
单词 mortifying
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔mortifying〕Catching head lice from your kids is a mortifying experience.给孩子清理头上的虱子是一件很为难的事。剑桥高阶〔mortifying〕She felt it would be utterly mortifying to be seen in such company as his by anyone.她觉得要是让人看到她和他在一起,会非常没面子。柯林斯高阶〔mortifying〕She felt it would be utterly mortifying to be seen in such company as his.她觉得要是让人看见自己和他这样的人在一起, 会非常没 面子。外研社新世纪〔mortify〕How mortifying to have to apo logize to him! 要向他道歉,多难为情啊!牛津高阶〔mortify〕Jesus is on a spiritual retreat, mortifying the flesh so that the spirit housed within it can flourish.耶稣在进行心灵静修, 通过克制肉欲而让内在的精神得以 绽放。外研社新世纪The interview turned out to be a mortifying experience.这次面试经历非常狼狈。剑桥国际

