
单词 飞跃
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕World famous daredevil Evel Knievel will attempt to cross the Grand Canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle. 因胆子大而闻名世界的埃维尔·尼维尔将尝试骑在一部火箭驱动的摩托车上飞跃大峡谷。朗文写作活用〔geländesprung〕A jump in skiing made from a crouching position with the use of both poles.(滑雪中的)越野飞跃:滑雪运动的一种跳跃,从深蹲的姿势开始,并借用两根滑雪杖美国传统〔leap〕Contemporary art has taken a huge leap forward in the last five or six years.现代艺术在过去五六年间有了巨大的飞跃外研社新世纪〔leap〕Eight years ago, he took the leap and formed his own company.8 年前,他迈出飞跃性的一步,成立了自己的公司。牛津搭配〔leap〕He threw a stick into the river and the dog went after it in a flying leap .他把一根枝条扔到河里,那条狗一个飞跃就追了过去。朗文当代〔leap〕She took a flying leap and landed on the other side of the stream.她一个飞跃跳到小溪的对面。牛津高阶〔leap〕Technology has taken a great leap forward.技术有了飞跃大发展。韦氏高阶〔norm〕What seemed an enormous leap when they made the plan now seems like an everyday norm.在他们做计划时似乎还是巨大飞跃的事情现在看来就跟家常便饭一样。外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕There was a fantastic exhilaration in flying over fences and obstacles on the back of the stallion.骑在马背上飞跃栅栏和障碍能带来一种不可思议的兴奋感。外研社新世纪〔quantum leap〕The appointment of a female director is a quantum leap for women's equality.任命一名女局长从男女平等方面来说是个大飞跃剑桥高阶〔ski jump〕A jump or leap made by a skier.跳台滑雪:滑雪者所做的跳或飞跃美国传统〔swing〕The gunshot sent monkeys swinging away through the trees.枪声一响,猴子纷纷在树丛中飞跃荡走。牛津高阶It is difficult to emulate with a computer the intuitive leaps that a human brain can make.很难用计算机来模拟人脑所能产生的直觉飞跃剑桥国际The appointment of a female director is a quantum leap for women's equality.任命一个女局长对于妇女平等来说是个飞跃剑桥国际

