
单词 辨认
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DAMAGE〕Several of the gravestones had been defaced and were impossible to read. 有几块墓碑遭人破坏,上面的字已无法辨认朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕Even a expert would find it hard to distinguish between the original painting and the copy. 甚至专家也难以辨认出原画作与仿制品。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕Greg had to identify the body of his wife. 格雷格无奈地辨认妻子的尸体。朗文写作活用〔READ〕The label had got wet and was now illegible. 标签湿了,现在已无法辨认朗文写作活用〔READ〕The painting had an indecipherable signature in the corner. 画上一角有一个无法辨认的签名。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕Dental records are a very reliable aid in the identification of badly burned bodies. 辨认严重烧坏的尸体时,牙科记录是很可靠的辅助资料。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕No recognizable remains of Minoan ships have ever been found until now. 直到现在也没发现可辨认的弥诺斯船的遗迹。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕The explosion left nothing but small, unrecognizable pieces of the aircraft scattered over the field. 飞机爆炸后只有小块的、无法辨认的碎片散落在田野上。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕Police hope the sketch will jog someone's memory and help identify the gunman. 警方希望这张素描能唤起某人的记忆,帮忙辨认出那个枪手。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕As a result of the crash, the remains of the vehicles were distorted out of all recognition. 这些车辆因为撞击的缘故都变形了,以致无法辨认朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕In-store videos were of no help in identifying the criminals. 店内录像对于辨认罪犯毫无用处。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕The fog and heavy rain made navigation difficult. 有雾加上大雨使辨认方向很困难。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Mary tried to read the writing in her sodden address book, but it was impossible. 玛丽试图看懂那湿漉漉的通讯录上的字,但无法辨认朗文写作活用〔all〕It was all but impossible to read his writing.他的笔迹几乎没法辨认牛津高阶〔bird watcher〕A person who observes and identifies birds in their natural surroundings.观察鸟的人:在自然界观察或辨认鸟的人美国传统〔count〕Any word that's not legible will be counted as wrong.任何无法辨认的字都将被视为错字。外研社新世纪〔cramp〕Difficult to read or decipher.难读的,难辨认美国传统〔dark〕We could just make out some figures in the gathering dark.夜色渐浓,我们只能辨认出几个人影来。牛津搭配〔decipher〕I always wonder how people manage to decipher my doctor's handwriting.我一直纳闷人们是怎样设法辨认我那医生的字迹的。麦克米伦高阶〔decipher〕I couldn't decipher his sloppy handwriting.我无法辨认他潦草的笔迹。韦氏高阶〔decrypt〕To decipher.解释,辨认美国传统〔difficult〕It's really difficult to read your writing.你的笔迹真是难以辨认牛津高阶〔discriminate〕It is difficult to discriminate between the twin brothers.这对孪生兄弟很难辨认英汉大词典〔distantly〕Distantly, to her right, she could make out the town of Chiffa.在右边的远处, 她辨认出了希法镇。外研社新世纪〔distinguish〕I can distinguish them by their uniforms.我能根据他们穿的制服辨认他们。英汉大词典〔distinguish〕It is hard to distinguish him from his twin brother.很难辨认出他和他的孪生兄弟。21世纪英汉〔dot〕Your handwriting is hard to read because you don't dot your i's.你的笔迹很难辨认,因为你在字母 I 上面不加点。剑桥高阶〔double〕Can you tell if it's the actor or his double in that shot? 你能辨认出那个镜头中的人是演员还是他的替身吗?韦氏高阶〔enlarge〕Police will have the pictures enlarged in an attempt to identify the thief.为了辨认出窃贼,警方会将这些照片放大。