
单词 cannes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔advance〕She rejected his advances during the trip to Cannes.在去往戛纳的途中,她拒绝了他的挑逗。柯林斯高阶〔brimful〕Nobody could call this year's Cannes film festival brimful of wonderful surprises.今年的戛纳电影节根本称不上惊喜连连。剑桥高阶〔glittering〕The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most glittering occasions in the movie world.戛纳电影节是电影界最为光彩夺目的盛事之一。剑桥高阶〔host〕Cannes hosts the annual film festival.戛纳主办每年一度的电影节。外研社新世纪〔host〕Cannes hosts the annual film festival.戛纳每年主办电影节。柯林斯高阶〔inland〕It's about 15 minutes' drive inland from Cannes.从戛纳向内陆方向开车走约需 15 分钟。柯林斯高阶〔invade〕Cannes was invaded this week by top names from the film industry.本周戛纳城云集了来自电影业的顶尖人物。麦克米伦高阶〔par〕The regeneration of the city's downtown dock front will put it on a par with Nice or Cannes.市中心临码头地区重建后,该市将能与尼斯或戛纳相媲美。剑桥高阶〔premiere〕Her film was premiered in Cannes Festival.她的影片在戛纳电影节首次放映。21世纪英汉〔siege〕That whole weekend at Cannes, Brigitte Bardot was under siege by photographers.在戛纳,布丽吉特‧芭铎整个周末都被摄影师们包围着。剑桥高阶Both performers have declined/(infml) turned down invitations to perform in Cannes this month.两名表演者都谢绝了这个月在戛纳表演的邀请。剑桥国际I'd love to go to the Cannes Film Festival.我很希望去参加戛纳电影节。剑桥国际Nobody could call this year's Cannes film festival brimful of wonderful surprises.没人能称今年的戛纳电影节充满惊喜。剑桥国际She was voted Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival.戛纳电影节上她被选为最佳导演。剑桥国际The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most glittering (= exciting and causing admiration from being connected with rich and famous people) occasions in the movie world.戛纳电影节是电影界中最光彩夺目的盛会之一。剑桥国际The industry has its annual convention in Cannes.这行业在戛纳举行年度会议。牛津商务

