
单词 考究
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WELL-DRESSED〕Ambassadors’ wives are expected to look fashionable and well-groomed. 大使的妻子应该看上去衣着时髦和考究朗文写作活用〔baroque〕He was a baroque figure dressed in theatrical, but elegant, clothes.他追求奢华, 穿着夸张但考究外研社新世纪〔change〕He went straight upstairs to change out of his good suit.他直接上楼去把考究的套装换下来。麦克米伦高阶〔costume〕The dancers leading the procession were in colourful and elaborate costumes.走在队伍前头的舞蹈演员身着色彩绚丽、制作考究的服装。剑桥高阶〔cost〕Well-designed clothes cost money.设计考究的服装价格不菲。外研社新世纪〔dandy〕He was handsome and a dandy.他英俊潇洒, 衣着考究外研社新世纪〔dresser〕He's a smart dresser.他是服装考究的人。文馨英汉〔dressy〕The coat is a bit dressy to wear to work.这件衣服太考究,不适合办公穿。英汉大词典〔dress〕She always dresses (up) to the nines.她的穿着始终很考究牛津搭配〔elite〕All the officers are dressed in most elite uniforms.所有军官都穿着非常考究的制服。英汉大词典〔get into〕Since I gained weight,I can't get into my best suit.由于我长胖了,我最考究的西服穿不上了。21世纪英汉〔glad rags〕Come on, get your glad rags on and we'll go and paint the town.来吧, 穿上你最考究的衣服, 我们去尽情享受一番。外研社新世纪〔graciously〕The houses were daintily adorned, graciously windowed, almost scented with wealth.那些房子装饰考究, 窗棂雅致, 几乎散发着富贵的气息。外研社新世纪〔kick off〕We kicked off with a slap-up dinner.我们先是享用了一顿考究的晚餐。柯林斯高阶〔lavishly〕Entertaining in style needn't mean spending lavishly.待客考究并不意味着要大肆铺张。外研社新世纪〔midst〕We were sitting in the midst of an elegant and well-dressed audience.我们坐在一群举止优雅、衣着考究的观众中间。朗文当代〔mystique〕There is a mystique about violins, especially old violins.小提琴,尤其是古老的小提琴,常引人考究其隐秘的历史。英汉大词典〔nicely〕He was handsome and nicely dressed.他相貌英俊,衣着考究朗文当代〔nicety〕Delicacy of character or feeling; fastidiousness; scrupulousness.精致,慎重无误:性格或感情的细腻精致;过分考究;谨慎美国传统〔ostentatiously〕Her servants were similarly, if less ostentatiously attired.她的仆人们穿着虽然没有她那么显摆, 却也是同样考究外研社新世纪〔ostentatiously〕Her servants were similarly, if less ostentatiously attired.她的仆人们穿着虽然没有她那么显摆,却也是同样考究柯林斯高阶〔overdressed〕She felt overdressed for the occasion.她觉得为了那个场合,自己穿得太考究文馨英汉〔overwrought〕The chamber was absurdly overwrought, the ceiling painted with naked deities cavorting, the walls lined with mirrors.这个大厅考究得离谱, 天花板上绘着赤身欢乐的女神, 墙壁上贴着镜子。外研社新世纪〔part〕In his smart suit, he certainly looked the part.穿上考究的西装,他看上去还真像那么回事儿。朗文当代〔peel〕Its once-elegant white pillars are peeling.它那曾经考究的白色柱子正在掉漆。外研社新世纪〔print〕The book is beautifully printed on quality paper.这本书印刷精美,用纸考究麦克米伦高阶〔sartorial〕Sebastian's sartorial elegance.塞巴斯蒂安精致考究的穿着柯林斯高阶〔scrupulous〕She is scrupulous about her appearance.她对外表[仪容]很考究文馨英汉〔superfine〕Excessively delicate or refined.过于精细的或过于考究美国传统〔turnout〕His turnout is always good.他的穿着总是很考究英汉大词典〔twee〕Overly precious or nice.矫揉造作的或过于考究美国传统〔well-appointed〕Guest rooms are commodious and well appointed.客房宽敞舒适, 陈设也很考究外研社新世纪〔well-appointed〕Guestrooms are commodious and well-appointed.客房宽敞舒适且陈设考究柯林斯高阶〔well-dressed〕He is a well-dressed man.他是一位穿着考究的男士。韦氏高阶〔well-dressed〕She's always well dressed.她总是衣着考究柯林斯高阶In those days anyone who was anyone dined in this exclusive little restaurant.那时候来这家考究的小餐馆吃饭的可都是些有头有脸的人物。剑桥国际You'd better put on your glad rags for dinner with the boss! 你最好穿上你最考究的衣服去和老板共进晚餐。剑桥国际