朗文当代〔fingerprint〕The aircraft has equipment to fingerprint enemy planes.这架飞机带有辨认敌机的装置。英汉大词典〔handwriting〕Her handwriting is very difficult to read.她的字迹很难辨认牛津搭配〔handwriting〕His handwriting is very hard to read.他的字迹很难辨认麦克米伦高阶〔hard〕Her handwriting is very hard to read.她的字迹很难辨认剑桥高阶〔hieroglyphics〕I've never come across hieroglyphics like the handwriting of Peter Smallwood.我从未见过像彼得·斯莫尔伍德那么难辨认的笔迹。柯林斯高阶〔hulk〕I could make out the gutted hulk of the tanker.我可以辨认出油船破烂不堪的残骸。柯林斯高阶〔hulk〕I could make out the hulk of the tanker.我可以辨认出油船破烂不堪的残骸。外研社新世纪〔identifiable〕In her bright yellow coat, she was easily identifiable in the crowd.她穿着鲜艳的黄色外套,在人群中很容易辨认剑桥高阶〔identifiable〕She is easily identifiable by her long hair.她容易以她的长发辨认出来。文馨英汉〔identifiable〕The police were identifiable by their uniform.警察可以从其制服辨认出来。朗文当代〔identification〕Most of the bodies were badly burned, making identification almost impossible.大多数尸体都严重烧伤,几乎无法辨认剑桥高阶〔identify〕Police have identified around 10 suspects.警察已经辨认出了大约10名嫌疑人。外研社新世纪〔identify〕There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic.好莱坞史诗巨片有许多突出的特点, 很好辨认外研社新世纪〔illegible〕Clare's handwriting is completely illegible! 克莱尔写的字根本没法辨认麦克米伦高阶〔indecipherable〕Maggie's writing was virtually indecipherable.玛吉的笔迹几乎无法辨认柯林斯高阶〔legible〕Her handwriting is barely legible.她写的字几乎无法辨认剑桥高阶〔light〕In the fading light she could just make out the shape of a tractor.光线昏暗,她只能辨认出一辆拖拉机的轮廓。朗文当代〔light〕The pilot could just make out the runway landing lights.飞行员只能勉强辨认出跑道上的着陆灯。牛津搭配〔lineup〕She was asked to pick her attacker out of a lineup.她被叫去从队列中辨认袭击她的人。韦氏高阶〔logo〕A name, symbol, or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition, especially one borne on a single printing plate or piece of type.标识,商标,标识语:易于辨认且清晰明了的名字、标志或商标,尤指标于单片印版或样版美国传统〔mangle〕After the accident we tried to identify the victims, but the bodies were too hadly mangled to be recognized.事故发生后我们试图辨认遇难者,但血肉模糊的尸体已无法辨认21世纪英汉〔microscopic〕No one could decipher my microscopic script.没有人能辨认我微细的字迹。英汉大词典〔mightily〕She struggled mightily to read his handwriting.她极为费力地辨认他的笔迹。韦氏高阶〔mutilate〕Her body had been mutilated beyond recognition.她的尸体已经被毁得无法辨认剑桥高阶〔pick〕Scientists can now pick up early signs of the disease.现在科学家能够辨认这种疾病的早期症状。牛津高阶〔place〕His accent was impossible to place.他的口音无法辨认牛津高阶〔pothook〕Illegible handwriting or aimless scribbling.潦草的字迹:难以辨认的字迹,胡乱的涂鸦美国传统〔putrefy〕The body had putrefied beyond recognition.尸体已经腐烂得辨认不出来了。剑桥高阶〔recognition〕The bodies were mutilated beyond recognition.尸体残缺不全, 无法辨认了。外研社新世纪〔recognition〕The bodies were mutilated beyond recognition.尸体都残缺不全,无法辨认了。柯林斯高阶〔recognizable〕It is the most recognizable structure in the city.这是城内最容易辨认的建筑。麦克米伦高阶〔recognizable〕John's car was easily recognizable.约翰的车很容易辨认出来。牛津搭配〔recognizable〕The dead woman's face had been battered out of all recognizable shape.那女尸的脸已被毁坏得完全无法辨认了。英汉大词典〔recognize〕It was malaria, but Dr Lee hadn't recognized the symptoms.患的是疟疾,但李医生没有辨认出症状。朗文当代〔scrawl〕The letter was handwritten, in a barely decipherable scrawl.那封信是手写的, 字迹潦草得难以辨认外研社新世纪〔scribble〕She could barely make out the doctor's scribble.她几乎无法辨认医生潦草的字迹。韦氏高阶〔script〕Nobody could decipher my microscopic script.没人辨认得出我那蝇头小字。