
单词 资产
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLASS〕She rejected her parents’ conventional bourgeois lifestyle. 她拒绝接受父母那种传统的资产阶级生活方式。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕The poor viewed with envy the increasing wealth of the bourgeoisie. 穷人十分羡慕资产阶级不断增长的财富。朗文写作活用〔EXCEPT〕Aside from its mineral resources, Mongolia's major assets are its 25.5 million livestock. 除了矿产资源,蒙古的主要资产是2,550万头牲口。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕The company has mining assets worth 8 billion Rand. 这家公司拥有价值80亿兰特的矿业资产朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕This year has seen another milestone in the life of the Society, in that our assets passed the £3 billion mark. 今年是本会的另一座里程碑,我们的资产突破了30亿英镑。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Assets worth over $1 million were seized, along with documents relating to the company's financial dealings. 价值超过一百万美元的资产以及和该公司财务交易有关的文件被扣押了。朗文写作活用〔accumulate〕Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets.家庭在以各种各样的资产形式积累财富。柯林斯高阶〔asset〕A valuable item that is owned.资产:一件有价值的所有物美国传统〔asset〕By the end of 1989 the group had assets of 3.5 billion francs.到1989年底该集团拥有的资产达35亿法郎。柯林斯高阶〔asset〕The business disposed of all its capital assets.这家公司处理了所有的资本资产牛津搭配〔asset〕The company's net assets are worth millions.这家公司的净资产价值几百万。牛津搭配〔asset〕They have hidden assets in banks around the world.他们在世界各地的银行都有隐蔽资产牛津搭配〔attorney〕Consult an attorney whenever you make a major decision affecting your estate.每当作出影响资产的重大决定时,都要咨询一下律师。牛津搭配〔business〕She now has her own $25 million home-shopping business.她现在自己有一家资产为 2.5 千万美元的居家购物公司。朗文当代〔capital gain〕The amount by which proceeds from the sale of a capital asset exceed the original cost.资本收益:出卖一份资产所获收入中超出原投入的那部分数额美国传统〔chase down〕Bank officials argued that it is not their job to chase down every asset of every bank debtor.银行官员称,他们没有义务追踪每个贷款户的每笔资产柯林斯高阶〔clobber〕The company has been clobbered by falling property prices.这家公司因资产贬值而损失惨重。朗文当代〔convertible security〕A security that, at the holder's option, may be exchanged for another asset, typically a fixed number of shares of common stock.可换证券:一种证券,持有者可以选择将其兑换成另一种资产,通常为一定数量的普通股美国传统〔crown jewel〕A prized corporate asset, typically a very profitable part of a company sought by another party in a hostile takeover attempt.共有资产:一项贵重的共有财产,通常指另一派系在某次试图接收过程中寻求的某一公司的十分有利可图的部分美国传统〔current ratio〕The arithmetic ratio of current assets to liabilities.流动比率:流动资产对负债的算术比率美国传统〔depreciate〕We will also have to depreciate the asset.我们也将不得不把资产折旧。外研社新世纪〔divestiture〕The sale, liquidation, or spinoff of a corporate division or subsidiary.整顿,强制过户:公司部门或子公司的出售、清算或资产分派美国传统〔eat〕Inflation has eaten away at the value of some of their assets.通货膨胀使他们某些资产的价值下跌了。英汉大词典〔evaluate〕They routinely evaluate the market value of bank assets when they purchase bank equity or debt.当他们购买银行股票或债务时, 会例行测算银行资产的市场价值。外研社新世纪〔family jewels〕Jealously guarded assets or secrets.珍藏的资产或秘密美国传统〔fire sale〕The company was forced to have a fire sale of its assets.公司被迫低价抛售其资产偿还债务。牛津高阶〔freeze〕The court froze their assets .法院冻结了他们的资产朗文当代〔freeze〕The government has frozen foreign assets.政府冻结了外国资产韦氏高阶〔freeze〕Under these laws Mr. Rice's assets could have been frozen.根据这些法规, 赖斯先生的资产可能已经被冻结了。外研社新世纪〔freeze〕Under these laws, he said, Mr. Rice's assets could have been frozen.他说根据这些法规,赖斯先生的资产可能已经被冻结了。柯林斯高阶〔guarantee〕The bank is holding the airline's assets as guarantees.银行用航空公司的资产作抵押。朗文当代〔illiquid〕Lacking cash or liquid assets.