
单词 附带
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕Employers are now offering more jobs with quality training and excellent career prospects. 雇主们现在提供越来越多附带优良的培训并具有美好的事业前途的工作。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕Bill had left the money to his grandson, with the proviso that it should be spent on his education. 比尔把钱留给孙子,但附带条件是这笔钱必须用于他的教育。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕Emergency food aid should be given with no strings attached. 提供紧急食物援助不应该附带任何条件。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕He agreed to do the work, but there was one proviso - he wanted to be paid in cash. 他同意工作,但有一个附带条件——工资以现金支付。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕They have made us a conditional offer 他们给我们提出一个附带条件的建议。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕One of the by-products of the peace treaty was the growth of trade between the two nations. 和平条约的一个附带结果是两国之间的贸易增加了。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕Research into lasers has had important spin-offs for eye-surgery. 对激光的研究给眼科手术带来了重要的附带成果。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕One of the side issues that arose was what to do with the old equipment when the new things arrived. 出现的其中一个附带问题是:新设备运到后,旧的怎么处理?朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕The concert is just for fun, really. Any profit we make from it will be purely incidental. 这场音乐会只是为了好玩,真的。我们从中获得的任何益处纯粹是附带的收获。朗文写作活用〔accompanied〕The chairman accompanied his speech with gestures.会议主席作讲演时附带做着手势。21世纪英汉〔accompany〕An illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibition.展览附带有插图目录。麦克米伦高阶〔accompany〕He accompanied his speech with gestures.他演讲时附带做着手势。英汉大词典〔addendum〕As an addendum let me make one more point.让我附带再提出一点。英汉大词典〔add〕It may be added that ...可以附带补充一句:…英汉大词典〔amiss〕A few pertinent remarks may not be amiss here.在此附带说几句有关的话不能说不得体吧。英汉大词典〔annex〕To add or attach, as an attribute, a condition, or a consequence.附带,附加:作为一个特征,条件或结果而添加或附加美国传统〔applicator〕Please use the sponge applicator provided.请使用附带的海绵敷抹器。剑桥高阶〔appurtenance〕A radio in a car is an appurtenance.车载收音机是一种附带的东西。英汉大词典〔apsis〕Architecture An apse.【建筑学】 半圆形拱顶附带建筑美国传统〔attachment〕Some models come with attachments for dusting.一些模型上附带了除尘器。柯林斯高阶〔attach〕One proviso attaches to the legacy.这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。21世纪英汉〔attach〕One proviso is attached to this legacy.这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。21世纪英汉〔bonus〕It's made from natural ingredients, with the added bonus of containing 30 per cent less fat than ordinary cheese.这种干酪用天然原料制成, 附带的优点是, 它比普通干酪的脂肪含量少30%。外研社新世纪〔by the way〕Incidentally.附带美国传统〔by-product〕An increase in crime is the by-product of poverty and unemployment.犯罪的增加是贫穷和失业的附带结果。麦克米伦高阶〔bye〕By the way; incidentally.顺便;附带美国传统〔byproduct〕A secondary result; a side effect.副作用:附带的结果;副作用美国传统〔byproduct〕Something produced in the making of something else.副产品:在制作生产另外一种东西时附带产生的东西美国传统〔catalogue raisonné〕A publication listing titles of articles or literary works, especially the contents of an exhibition, along with related descriptive or critical material.附有解释的分科排列:文章或文学作品的出版篇名目录,尤指一个展览目录,附带有相关的描述性或批评性材料美国传统〔collateral damage〕To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required.为了尽量减低附带性破坏,轰炸须做到最大程度的精确。柯林斯高阶〔collateral damage〕To minimize collateral damage, maximum precision in bombing was required.为使附带性损伤降至最低, 要求轰炸精度须做到最大。外研社新世纪〔collateral〕Hitting any non-military targets would risk 'collateral damage'.