以看到身后整个班级的映像。牛津搭配〔reflection〕Infection with head lice is no reflection on personal hygiene.头上生虱子并不说明不讲个人卫生。柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕Inhibition in adulthood seems to be very clearly a reflection of a person's experiences as a child.一个人成年期的情感压抑似乎很明显是其童年时期经历的反映。柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕Is it an accurate reflection of reality?这是现实的精确反映吗?外研社新世纪〔reflection〕It is in no way a reflection on my character.这决不会有损我的品格。英汉大词典〔reflection〕It's no reflection on your ability as a mother.这并不是在质疑你作为母亲的能力。外研社新世纪〔reflection〕Kyle's reflection appears in the glass.凯尔的映像出现在镜子里。牛津搭配〔reflection〕Low test scores are a sad reflection on our school system.学生考分低,这使我们的学校系统遭受非议。剑桥高阶〔reflection〕Meg stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror.梅格凝视着她在卧室镜子中的映像。外研社新世纪〔reflection〕Meg stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror.梅格注视着卧室中镜子里的自己。柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕My reflection stared back at me.我的映像回视着我。牛津搭配〔reflection〕On reflection (= after considering it), I decided I had been wrong.经过审慎的思考,我认定以前是我错了。剑桥高阶〔reflection〕On reflection I decided she was right.经再三考虑, 我觉得她是对的。外研社新世纪〔reflection〕On reflection, he says, he very much regrets the comments.经过反省,他说自己对所作的评论感到非常后悔。柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕On further reflection, I doubt whether I was right.经进一步反省,我怀疑自己是不是错了。英汉大词典〔reflection〕On further reflection, I'm not so sure it's a good idea.再仔细一想,我真不敢肯定这是个好主意了。牛津搭配〔reflection〕On some level, a student's grades are a reflection on the teacher.在某种程度上,学生的成绩是老师水平的反映。朗文当代〔reflection〕She caught him admiring his reflection in the mirror.她瞥见他对着镜子自我欣赏。牛津搭配〔reflection〕She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all.经过审慎的思考,她还是决定接受他的提议。牛津高阶〔reflection〕She gazed at his reflection in the lake, listening to his words.她凝视着他倒映在湖中的影子,一面听他讲话。英汉大词典〔reflection〕She had no time for reflection.她没有时间认真思考。韦氏高阶〔reflection〕She has some interesting reflections about the spiritual state of the country.她对这个国家的精神状态有些值得思考的见解。牛津搭配〔reflection〕She was looking at her reflection in the mirror.她看着镜子中自己的映象。韦氏高阶〔reflection〕Such decisions may be made after thoughtful reflection.这种决定可能会在深思后作出。牛津搭配〔reflection〕Such studies do not give a true reflection of population needs.这类研究不能真实反映出大众的需求。牛津搭配〔reflection〕Teachers should encourage reflection on the part of their students.教师应该鼓励学生进行反思。牛津搭配〔reflection〕The reflection of light confused us momentarily.反光使我们一时头昏眼花。英汉大词典〔reflection〕The reflection of the sun on the windshield was blinding.汽车挡风玻璃上的太阳反光令人目眩。英汉大词典〔reflection〕The reflections from the fireworks twinkled in the river.烟火倒映在河面上,闪烁多姿。英汉大词典〔reflection〕The article is an accurate reflection of events that day.这篇文章准确地记录了那天发生的事。牛津高阶〔reflection〕The book features the writer's reflections on America and its people.这本书明显地表达了作者深思后对美国和美国人的看法。韦氏高阶〔reflection〕The fact that soldiers are on the streets is a reflection of how terrified the government is.街头部署了士兵,这一情况显示出政府是多么惊恐。剑桥高阶〔reflection〕The high crime rate is a reflection of the violence of our society.