资金不足的:缺少现金或流动资产美国传统〔image〕The Prime Minister knows that his personal image is his greatest political asset.总理知道他的个人形象是他最重要的政治资产柯林斯高阶〔intangible〕Leadership is an intangible asset to a company.领导力是公司的无形资产韦氏高阶〔intangible〕Success may depend upon such intangibles as talent and experience.成功也许需要依靠诸如天资和经验之类的无形资产韦氏高阶〔investment〕Total foreign investment in America still constitutes only about 5% of U.S. assets.美国的外资总额仍然只占美国资产的 5%左右。柯林斯高阶〔leveraged buyout〕The use of a target company's asset value to finance the debt incurred in acquiring the company.融通债务:利用要收购的公司的资产价值来负担或融通收购过程中所负债务美国传统〔liquidate〕The company closed down operations and began liquidating its assets in January.公司停止了各项业务,于1月份开始变卖资产柯林斯高阶〔lower〕Return on assets was lower at 3.2% against 4.1%.资产收益率从4.1%下降到3.2%。外研社新世纪〔offer〕Savings schemes are the best retail investment products on offer.储蓄方案是现有的最佳零售投资产品。柯林斯高阶〔passage〕An asset that increases in value with the passage of time.价值与日俱增的资产柯林斯高阶〔position〕The ownership status of a person's or an institution's investments.资产的所有权:个人或机构投资的所有权地位美国传统〔preferred stock〕Stock having priority over a corporation's commonly held stock in the distribution of dividends and often of assets.优先股:在股利或通常为资产的分配上比公司的一般所持股享有优先权的股票美国传统〔price〕He has a personal net worth of $10 million.他有价值 1 千万元的个人净资产牛津高阶〔private〕Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets.巴西称其宪法禁止个人占有能源资产柯林斯高阶〔sell-off〕There is no question of any 'sell-off' of Russian land or assets.任何俄罗斯的土地或资产都不可出售。柯林斯高阶〔shuffle〕It is often possible, with professional advice, to shuffle assets and investments and come up with more income.经专业人员的指点,将资产及投资迭经转移而最终导致收入增加的事是完全可能的。英汉大词典〔shut down〕Mr Buzetta sold the newspaper's assets to its competitor and shut it down.布兹塔先生将报社资产卖给了竞争对手然后关门了事。柯林斯高阶〔sign over〕Last June, he closed his business voluntarily and signed his assets over to someone else.去年6月,他主动关闭了自己的公司并签字将资产转让给了其他人。柯林斯高阶〔surplus〕Excess of a corporation's net assets over the face value of its capital stock.超净资产:一家公司的总资产超过该公司股票面值的部分美国传统〔thank〕It is no thanks to the Government that net assets did rise.净资产的确增长了,但这与政府无关。柯林斯高阶〔thaw〕His frozen assets were thawed out when he paid all his debts.在清偿所欠的全部债务后,他那被冻结的资产便被解冻了。英汉大词典〔underlying〕The price of the investment fell below the value of the underlying assets.这一投资项目的价格已经跌至低于标的资产价值。剑桥高阶〔value〕That was the way bourgeois society valued a man.这就是资产阶级社会评价人的方法。21世纪英汉〔value〕Use current market values to determine the worth of your assets.用当前的市场价值来确定你的资产的价值。牛津搭配〔water〕The valuation of the assets of a business firm beyond their real value.高估:一公司超过其实际价值的资产估价美国传统〔work out〕It is proving hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms' assets.清算破产公司的资产值其实很困难。柯林斯高阶〔worth〕It is difficult to estimate the current worth of the company.很难估算出这家公司当前的资产价值。朗文当代〔write〕To reduce to zero the book value of (an asset that has become worthless).折价:把(已变得无价值的资产的)帐面价值减低为零美国传统〔writ〕They now have to cope with the legacy of their past incompetence writ large on their balance sheets.他们现在不得不处理由于过去工作不力所遗留下的问题,这在资产负债表上一看便知。柯林斯高阶An international treaty exists enabling police and courts to ask their counterparts in foreign countries to seize assets/property.国际公约的存在使警方和法院能要求外国的相应机构扣押资产剑桥国际Banks are required to keep core capital at 4% of assets.要求银行维持核心资本须占资产的 4%。牛津商务Before probate can be granted, all business assets have to be identified and valued.在遗嘱检验能被承认之前,所有的企业资产都必须被鉴定、估价。剑桥国际Capital assets with a current net realizable value of less than $5 000 are considered minor items.