
单词 镇定下来
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CALM〕His lawyer's assurances that he would be found not guilty did little to calm him. 律师保证他无罪,但未能令他镇定下来朗文写作活用〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕Maybe a drink would help soothe your nerves. 也许喝一杯酒会让你镇定下来朗文写作活用〔MAN〕Any other soldier would have told him to pull himself together and be a man. 其他任何一个士兵都会告诉他要镇定下来,要像个男子汉。朗文写作活用〔collect〕I took a minute to collect my thoughts.我花了一会儿时间让自己镇定下来韦氏高阶〔collect〕She paused for a moment to collect herself.她停了一会儿, 以使自己镇定下来外研社新世纪〔collect〕She paused for a moment to collect herself.她停了一会儿,让自己镇定下来柯林斯高阶〔compose〕Emma frowned, making an effort to compose herself.埃玛皱起了眉头,努力使自己镇定下来牛津高阶〔falter〕Her voice faltered and she had to stop a moment to control it.她声音颤抖, 不得不停一会儿镇定下来外研社新世纪〔level〕You'd better calm down and level your voice when you give a speech.演讲时你最好镇定下来并放平声调。21世纪英汉〔lull〕To cause to sleep or rest; soothe or calm.使入睡:使睡着或安静,安慰或使镇定下来美国传统〔re-collect〕To calm or control (oneself).使镇定下来:使(自己)平静下来事得以控制美国传统〔recover〕He recovered himself enough to speak calmly.他镇定下来,平静地说话。朗文当代〔settle〕He took a drink to settle his nerves.他喝了一杯酒使神经镇定下来英汉大词典〔soothe〕A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves.一杯好茶能使你镇定下来英汉大词典〔steadied〕He tried to steady himself.他尽力使自己镇定下来21世纪英汉〔steady〕He drew a deep breath to steady himself.他深深吸一口气,使自己镇定下来英汉大词典〔stressed〕She felt overly stressed and needed to calm down.她感到自己过度紧张,需要镇定下来牛津搭配〔wit〕Claudia paused, trying to gather her wits enough to reply.镇定下来麦克米伦高阶Before a performance, she takes three deep breaths to settle her nerves.在演出前,她深呼吸三次来使神经镇定下来剑桥国际He steadied his nerves before he defended himself. 他在为自己辩护前先使自己的情绪镇定下来译典通He's a bit manic--I wish he'd calm down.他有些焦躁不安----我希望他能镇定下来剑桥国际Jennie made a great effort to recover herself. 珍妮努力使自己镇定下来译典通She drew a deep breath, composed her features into a smile and walked into the room.她深吸一口气,镇定下来让脸上挂着微笑,走进了房间。剑桥国际She was nervous at first but soon composed herself. 她一开始有些紧张,但很快就镇定下来了。译典通Take a few deep breaths (= breaths that fill the lungs with air) and calm down.做几次深呼吸,镇定下来剑桥国际

