
单词 笑柄
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE FUN OF〕We can't do that - we'd be a laughing stock! 那件事我们可不能去做一我们会成为笑柄的!朗文写作活用〔MAKE FUN OF〕When they crashed to defeat, they were the laughing stock of the tennis world. 他们一败涂地之后就成了网球界的笑柄朗文写作活用〔Pantaloon〕A stock character in modern pantomine, the butt of a clown's jokes.小丑,丑角:现代芭蕾舞舞剧中的一个角色,小丑笑话的笑柄美国传统〔barfly〕His father had been a barfly and a town joke.他父亲是酒吧常客和镇上的笑柄外研社新世纪〔butt〕He was sick of being the butt of their jokes.他已经受够了被他们当作笑柄剑桥高阶〔butt〕I was the butt of their jokes.我是他们的笑柄美国传统〔butt〕Paul quickly became the butt of everyone's jokes.保罗很快成了大家的笑柄朗文当代〔derision〕An object of ridicule; a laughingstock.笑柄:嘲笑的目标;笑柄美国传统〔derision〕The team's awful record has made it an object of derision in the league.球队糟糕的战绩成了联赛中的笑柄韦氏高阶〔get out〕If this ever gets out, we'll be a laughing stock.如果这事传出去, 我们会成为笑柄的。外研社新世纪〔hold sb/sth up to ridicule〕Her plans were held up to ridicule.她的计划成了大家的笑柄剑桥高阶〔jest〕An object of ridicule; a laughingstock.有趣之事:滑稽可笑的事物;笑柄美国传统〔joke〕English wine is sometimes considered a bit of a joke.英国葡萄酒有时被当作笑柄麦克米伦高阶〔joke〕He's in danger of becoming a national joke.他恐怕要成为全民笑柄韦氏高阶〔joke〕He's the joke of the whole town.他是全镇的笑柄英汉大词典〔joke〕His preference for loud ties was the joke of the office.他对于俗艳领带的喜爱是办公室里的笑柄美国传统〔joke〕Their product became a joke in the industry.他们的产品在业内成了笑柄韦氏高阶〔laughing stock〕Another performance like that and this team will be the laughing stock of the league.如果下一场比赛表现还是那样,这支球队就会成为联赛的笑柄剑桥高阶〔laughing stock〕He was the laughing stock of the class.他是全班的笑柄外研社新世纪〔laughing stock〕His policies became the laughing stock of the financial community.他的政策成了金融界的笑柄外研社新世纪〔laughing stock〕I can't wear that! I'd be a laughing stock.我可不能戴那个东西!否则会成为笑柄的。牛津高阶〔laughing stock〕The programme has made the U.S. a laughingstock .这个计划让美国成了笑柄朗文当代〔laughing stock〕The truth must never get out. If it did she would be a laughing-stock.真相一定不能传出去。万一传出去,她会成为笑柄柯林斯高阶〔laughing stock〕The truth must never get out. If it did she would be a laughing-stock.真相决不能泄露出去。一旦传出去, 她会成为笑柄的。外研社新世纪〔laughing stock〕We risked becoming the laughing stock of the developed world.我们冒着沦为发达世界笑柄的风险。外研社新世纪〔laughing-stock〕His eccentric ways made him a laughing-stock.他行为古怪, 成了笑柄牛津同义词〔laughingstock〕An object of jokes or ridicule; a butt.笑柄:玩笑或嘲弄的对象;抨击的对象美国传统〔laughingstock〕The team has become the laughingstock of the league.这个队已经成为联赛的笑柄韦氏高阶〔lay yourself open to ridicule〕You lay yourself open to ridicule wearing clothes like that.你穿那样的衣服会沦为笑柄的。剑桥高阶〔mockery〕The Jones trial was a mockery of justice.对琼斯的审判使正义成了笑柄麦克米伦高阶〔mockery〕This action makes a mockery of the Government's continuing protestations of concern.这一行为会使一再声明表示关切的政府成为笑柄外研社新世纪〔ridicule〕She was an object of ridicule with her classmates.她曾是同学们的笑柄外研社新世纪〔ridicule〕The process of judicial selection was held up to ridicule.司法选举的过程成为了笑柄柯林斯高阶〔scoff〕He became the scoff of the world.他成为天下的笑柄文馨英汉〔scoff〕He was the scoff of the town.他成了全城的笑柄英汉大词典〔scorn〕The expression of such an attitude in behavior or speech; derision.奚落,笑柄:在言谈举止中表现出这种态度;嘲弄美国传统〔standing joke〕The fact that Debbie is always late has become a standing joke among her friends.黛比老是迟到的事已沦为朋友间的一个笑柄剑桥高阶〔standing〕It's a standing joke(= something that a group of people regularly laugh at).那是一个活笑柄牛津高阶After losing the court case the company became something of a standing joke in the business world.在败诉后,这公司成了商界的一个老笑柄剑桥国际Another performance like that and this team will be the laughing stock of the league.同样的表现再出现一次的话,这个队会成为联合会的笑柄的。剑桥国际He was the scoff of the town. 他成为全城的笑柄译典通His strange new hairstyle was the cause of much merriment. 他那新奇的发式成为笑柄译典通Stop fooling around --you're making yourself a laughing stock.别到处干蠢事了----你使自己成了笑柄剑桥国际The fact that Debbie is always late has become a standing joke among her friends.黛比老是迟到,这在她朋友之间成了个老笑柄剑桥国际Through his foolishness he became a mockery in the village. 他因愚昧成了村里的笑柄译典通