流动可变现净值低于 5 000 元的资本资产是小额项目。牛津商务Goodwill is the amount a buyer pays above a company's assets.商誉是买方支付的超出所买公司资产之上的金额。牛津商务He was given a budget of $1 billion to buy assets.他获得了 10 亿元的预算拨款用于购买资产牛津商务Internet companies usually have few tangible assets.网络公司所拥有的有形资产通常很少。牛津商务Investors are putting their money into physical assets such as gold and property.投资者正将资金投入黄金和房地产等实物资产牛津商务Japan's two-year process of asset deflation 日本持续两年的资产通缩牛津商务Later he became a man of substance. 后来,他成为颇具资产的人。译典通Money from the sale of the asset has helped the deleveraging of the company.从出售资产所得的资金已帮助降低这公司的债务杠杆。牛津商务Our staff are our most valuable asset.我们的员工是我们最宝贵的资产牛津商务Selling these assets will free up capital to invest in our core business.出售这些资产可以腾出资金来投资于我们的核心业务。牛津商务Some people prefer to put their money into higher-yielding financial assets instead of bank accounts.一些人更愿意将钱投入收益更高的金融资产,而不是银行储蓄。剑桥国际The bank has about 300 000 customers with $1 million or more in investable assets.这家银行有大约 30 万客户拥有 100 万元或以上可投资资产牛津商务The calculation of minority interest gives rise to a debit balance in the balance sheet.少数股东权益的计算结果导致资产负债表出现借方差额。牛津商务The commercial banks' liquidity is recovering.这些商业银行资产的流动性正在改善。牛津商务The company has $2.8 billion in cash and other liquid assets.公司拥有 28 亿元的现金和其他流动资产牛津商务The company has a strong brand name—its most valuable asset.公司拥有强大的品牌名称 ── 这是公司最宝贵的资产牛津商务The company has evolved over the years into a multi-million dollar organization.公司几年内发展成为一个拥有数百万美元资产的机构。剑桥国际The company has revealed $2.3 bn in off-balance sheet debts.这家公司透露其未列入资产负债表的债务有 23 亿元。牛津商务The company's entire assets are now in hock to the banks.这家公司的全部资产现在都抵押给了银行。剑桥国际The company's name is its most bankable asset.这家公司的名字是其最有利可图的资产牛津商务The firm has already paid half the fine, but it will have to liquidate additional assets (= sell them to obtain money) in order to pay the rest.该公司已偿付了一半的罚款,但为偿付余下的罚款的话就必须变卖更多的资产剑桥国际The fund has $30 billion of assets under management.基金有 300 亿元的资产管理额。牛津商务The group has total assets of €1.2 billion.集团总资产为 12 亿欧元。牛津商务The period of the loan will depend on the economic life of the asset being financed.贷款期限将取决于得到融资的资产的经济寿命。牛津商务The real strength of an organization lies in its knowledge assets.一个机构真正的实力在于它的知识资产牛津商务The sale of assets raised €100 000.资产出售后筹集到 10 万欧元。牛津商务The sanctions involve a freeze on the government's foreign assets.制裁措施包括冻结这一政府的外国资产牛津商务The sum of the digits method is used for assets that lose value rapidly in the first years of ownership, for example cars.年数总和折旧法适用于最初几年价值快速下降的资产,如汽车。牛津商务The value of unsold stock is shown as a current asset in the financial records.未售出货物的价值作为流动资产出现在财务记录里。牛津商务The vehicle is recorded as an asset in the company accounts.汽车作为﹙公司﹚资产登记在公司的账目上。牛津商务There was shift in investments out of equities and into more liquid assets.投资发生了转向,从股票转向了更流动的资产形式。剑桥国际They are selling off their assets at bargain-basement prices (= very cheaply).他们以廉价部的价格(非常便宜)出售其资产牛津商务They have a strong position and are among the most liquid companies in the industry.他们处于强势地位,在这行业中属于资产流动性最高的公司之一。牛津商务They have announced divestments worth $5bn.他们宣布出售价值 50 亿元的资产牛津商务They tried to salvage (= save) what they could from the wreckage of the bankrupt company.他们尽力想从破产公司的残留资产中多抢救出点东西。牛津商务Whatever assets of the firm are not repossessed will be sold.这家公司没有被收回的所有资产都将被出售。牛津商务You will have to contact the owner's managing agent concerning changes to the property.资产变动事宜须与业主的经纪人联系。牛津商务