高犯罪率反映出我们这个社会的暴戾。韦氏高阶〔reflection〕The increase in crime is a sad reflection on(= shows sth bad about)our society today.犯罪上升遗憾地反映了当今社会不太好的一面。牛津高阶〔reflection〕The library is unique and its break-up would be a sad reflection on the value we place on our heritage.这个图书馆很特别,若将它关闭,会让人怀疑我们是否珍视传统。柯林斯高阶〔reflection〕The mirror showed her reflection.镜子里显示出她的映像。牛津搭配〔reflection〕The movie is a poor reflection of Kerouac's work.这部电影没有很好地再现凯鲁亚克的作品。牛津搭配〔reflection〕The movie is an accurate reflection of what life is like in small towns.电影确切地反映了小镇生活。韦氏高阶〔reflection〕The party needs a period of sober reflection about what went wrong.该党需要一段时间来认真反省,看看到底什么地方出了问题。牛津搭配〔reflection〕The play isn't a true reflection of the Roman times.这出戏没有真实地反映罗马时代。麦克米伦高阶〔reflection〕Their success is a reflection of their hard work.他们的成功反映出他们下过苦功。牛津同义词〔reflection〕There is reflection of heat from the metal surface.金属表面反射传导热。牛津搭配〔reflection〕These comments are no reflection on your motives.这些议论决不是在批评你的动机。英汉大词典〔reflection〕These crimes are a sad reflection on modern society.这些犯罪反映出现代社会令人痛心的弊病。麦克米伦高阶〔reflection〕They took a few minutes to offer their personal reflections.他们花了几分钟提出他们的个人想法。牛津搭配〔reflection〕This account is only a pale reflection of the true state of affairs.这一报道苍白无力,没有反映事态的真实面貌。牛津搭配〔reflection〕This poem is a reflection of my mood at the time I wrote it.这首诗抒发了我执笔当时的心情。英汉大词典〔reflection〕This was a clear reflection of Marc's personality.这清楚地反映了马克的个性。牛津搭配〔reflection〕We could see the reflection of clouds on the water.我们可以看到水中云的倒影。麦克米伦高阶〔reflection〕You shouldn't have cast reflections on me.你原不应说我的坏话。英汉大词典〔reflection〕Young people's conduct is a direct reflection of adults'.年轻人的行为是成年人行为的直接反映。牛津搭配〔reflection〕Your choice of clothes is a reflection of your personality.你对衣着的选择反映出你的个性。麦克米伦高阶〔reflection〕Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality.穿着常常反映出一个人的个性。牛津高阶〔reflection〕Your exam failure is no reflection on your intelligence.你考试失败,不能怪你的智力差。牛津同义词〔reflection〕Your silly remarks are (或 cast) a reflection on your common sense.你讲的这番蠢话会使人认为你连起码的常识都没有。英汉大词典〔reflective〕Of, relating to, produced by, or resulting from reflection.反射的:有关反射的或由反射产生或由反射造成的美国传统〔reflex〕An image produced by reflection.映像:通过反射产生的形象美国传统〔repercussion〕A reflection, especially of sound.回响:反射,尤指回声美国传统〔sad〕Teachers' salaries are a sad reflection on our commitment to educating children.某事物是某事/某人可悲的反映麦克米伦高阶〔schiller〕A lustrous, colored reflection from certain planes in a mineral grain.青铜光泽:矿石纹理中某个平面有光亮和色彩的反射美国传统〔shadow〕A mirrored image or reflection.镜像,映像美国传统〔sheet lightning〕Lightning that appears as a broad, sheetlike illumination of parts of a thundercloud, caused by the reflection of a lightning flash.片状闪电:一种由闪电的反射引起的宽广的、象片状的雷电发光部分美国传统〔shimmer〕She could see her reflection in the water, shimmering in the moonlight.她能看到水中自己的倒影在月光下闪烁。剑桥高阶〔shimmer〕To appear as a wavering or flickering image, as in a reflection on water or through heat waves in air.在水中产生摇曳的投影:以一种闪动或晃动的图象出现,如在水面上或穿透空气中的热流所产生的投影美国传统〔shop〕Shirley saw her reflection in the shop window.雪莉在橱窗里看到了自己的影像。