
单词 cache
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KEEP〕Police have found a cache of automatic weapons in a house in the city centre. 警察在市中心一幢房子里发现了一批秘藏的自动武器。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕The drug cache that the men were found in possession of was worth roughly $1 million. 那些男人被发现藏有价值约100万美元的毒品。朗文写作活用〔arm〕An arms cache was discovered in South Wales.在南威尔士发现了一个秘密军火库。剑桥高阶〔cache〕A huge arms cache was discovered by police.警方发现了大批私藏的军火。柯林斯高阶〔cache〕He cached his valuables under his bed.他把贵重物品藏在床下。英汉大词典〔cache〕Her new laptop has one megabyte of cache.她的新笔记本电脑有兆的高速缓存。韦氏高阶〔cache〕In your Web browser's cache are the most recent Web files that you have downloaded.网页浏览器的高速缓存区里有你最近下载的网页文件。柯林斯高阶〔cache〕One of the patrols had discovered an arms cache.有一名巡逻员发现了一批私藏的武器。外研社新世纪〔cache〕Police found a cache of stolen cars in the woods.警方在林中找到了被盗汽车的隐藏地点。韦氏高阶〔cache〕They cached their sweets in their sleeves.他们把糖果藏在袖子里。21世纪英汉〔cache〕They hid a cache of guns in the basement.他们在地下室里藏了一批枪支。英汉大词典〔cache〕This page is cached.这一页存入高速缓冲存贮器了。牛津高阶〔hoard〕A hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache.积聚,囤积:为备将来使用而藏起来的钱或物;密窖,贮藏处美国传统〔rake〕I drove on, my eyes raking the countryside for another likely cache.我一边接着朝前开, 一边双眼扫视周边乡村, 想找个藏身处。外研社新世纪〔stash〕A store or cache of money or valuables.隐蔽处:藏钱或钱物的仓库或地窖美国传统〔weapon〕A massive weapons cache was uncovered.发现了一大批私藏武器。牛津搭配An arms cache was discovered in South Wales.在南威尔士发现一处秘密军火库。剑桥国际Police discovered a secret cache of automatic weapons and plastic explosives.警察发现了一个藏自动武器和塑料炸药的秘窖。剑桥国际The police raided the house and uncovered a cache of weapons. 警方突然搜查这幢房子,发现了秘藏的武器。译典通

