
单词 胖子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕It's a fallacy that all fat people are fat simply because they eat too much. 认为所有胖子都是因为吃得太多才肥胖是一种谬误。朗文写作活用〔FAT〕Hey! Fatso! Pull up a couple of chairs! 喂,胖子!拉几把椅子过来!朗文写作活用〔FAT〕Most fat people simply eat too much by normal standards. 大多数胖子都吃得比正常标准多得多。朗文写作活用〔Punchinello〕One who is felt to resemble a short, fat clown.滑稽的矮胖子:感觉像又矮又胖的小丑者美国传统〔blob〕You fat blob! 你这个胖子剑桥高阶〔blubber〕You old lump of blubber! 你这个大胖子!英汉大词典〔butterball〕I was a little butterball when I was a child.我小时候是个小胖子韦氏高阶〔butterball〕Informal A chubby or fat person.【非正式用语】 胖子:肥胖的人或胖得可爱的人美国传统〔character〕The fat actor was in character because the character he played was supposed to be fat.这个胖演员很合适,因为他演的那个角色本应是个胖子英汉大词典〔crevice〕Sweat poured out of every crevice of the fat man's body.那个胖子身上的每一条褶皱里都涌出了汗水。剑桥高阶〔fast〕Britain is fast becoming a nation of fatties.英国不久就要变成一个胖子国了。牛津高阶〔fatso〕Hey, fatso! 嗨,胖子剑桥高阶〔fatty〕A fat person.胖子美国传统〔fatty〕Britain is fast becoming a nation of fatties.英国很快就会变成胖子国。牛津高阶〔fatty〕Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties.这些体格健壮的运动员吃这么多会变成胖子外研社新世纪〔fatty〕Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties.这些体格健壮的运动员吃这么多会变成胖子的。柯林斯高阶〔fat〕She called him a big, fat slob.她喊他大胖子韦氏高阶〔genial〕He is a big fat man with a kind genial face.他是个大胖子, 一脸的和气亲切。外研社新世纪〔gorge〕She buys into the stereotype of the fat person gorging herself.她人云亦云地相信了胖子会胡吃海喝这种老一套说法。外研社新世纪〔go〕Bob goes by the nickname of Fatty.鲍勃的绰号叫“胖子”。英汉大词典〔imagine〕Can you imagine these fat men climbing the mountain? 你能想象这些胖子攀登这座高山的情景吗?英汉大词典〔insensitive〕It was a bit insensitive of Fiona to talk about fat people when she knows Mandy is desperate to lose weight.菲奥娜知道曼迪急于减肥却继续大谈胖子的话题,真有点不顾他人感受。剑桥高阶〔lotta〕He is a lotta man.他是个胖子英汉大词典〔paunchy〕He was a heavy man, paunchy, with a kind face.他是个大腹便便的胖子, 但面相和蔼可亲。外研社新世纪〔paunchy〕He was a heavy man, paunchy, with a lined, kind face.他是个大腹便便的胖子,长着皱纹的脸很和善。柯林斯高阶〔roly-poly〕A short, plump person or thing.矮胖子或圆滚滚的东西美国传统〔sandwich〕I was sandwiched between two fat men on the bus.在公共汽车上,我被两个胖子挤在中间。牛津高阶〔sport〕A very fat boy is sometimes the sport of other boys.小胖子常常成为其他男孩的嘲弄对象。英汉大词典〔stick〕His friends used to call him “Fatty” and the nickname has stuck.他的朋友们过去一向叫他“胖子”,这个绰号就一直叫到现在。英汉大词典〔stout〕A thickset or corpulent person.胖子:肥胖或多肉之人美国传统〔strike back〕When he called her lazy, she immediately struck back by calling him fat.当他叫她懒虫时,她立刻反击叫他胖子韦氏高阶〔taunt〕They taunted him with the nickname 'Fatso'.他们嘲弄他,给他起个绰号叫“胖子”。朗文当代He was nicknamed Fatty. 他的绰号叫"胖子"。译典通He's a big fat slob of a man --I can't stand him.他是个大胖子懒家伙----我无法忍受他。剑桥国际It was a bit insensitive of Fiona to go on so much about fat people when she knows Mandy is desperate to lose weight.菲奥纳知道曼迪急于减肥却一直继续大谈胖子,真有点反应迟钝。剑桥国际The fat guy dropped asleep shortly after the film began. 电影开始不久,那个胖子就睡著了。译典通To the uninitiated spectator, rugby can look just like a lot of overweight men wrestling in mud.对不了解情况的观众来说, 橄榄球看上去像是许多大胖子男人在泥土里摔跤。剑桥国际