击中任何非军事目标都有可能带来附带损害。朗文当代〔collateral〕The government denied that there had been any collateral damage(= injury to ordinary people or buildings)during the bombing raid.政府否认空袭期间有任何附带性的破坏(即对平民或建筑物的损害)。牛津高阶〔collateral〕There may be collateral benefits to the scheme.这项计划可能有附带的益处。朗文当代〔contingency〕Something incidental to something else.附带情况:伴随着别的事情发生的事情美国传统〔drag in〕We were able to stick to the main issue without incidental grievances being dragged in.没有了附带扯进去的牢骚话,我们就能够紧扣主题。柯林斯高阶〔enclosed〕Please read the enclosed documents carefully.请认真阅读信里附带的文件。麦克米伦高阶〔epiphenomenon〕Pathology An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.【病理学】 副现象:在一种疾病中出现的附带条件或症状,与该病无必要关联美国传统〔fine print〕It's essential to check the fine print. Some loans come with compulsory insurance.仔细审核小字条款非常必要。一些贷款附带强制险。外研社新世纪〔fringe benefit〕His support was one of the nicest fringe benefits of pursuing this research.开展这项研究附带的一个最大好处就是得到他的支持。柯林斯高阶〔incidentally〕The letter mentioned my great-aunt and uncle only incidentally.信中仅附带提到了我的姑奶奶和叔叔。柯林斯高阶〔incidental〕Increased motivation is more than an incidental benefit of reward schemes.积极性的提高不仅仅是奖励计划附带的益处。朗文当代〔incidental〕Information skills are not merely incidental to the curriculum but central to it.信息技术在该课程中并不是附带的,而是核心内容。麦克米伦高阶〔incidental〕The discovery was incidental to their main research.这一发现是他们主要研究中的附带收获。牛津高阶〔incident〕A usually minor event or condition that is subordinate to another.附带事件:附属于另一事的一件通常小的事件或情况美国传统〔incident〕Something contingent on or related to something else.附带事宜,相关事件:以别的事件为条件或与其相关的事美国传统〔innuendo〕A parenthetic explanation of a word or charge in a legal document.加注说明:在一个法律文件中对一句话或控告的附带性解释美国传统〔install〕The computer comes with the software already installed.这台电脑附带已安装好的软件。韦氏高阶〔lend〕To provide (money) temporarily on condition that the amount borrowed be returned, usually with an interest fee.借钱,贷款:暂时提供(金钱),条件是须返还与所借数额相等的金钱,通常还要附带利息美国传统〔living〕Chiefly British A church benefice, including the revenue attached to it.【多用于英国】 教产:教堂的圣俸,包括附带的税收收入美国传统〔manual〕The computer comes with a comprehensive owner's manual.计算机附带有一本内容全面的用户手册。牛津搭配〔merchandising〕Most of the movie's earnings came from merchandising and not ticket sales.这部电影的大部分收入不是靠票房而是靠附带产品的销售。韦氏高阶〔merchandising〕The film made a lot of money thanks to strong merchandising.大量附带产品的销售使这部电影赚足了钱。韦氏高阶〔note〕Note that the report does not carry any form of official recommendation.注意这份成绩单并不附带任何形式的正式推荐。外研社新世纪〔obiter dictum〕An incidental remark or observation; a passing comment.随意说的话,附带的话;顺便说的话美国传统〔package〕The computer comes with a software package.电脑附带一套软件包。剑桥高阶〔parenthesis〕Of his origins he said very little, merely mentioning in parenthesis that his background was poor.关于他的身世他谈得很少,只是附带地提到他家境贫寒。剑桥高阶〔parenthetically〕She mentioned parenthetically that her mother had gone abroad.她附带地提到她母亲已出国。文馨英汉〔passing〕While going by; incidentally.顺便地;附带美国传统〔peripherally〕The Marshall Plan did not include Britain, except peripherally.马歇尔计划未将英国包括在内, 只是附带地提了一下。外研社新世纪〔piggyback〕Aerobic dancing piggybacked on the jogging craze.大运动量增氧舞蹈乃是随着慢跑成风的时尚附带产生的。21世纪英汉〔piggyback〕Aerobic dancing piggybacked on the jogging craze.有氧操乃是随着慢跑成风的时尚附带产生的。英汉大词典〔provisory〕Depending on a proviso; conditional.有附带条件的:依赖于限制性条文的;条件性的美国传统〔proviso〕I told Norman I would invest in his venture as long as he agreed to one proviso.我告诉诺曼只要他答应一个附带条件, 我就会为他的企业投资。外研社新世纪〔proviso〕I told Norman I would invest in his venture as long as he agreed to one proviso.我告诉诺曼只要他答应一个附带条件,我就会为他的项目投资。