
单词 调好
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adjust〕Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay.利兹调好了后视镜, 慢慢把车开出停车位。外研社新世纪〔adjust〕Stir in the lemon juice and adjust the seasoning.搅拌柠檬汁并调好作料。麦克米伦高阶〔alignment〕Binocular lenses that are out of alignment will yield a double image.双目镜片没有调好时会出现重影美国传统〔co-ordinate〕The children could not co-ordinate their movements.这些孩子不能协调好自己的动作。外研社新世纪〔coordinate〕National and international relief efforts must coordinate if the operation is to be successful.要想此次行动获得成功,必须协调好国内外的救援工作。韦氏高阶〔coordination〕You need good hand-eye coordination to play ball games.玩球类游戏,手和眼的动作要协调好牛津高阶〔dial in〕I dialled in the appropriate fan and heat settings.我调好了风扇和温度。外研社新世纪〔focus〕The binoculars were not in focus.双筒望远镜的焦距没有调好牛津搭配〔juggle〕The management team meets several times a week to juggle budgets and resources.该管理团队每周碰头几次以协调好预算和资源分配问题。外研社新世纪〔key up〕He keyed up all the strings of his violin before his performance.他在表演前将小提琴所有的弦都调好了。21世纪英汉〔mixture〕Prepare the gravy mixture.将肉汁混合料调好柯林斯高阶〔papillote〕A frilled paper cover used to decorate the bone end of a cooked chop or cutlet.皱纸包:一种用于装饰烹调好的薄肉或肉片骨端的装饰用纸美国传统〔preset〕He preset the video recorder at the desired time.他按要求的时间预先把录像机调好21世纪英汉〔preset〕She preset the video recorder before she went out.她出去前预先把录像机调好英汉大词典〔preset〕You can preset the radiators to come on when you need them to.你可以预先调好暖气,使它在你需要的时候启动。牛津高阶〔programer〕The video is programmed to switch itself on at nine o'clock.这台录像机已调好在9点钟自动开机。21世纪英汉〔rack〕He racked his camera and pressed down the shutter release.他将照相机的焦距调好,然后按下快门。21世纪英汉〔seasoning〕Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning, adding more salt or pepper as desired.尝一下汤,调好作料,根据口味再加些盐或胡椒粉。剑桥高阶〔season〕Season the meat well with salt and pepper.用盐和胡椒粉将肉的味道调好牛津搭配〔steam table〕A table in which containers of cooked food are kept warm by hot water or steam circulating below.蒸汽桌:一种保温桌子,其中盛放的已烹调好的食物靠下部循环的热水或蒸汽保温美国传统〔tune up〕All the musical instruments had been tuned up before the concert began.音乐会开始前,乐器都调好了。21世纪英汉〔tune〕He heard everything through a screen of interference, like on a badly tuned radio.屏幕受到干扰,他收看节目时听到各种声音,就像收听没调好的收音机一样。牛津搭配〔uncoordinated〕The marketing campaign was an uncoordinated effort by several different departments.促销活动是由几个部门一起搞的,彼此之间没有协调好剑桥高阶〔uncoordinated〕Their efforts to manage the event were uncoordinated.他们没有协调好处理此次事件的工作。韦氏高阶This photo is out of focus.这张照片焦距没有调好剑桥国际