朗文当代〔sight〕As she stood up she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror.突然看到某人/某物麦克米伦高阶〔smear〕The glass was so smeared I could hardly see my reflection in it.玻璃杯脏兮兮的,都映不出我的影子。麦克米伦高阶〔sober〕I spent time in sober reflection.我花时间认真地反省。牛津同义词〔sober〕The article is a sober reflection on the state of our nation.这篇文章是对我们国家现状的冷静反思。韦氏高阶〔time〕The poem is a reflection on the passage/passing of time.这首诗表达了作者对时光流逝的感想。韦氏高阶〔triple〕She saw her reflection in the dressing table's small, triple mirrors.她在梳妆台的小型三面镜中照见了自己的身影。英汉大词典〔true〕I don't believe these exam results are a true reflection of your abilities.我认为这些考试结果并没有真实反映你的能力。剑桥高阶A four-hour train journey offered ample opportunity for reflection.在火车上四个小时的旅程给人以足够的机会来思考。剑桥国际After long reflection we decided to buy the house. 经过很长一段时间的慎重考虑,我们决定买下那所房子。译典通After thirty years as a judge, her reflections on/about life and justice were well worth listening to.她做了三十年的法官,她对生活和司法的认识是很值得好好倾听的。剑桥国际He put silver foil around the fire to increase heat reflection.他把银箔围在炉子四周以增加热量的反射。剑桥国际He's incredibly vain --he's always looking at himself in the mirror (=at the reflection of his face produced by the mirror).他十分爱虚荣----总是照镜子。剑桥国际Her novel is an accurate reflection of life in post-war Spain.她的小说是战后西班牙生活的准确写照。剑桥国际His unhappiness is a reflection of his mistaken marriage.他不开心是他错误婚姻的反映。剑桥国际I don't believe these exam results are a true reflection of your abilities.我不相信这些考试成绩真实地反映了你的能力。剑桥国际In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection which he saw in a pool of water.在希腊神话中,纳西索斯爱上了他在一个水塘中看到的他自己的倒影。剑桥国际On/After reflection (= after considering it), Paul decided he had been wrong to refuse the job in London.经过深思,保罗得出结论他拒绝伦敦的那份工作是错误的。剑桥国际Our cat loves looking at her reflection in the mirror.我们的猫喜欢看镜子里她的影子。剑桥国际Putting soldiers on the streets is a reflection of how terrified the government is.在街上布防士兵是政府何等害怕的表现。剑桥国际Sean blew a puff of smoke at his reflection in the mirror.萧恩朝他镜中映出的影象上喷了一口烟。剑桥国际She could see her reflection in the water, shimmering in the moonlight.她可以看见她在水中的倒影,在月光下微微闪光。剑桥国际Support for vigilantes is a reflection of the apparent breakdown of law and order.对自发治安者的支持是法治和秩序明显崩溃的反映。剑桥国际The Crow, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a loud caw and dropped the flesh. 乌鸦为了迫不及待反驳对它嗓音的贬低,张嘴大叫了一声,把肉掉了。译典通The deer gazed at its reflection in the forest pool. 鹿凝视著它倒映在森林水池里的影子。译典通The film is a reflection of the violence that pervades American culture.这部电影反映了遍布于美国文化中的暴力现象。剑桥国际The first of these two poems is an anguished reflection on the brevity of life.两首诗中的前一首表达了由于生命短暂而感到的痛苦之情。剑桥国际The girl is a reflection of her mother. 那女孩长得和她母亲一模一样。译典通The light is causing a reflection on my computer screen.光线在我的电脑屏幕上面形成反射。剑桥国际This young girl is now a heroin addict -- what a (terrible) reflection on her parents (= it makes them look bad).这位年轻姑娘现在吸海洛因成瘾----这对她父母的名声有多大的损害啊!剑桥国际Upon mature reflection, we find the accused guilty.我们经过慎重考虑后认定被告有罪。剑桥国际Your accusation of my lying is a reflection on my reputation. 你说我撒谎,这有损我的名誉。译典通Your silly letter casts a reflection on your common sense. 你那封愚蠢的信,使人认为你缺乏常识。译典通

