
单词 甜饼
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕If you get the munchies later on there are some cookies in the kitchen. 如果你过会儿想吃点东西,厨房里有些小甜饼朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕I kept my own secret hoard of chocolate cookies in a big tin under the sink. 我在水槽底下偷偷藏了一大罐巧克力小甜饼朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕Mom says we can each have two cookies. 妈妈说我们每个人都可以吃两块小甜饼朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕Place the balls of cookie dough on a baking sheet, and flatten each one with your hand. 将球状的小甜饼生面团放在烤盘上,用手逐个压扁。朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕The cookie dough is then pressed into small shapes and baked in a hot oven. 小甜饼的生面团被捏成小块,放进已经预热的烤箱里烘烤。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕Shape the cookie dough into balls and put them in the refrigerator. 把甜饼生面团做成球形,然后放在冰箱里面。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕How do you get your sugar cookies so thin, Dagmar? 达格玛,你是怎么把甜饼干做得这么薄的?朗文写作活用〔TOWARDS〕He slid the plate of cookies toward her. 他把一盘小甜饼朝她滑过去。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕You can bake some cookies if you promise not to make a mess in the kitchen. 你可以做些甜饼,只要你能保证不把厨房弄得乱七八糟。朗文写作活用〔bulge〕The box bulged with cookies.盒子鼓鼓囊囊装满了甜饼英汉大词典〔cookie〕A small, usually flat and crisp cake made from sweetened dough.甜饼干,曲奇饼:一种用加糖的生面团做成的通常为扁平、松脆的小糕点美国传统〔cookie〕Although Internet browsers do allow users to disable cookies, doing so can make it difficult to view certain sites.尽管因特网浏览器确实允许用户禁用小甜饼, 但这样做却会使其难以查阅某些网站。外研社新世纪〔dozen〕This recipe makes three dozen cookies.这份配料能做三打小甜饼剑桥高阶〔each〕You get two cookies each (=every one of you gets two cookies) .你们每人可以拿两块甜饼干。朗文当代〔hermit〕A spiced cookie made with molasses, raisins, and nuts.小甜饼:加有糖浆、葡萄干和核桃的香料调味的饼美国传统〔kiss〕A drop cookie made of egg whites and sugar.蛋白甜饼,球形饼干:用蛋白和糖做成的小甜饼美国传统〔macaroon〕A chewy cookie made with sugar, egg whites, and almond paste or coconut.蛋白杏仁甜饼干:一种不易咬碎的饼干,用糖、蛋白、杏仁糊或可可粉做成美国传统〔ma〕Ma Johnson always used to bake the best cookies.约翰逊大妈以前烘烤的小甜饼总是最好吃的。剑桥高阶〔meringue〕A small pastry shell or cake made of stiffly beaten, baked egg whites and sugar, often containing fruit or nutmeats.蛋白甜饼:将鸡蛋白与糖搅拌至发硬然后烘烤而成的小糕饼皮或小蛋糕,通常含有水果或坚果仁美国传统〔mess〕You can make cookies if you promise not to make a mess in the kitchen.如果你答应不把厨房搞得乱七八糟,你可以去做甜饼朗文当代〔nicety〕The cookies were browned to a nicety.小甜饼烘烤得恰到好处。英汉大词典〔pass〕Pass the cookies around, would you? 请把小甜饼分发给大家,好吗?朗文当代〔profiterole〕A small round cream puff.小圆甜饼美国传统〔rugelach〕A cookie of cream-cheese dough spread with filling, such as jam or nuts, and then rolled up.卢吉拉奇甜饼:奶油-干酪面团上撒着诸如果酱或坚果等馅,然后卷起制作而成的甜饼美国传统〔rusk〕A light, soft-textured sweetened biscuit.脆饼干:一种精致的、纹理柔软的甜饼美国传统〔secret〕The cookies are made to a secret recipe.这些小甜饼是根据一个秘密配方做的。朗文当代〔slide〕He opened the oven door and slid the pan of cookies in.他打开烤箱门,把甜饼烤盘滑了进去。朗文当代〔them〕Who gave you them cookies? 谁给你的那些小甜饼剑桥高阶〔tollhouse cookie〕A cookie made with flour, brown sugar, semisweet chocolate chips, and often chopped nuts.巧克力果仁甜饼干,曲奇饼:一种由面粉、红糖、半甜巧克力条制成的小饼,通常还包括碎果仁美国传统Cookies are files that contain personal Web surfing data.“小甜饼”是记录个人网上冲浪资料的文件。牛津商务I've just made some chocolate-chip cookies.我刚做了些巧克力甜饼剑桥国际Ma Johnson always used to bake the best cookies.约翰逊大妈以前烘烤的小甜饼最好吃。剑桥国际She bought a package of cookies (Br and Aus a packet of biscuits).她买了一袋小甜饼剑桥国际She's made a pavlova.她做了个奶油蛋白甜饼剑桥国际The cookies were rich and spicy. 这些小甜饼油多味香。译典通To use this website you will have to turn cookies on (= set your computer so that it receives them).要使用本网站,你必须设置你的计算机,以便接受“小甜饼”。牛津商务

