
单词 自惭形秽
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔booby prize〕Informal Acknowledgment of great inferiority, as in ability.【非正式用语】 自惭形秽:对能力上的巨大劣势的认知美国传统〔defensive〕She despised herself for sounding so defensive.她因自己说的话听起来戒备心过强而自惭形秽朗文当代〔despise〕He despised himself for being so cowardly.他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽牛津高阶〔hate〕He despised himself for being so cowardly.他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽牛津高阶〔humble〕He was humbled by the child's generosity.那个孩子的宽宏大量使他自惭形秽剑桥高阶〔inferior〕He always felt inferior around his brother.在哥哥身边,他总是感到自惭形秽韦氏高阶〔inferior〕He always felt inferior to his brother.和自己的哥哥相比,他总是感到自惭形秽韦氏高阶〔inferior〕He is so clever, he makes me feel inferior.他这么聪明,使我自惭形秽英汉大词典〔inferior〕I felt very inferior among all those academics.与那些大学教师在一起,我自惭形秽朗文当代〔inferior〕Most career women make me feel inferior.大多数职业女性让我自惭形秽外研社新世纪〔shame〕His playing really put me to shame.他的表演真让我自惭形秽柯林斯高阶〔smallness〕This may just be another of her schemes to make me look small.这也许是她处心积虑要让我自惭形秽的另一步棋。柯林斯高阶〔smallness〕When your children misbehave tell them without making them feel small.孩子表现不佳时要让他们知道,但不能让他们自惭形秽柯林斯高阶〔ugliness〕She makes me feel dowdy and ugly.她让我自惭形秽柯林斯高阶He was humbled (= made to feel less important than he had thought he was) by the child's generosity.孩子的宽宏大量使他自惭形秽剑桥国际

