
单词 行速
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕The new fighter aircraft flies almost twice as fast as the old one. 这种新式战斗机飞行速度比老式的几乎快一倍。朗文写作活用〔RAM〕My computer is slow because it needs more RAM.我的电脑运行速度慢,它需要容量更大的随机存取存储器。韦氏高阶〔SHOW〕The airline's passenger brochure shows air-routes, aircraft speeds and arrival and departure times. 航空公司的乘客指南上写明了航线、飞行速度,以及到达和起飞的时间。朗文写作活用〔blindingly〕The latest computers can work at a blindingly fast speed.最新的计算机能达到极高的运行速度。牛津高阶〔capable〕Moths are capable of speeds of 50 kph.飞蛾的飞行速度能达到每小时50公里。外研社新世纪〔catapult〕A mechanism for launching aircraft at a speed sufficient for flight, as from the deck of a carrier.弹射器:以适于飞行速度的发射航空器的一种机械装置,如从航空母舰的甲板上发射美国传统〔chip〕The computer has an integrated graphics chip running at 333 MHz.这台计算机的集成图形芯片运行速度为 333 兆赫。牛津搭配〔creep〕Traffic moves at a creep.来往车辆以蜗行速度行进。英汉大词典〔deceptive〕Some snakes move with deceptive speed (=move faster than you think or expect) .有些蛇的爬行速度出乎意料地快。朗文当代〔drag〕Friction, or drag, slows up flight.摩擦力, 或称阻力, 降低了飞行速度。外研社新世纪〔favour〕This piece of software has two points in its favour: it's fast and inexpensive.这个软件有两大优势:一是运行速度快,二是价格低廉。牛津搭配〔fishtail〕To swing the tail of an airplane from side to side in order to reduce speed.摆尾航行,曲折航行:使飞机尾翼左右摆动以减慢飞行速美国传统〔footpace〕A walking pace.步行速美国传统〔forked〕Jaegers are swift black birds with long forked tails.贼鸥是飞行速度很快的黑色鸟类,尾部长而分叉。柯林斯高阶〔gravitational〕If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the earth's gravitational pull.如果航天器飞行速度大于每秒11千米, 就能逃逸地球的引力。外研社新世纪〔gravitational〕If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the earth's gravitational pull.如果飞行速度超过每秒11公里,宇宙飞船将摆脱地球的引力。柯林斯高阶〔hack up〕I hacked up a loop program to test the computer's processing speed.为测试计算机的运行速度,我设计了一个简单的循环程序。21世纪英汉〔hunting〕Electronics The periodic variation in speed of a synchronous motor with respect to the current.【电子学】 (同步电动机的)速度偏差:同步电机运行速度的周期性变化美国传统〔log〕A device trailed from a ship to determine its speed through the water.测程器:船后拖着的一种装置,用于测量船的航行速美国传统〔minicomputer〕A small computer, usually fitting within a single cabinet, that has more memory and a higher execution speed than a microcomputer.小型计算机:一种比微型计算机内存容量大且运行速度高的小型计算机,通常可装入一个机柜美国传统〔pioneer〕What they lacked in speed those pioneer pilots made up for by flying only a few feet above the ground.那些飞行员先驱通过离地仅几英尺的低空飞行,弥补了飞行速度的不足。柯林斯高阶〔ramp sth up〕Mitsubishi has ramped up the speed of its new micro-controllers.三菱公司已经提高了其新生产的微控制器的运行速度。剑桥高阶〔redline〕It is said that the newly designed bomber is redlined at 850 miles an hour.据说新近设计的轰炸机安全飞行速度为每小时850英里。21世纪英汉〔slacken〕The runners slackened their pace. Air speed slackened.赛跑者放慢了步子。飞行速度变慢了美国传统〔slow〕My computer is working slow.我的电脑运行速度慢。韦氏高阶〔speed brake〕A flap on an aircraft for decreasing speed while in flight in preparation for landing.减速板:飞行中准备降落时用以减低飞行速度的板美国传统〔speed-read〕To practice or engage in speed-reading.练习速读,进行速美国传统〔speed〕The machinery is regulated to a safe running speed.这台机器调到了安全的运行速度。牛津搭配〔uninstall〕The program ran so slowly, I had to uninstall it.这个程序运行速度太慢,我得把它卸载了。剑桥高阶The pilot said that our cruising speed would be around 550 miles per hour.飞行员说我们的航行速度约550英里/小时。剑桥国际These planes travel at twice the speed of sound.这些飞机的飞行速度是音速的两倍。剑桥国际

