
单词 astronomical
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EAT〕The shop only sells gourmet food, at astronomical prices. 该店只卖精美食品,价格高得惊人。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕The painting was sold for an astronomical price. 这幅画以天价出售。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕Tuition at private universities has become astronomical. 私立大学的学费已经成了天文数字了。朗文写作活用〔GMAT〕Or G.m.a.t. Greenwich mean astronomical time. 或 G.m.a.t. 格林威治天文平时,世界时美国传统〔IAU〕International Astronomical Union.国际天文协会美国传统〔MEASURE〕The asteroids all lie between 2.2 and 3.3 astronomical units from the sun. 所有的小行星与太阳的距离都在2.2和3.3天文单位之间。朗文写作活用〔almanac〕An annual publication including calendars with weather forecasts, astronomical information, tide tables, and other related tabular information.年历;历书:一种年度出版物,包括含天气预报、天文信息、潮汐图表和其它相关表格信息的日历美国传统〔altazimuth〕A mounting for astronomical telescopes that permits both horizontal and vertical rotation.经纬仪:天文望远镜的底座,可以使望远镜水平和垂直旋转美国传统〔armillary sphere〕An old astronomical model with solid rings, all circles of a single sphere, used to display relationships among the principal celestial circles.浑天仪:一种古代天文模型,带有若干连续的圈,都环绕在一个天体仪上,用以演示主要天体运转的关系美国传统〔astronomical distance〕The distance from one celestial body to another, measured in light-years, parsecs, or astronomical units.天文距离:从一天体到另一天体的距离,以光年,秒差距和天文单位来度量美国传统〔astronomically〕Houses in the village are selling for astronomical prices.乡村的房价正在飙升。柯林斯高阶〔astronomically〕The cost will be astronomical.费用将是一笔天文数字。柯林斯高阶〔astronomical〕A nuclear power plant's costs are astronomical.核能发电厂的成本[造价]是庞大的。文馨英汉〔astronomical〕Houses in the village are selling for astronomical sums.这个村子里的房屋正以天价出售。外研社新世纪〔astronomical〕It takes an astronomical amount of money to build an aircraft carrier.建造一般航空母舰需要金额庞大的钱。文馨英汉〔astronomical〕Stock prices rose to astronomical heights.股票行情暴涨。英汉大词典〔astronomical〕The cost of the office building was astronomical.那栋办公大楼的造价是天文数字。韦氏高阶〔astronomical〕The cost will be astronomical.代价将是巨大的。外研社新世纪〔astronomical〕The figures are astronomical.这些都是天文数字。牛津高阶〔astronomical〕The success of this work was astronomical.这项工作成绩巨大。英汉大词典〔astronomical〕We got an astronomical telephone bill this month.我们这个月的电话费多得惊人。韦氏高阶〔astrophotography〕Astronomical photography.天体摄影:天文学的摄影美国传统〔employ〕The journalists would be much better employed in trying to explain to us how the astronomical legal costs of the cases can be justified.记者们最好花时间向我们说明为什么诉讼费高得惊人。柯林斯高阶〔equatorial telescope〕An astronomical telescope that keeps a star in view by revolving about an axis that is parallel to the earth's axis of rotation.赤道仪:一种天文望远镜,能通过围绕与地球自转轴平行的极轴旋转来保持一颗星在其视线中美国传统〔essay〕A version of this essay was presented at the Astronomical Society.在天文学会曾宣读过这篇文章的一个译本。牛津搭配〔light pollution〕Illumination of the night sky by electric lights, as in an urban area, that interferes with astronomical observation.光害,光污染:电灯对夜晚天空形成的照明,会干扰天文观测,如在都市中美国传统〔mark〕The four new stamps mark the 100th anniversary of the British Astronomical Association.这四枚新邮票是为了纪念英国天文协会成立100周年而发行的。柯林斯高阶〔miniscule〕This miniscule investment paid astronomical dividends.这项极小额的投资赚得巨额股利。文馨英汉〔observatory〕A building, a place, or an institution designed and equipped for making observations of astronomical, meteorological, or other natural phenomena.观测所,气象台,天文台:一座建筑或一个机构,用以观测天文的、气象学的或其它自然现象美国传统〔observatory〕Experts believe it could be the remains of an astronomical observatory.专家认为这可能是一个天文台遗址。外研社新世纪〔planetarium〕An optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome.天象仪:一种能将天体和其它天文学现象的影象投射到半球状圆屋顶内表面的光学设备美国传统〔rack sth up〕Astronomical profits/losses were racked up by airlines last year.去年各航空公司累计盈利/亏损达到了天文数字。剑桥高阶〔selenology〕The astronomical study of the moon.月球学:对月亮的天文学研究美国传统〔union〕The naming of stars is at the discretion of the International Astronomical Union.给星体命名是由国际天文学联合会决定的。外研社新世纪〔union〕The naming of stars is at the discretion of the International Astronomical Union.给星体命名是由国际天文学联合会决定的。柯林斯高阶Astronomical losses were racked up by airlines during this period.这段时期航空公司的损失已增加到天文数字。剑桥国际AIDS is an astronomical problem which is immensely difficult to solve.艾滋病是一个难以逾越的问题,要解决它比登天还难。剑桥国际The book lists all predictable astronomical phenomena for the coming year, such as planetary, lunar, and eclipse data.这本书罗列了来年所有可预测天文现象,如关于行星、月球、食的数据。剑桥国际The damage caused by the hurricane is astronomical.飓风造成了不可估量的损失。剑桥国际

