
单词 用于动物
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔approve〕These chemicals were only approved for use in animal foods.这些化学品只允许用于动物食品。麦克米伦高阶〔domestic〕Tame or domesticated. Used of animals.驯养的。用于动物美国传统〔drop〕To give birth to. Used of animals.生产。用于动物美国传统〔familiar〕Domesticated; tame. Used of animals.驯服的:家养的;驯服的。用于动物美国传统〔half-blooded〕Having one parent of pedigreed stock and the other of unknown or mixed ancestry. Used of animals.半血种的,半纯种的:只有一支亲本是纯血统的,另一支不知道或祖上混杂,用于动物美国传统〔half-bred〕Having only one parent that is purebred; half-blooded. Used of animals.混血的:只有一个亲本是纯种的;半纯种的,用于动物美国传统〔half-breed〕Half-blooded; hybrid. Used of animals.混血的;杂种的。用于动物美国传统〔season〕In heat. Used of animals.发情中。用于动物美国传统〔splay〕To dislocate (a bone). Used of an animal.(骨头)脱臼。用于动物美国传统〔spook〕To become frightened and nervous. Used especially of animals.受惊:被吓住和神经紧张,尤指用于动物美国传统〔stall〕To live or be lodged in a stall. Used of an animal.关:被关在或生活在牲畜棚内,用于动物身上美国传统〔stenotopic〕Able to adapt only to a narrow range of environmental conditions. Used of a plant or an animal.狭幅的:只能适应于一定范围内的自然环境条件下的。用于动物或植物美国传统〔stud〕Available or offered for breeding. Used of animals.配种的:供配种用或提供的,用于动物美国传统〔ugly〕New England Unmanageable. Used of animals, especially cows or horses.【新英格兰】 难控制的。用于动物,尤其是奶牛或马美国传统〔unguiculate〕Zoology Having nails or claws, as opposed to hooves. Used of mammals.【动物学】 有爪的:有指甲或爪的,与蹄相反。用于动物美国传统〔vicious〕Marked by an aggressive disposition; savage. Used chiefly of animals.凶猛的:以侵略性为特点的;野蛮的。主要用于动物美国传统〔white〕Light or whitish in color or having light or whitish parts. Used with animal and plant names.有白色部位的:色彩上淡的或发白的,或有淡色或白色的部分,用于动物名及植物名美国传统