柯林斯高阶〔risk〕Standards of hygiene have fallen, with all the attendant risks of disease.因为疾病的所有附带风险,卫生水平降低了。牛津搭配〔secondary〕Better gas mileage is a secondary benefit of reduced speed limits.每加仑汽油能跑更多的里程是减少限速的附带好处。韦氏高阶〔side-effect〕One side effect of modern life is stress.现代生活的附带产物之一就是压力。柯林斯高阶〔sideshow〕The media still regards women's sport as a sideshow to the main event.媒体仍然认为女子体育是主赛事的附带赛事。剑桥高阶〔sideswipe〕An incidental critical remark; a gibe.附带批评的话;嘲笑美国传统〔sideswipe〕The author takes some sideswipes at our foreign policy.作者附带着隐晦地抨击了我们的外交政策。英汉大词典〔side〕I had a burger with a side order of fries.我吃了一个汉堡包,附带一份炸薯条作配菜。韦氏高阶〔spin-off〕An unexpected spin-off has been to help reduce the risk of fraud.一个意料之外的附带效果就是降低了欺诈的风险。外研社新世纪〔string〕It's a business proposition, pure and simple. No strings attached.这只是个业务建议,仅此而已。没有任何附带条件。牛津高阶〔string〕Major loans like these always come with strings.诸如此类的大宗贷款总有一些附带条件。牛津高阶〔string〕The aid programmes must be free of political strings.援助计划应不附带任何政治条件。英汉大词典〔string〕The policy offers 15% interest with no strings attached.这份保单提供 15% 的利息,没有任何附带条件。朗文当代〔unambiguously〕The close-up photography and commentary are clear and unambiguous.那组特写照片和附带的评论一目了然,毫无含糊之处。柯林斯高阶〔warranty〕The model carries a three-year warranty.这种型号附带 3 年的保修。牛津搭配By offering an equity kicker they can borrow at lower rates of interest.通过提供股权附带,他们能够以较低的利率借款。牛津商务HR plans are unfortunately treated as a postscript to the business planning process.遗憾的是,人力资源计划被当成商业计划进程的一个附带文件。牛津商务He accompanied his speech with gestures. 他演讲时附带做著手势。译典通He referred only parenthetically to his illness so I didn't enquire further.他只是附带提到他的病,所以我就没有进一步询问。剑桥国际He tagged a request for more money to the end of his speech. 他在讲话结束前附带提出要求更多的钱。译典通I should like to mention another point here by way of parenthesis. 在这里我想附带再提一下另外一点。译典通Most of these so-called special offers come with strings attached.大多数所谓特别价格实际上都是有附带条件的。剑桥国际Of his origins he said very little, merely mentioning in parenthesis that his background was poor.关于他的身世他谈得很少,只是附带提到他的家境很穷。剑桥国际Our business is selling cars, but we have a sideline (= another type of business in addition to the main one) in bicycles.我们的生意是销售汽车,但我们也附带销售自行车。剑桥国际Selling nail polish at the beauty salon is a great marketing tie-in.在美容院附带销售指甲油是绝佳的推销方法。牛津商务She accepted the job with the provision that she would be paid expenses for relocating.她接受了这份工作,附带一个条件----要给安置费。剑桥国际She said nothing about her brother, except for one parenthetical remark that they were not the best of friends.她未谈到她的兄弟,除了附带说了句他们并不是最好的朋友。剑桥国际The instructions for using the computer are set out in an accompanying handbook.在附带的一本手册中说明了如何使用电脑。剑桥国际The television showed the bombed military bases but not the collateral damage to civilian areas.电视中播出了被轰炸的军事基地,但没有提及对平民区的附带破坏。剑桥国际There are always a lot of incidental expenses when you go on foreign trips.当你去外国旅行时总是会有许多附带的支出。剑桥国际There was one proviso -- unless there was a decision by midnight on Friday, the offer would be withdrawn.有一个附带条件----要是星期五午夜还做不出决定,提议就将被收回。剑桥国际They entered (=made) the caveat that judges must not comment on their own cases.他们加上了一条附带条款----法官不能对自己的案件发表评论。剑桥国际This film can be recommended with the one caveat that it is a little too long.可以推荐这部影片,附带说明一句,就是稍微长了点。剑桥国际We regarded the delivery service as incidental to our main business.我们把送货服务作为主要业务的附带服务。牛津商务While talking about her flights overseas, she made several sideswipes at the food served by the airline.当谈到她的国外飞行时,她多次附带地贬损了航空公司供应的食品。剑桥国际You'll need money for incidentals such as tips and taxis.你需要准备好付小费和乘出租车之类的附带杂项开销。牛津商务