英汉大词典〔semiabstract〕Of or relating to an art form characterized by stylized but recognizable subject matter.半抽象的:一种以风格化但仍可辨认的主题为特征的艺术形式的或与之相关的美国传统〔shadow〕I could just make out a figure in the shadows.我只能隐约辨认出暗处有一个人影。牛津搭配〔shape〕You can recognize a tree by the shape of its leaves.你可以根据树叶的形状辨认出是什么树。朗文当代〔signature〕Her signature is totally illegible (=cannot be read) .她的签字完全无法辨认朗文当代〔so〕There was snow everywhere, so that the shape of things was difficult to identify.到处是雪,所以万物的形状都难以辨认柯林斯高阶〔stardust〕A cluster of stars too distant to be seen individually, resembling a dimly luminous cloud of dust. Not in scientific use.星尘团:星团,由于太远而不能逐个辨认,类似发出微光的尘团。不作科学用美国传统〔tab〕A projection, flap, or short strip attached to an object to facilitate opening, handling, or identification.标签,突出物:附于某物上,便于开启、手拿或辨认的突起物、垂下物或短条美国传统〔tag〕Computer Science A label assigned to identify data in memory.【计算机科学】 标记:用来辨认存储器中数据的标记美国传统〔tag〕Each animal was tagged with a number for identification.每只动物都系上了标有号码的小牌,以便辨认牛津高阶〔twilight〕I could make out a dark figure in the twilight.暮色中我能辨认出一个黑影。剑桥高阶〔unidentifiable〕All the bodies were totally unidentifiable.所有的尸体都已无从辨认外研社新世纪〔unidentifiable〕Many of the bodies were unidentifiable except by dental records.许多尸体若不是靠牙科病历就无法辨认牛津高阶〔unrecognizable〕The bodies were almost unrecognizable from the number of bullet wounds they'd received.这些尸体上枪伤太多, 几乎无法辨认外研社新世纪〔vague〕We could just barely make out the vague outline of a plane in the sky.我们仅能勉强辨认出天空中一架飞机模糊的轮廓。韦氏高阶〔walk〕You can often recognize people by their walk.你往往可以从走路的姿态辨认出一个人。朗文当代〔writing〕Who's this from? I don't recognize the writing.这是谁写来的?我辨认不出笔迹。牛津高阶After she had identified the body of her husband, the police asked her to collect his personal effects.当她辨认出丈夫的尸体后,警察叫她取走他的随身物品。剑桥国际Her handwriting is so bad that it is barely legible.她的书法是如此之差以至于几乎无法辨认剑桥国际Her handwriting is very hard to read.她的字迹很难辨认剑桥国际I can't make out your writing.我无法辨认出你写的字。剑桥国际In her bright yellow coat, she was easily identifiable (=you could see where she was) in the crowd.她穿着鲜黄色外套,在人群中很容易辨认剑桥国际It is a headache to decipher his sloppy penmanship. 辨认他的潦草的字迹叫人头痛。译典通It is hard to tell the twin brothers one from the other. 这对孪生兄弟很难辨认译典通None of the four people killed was identified pending (the) notification of relatives.四个被害者身份尚未确定,正待亲人前来辨认剑桥国际The dead bodies had been mutilated beyond recognition.尸体被毁得无法辨认剑桥国际The differences are almost invisible. 这些差别简直难以辨认译典通The handwriting of this scatterbrained fellow was totally illegible. 这个没头脑的家伙写的字简直无法辨认译典通The original purpose of trooping the colour was to teach soldiers to recognize their unit's flag in the middle of a battle.军旗列队仪式的最初目的是教士兵们在战斗中辨认他们部队的旗子。剑桥国际The prisoners were all known by number.囚犯都是以号码来辨认的。剑桥国际The signature was smudged and impossible to decipher.签名被弄得十分模糊,无法辨认剑桥国际There is no guarantee that all or any of the manuscripts of unknown/uncertain provenance originated in Italy.不能保证这些不为人知/不可辨认的手稿的全部或其中任何一张是来自意大利的。剑桥国际We picked our parents out quite easily in the old photos.我们很容易在旧照片里辨认出我们的父母。剑桥国际What atrocious handwriting -- it's virtually indecipherable! 多么糟糕的书写----简直难以辨认!剑桥国际You can tell which puppy is which from the marks (also markings) on their fur.你可以根据皮毛的特征辨认出每条小狗。剑桥国际

