
单词 bea
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOLE〕A small bead of blood formed where she had pricked her finger. 她扎到手指的地方形成了一个小血滴。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕Add the contents of the saucepan to the bean mixture. 把平底锅里的东西加到豆混合料上。朗文写作活用〔LAUGH〕Mr Bean really cracks me up. He's so funny. 憨豆先生真把我笑坏了,他太滑稽了。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕BEA has made good progress in implementing the new health and safety regulations. BEA在落实新的健康与安全条例上取得了可喜的进展。朗文写作活用〔aroma〕There is nothing quite like the aroma that wafts from her sausage and bean casserole.她做的香肠和焗豆角香飘四溢, 无物可及。外研社新世纪〔beading〕Architecture A narrow, half-rounded molding; a bead.【建筑学】 珠缘,串饰:狭窄的半圆形嵌线;珠状花边美国传统〔bead〕A bead curtain separated the two rooms.一挂珠帘子把两个房间分开。牛津高阶〔bead〕Chemistry A globule of fused borax or other flux used in a bead test.【化学】 熔珠:熔化的硼砂或其他珠状熔接剂,用于珠子的化验美国传统〔bead〕He has a bead on everything that goes on here.他严密注意着这儿所发生的一切。英汉大词典〔bead〕He lifted the rifle and carefully drew a bead on the target.他举起步枪仔细地瞄准目标。韦氏高阶〔bead〕Small towns bead the major roadway.干道的两侧,小镇星罗棋布。英汉大词典〔bean beetle〕The Mexican bean beetle.墨西哥豆瓢虫美国传统〔bean counter〕He blames corporate bean counters for causing thousands of workers to lose their jobs.他把成千上万的工人失业归咎于公司里那些只知道算计钱的人。韦氏高阶〔bean counter〕It looked like the project was going to be approved, but the bean counters said it wasn't cost-effective.眼看这个项目就要获批准了,但会计师们认为它不划算。剑桥高阶〔bean counter〕Since the bean counters took over the radio station, it's become a boring place to work.自从那些只知道算计钱的家伙接手电台以后,在这里工作就没劲了。朗文当代〔bean sprouts〕The tender, edible seedlings of certain bean plants, especially those of the mung bean.豆芽:某些豆类植物种子生出的嫩的、可食用的芽,尤指绿豆芽美国传统〔beanpole〕A thin pole used to support bean vines.豆架:用以支撑豆蔓的细棍美国传统〔beanstalk〕The stem of a bean plant.豆茎:豆类植物的主干美国传统〔bean〕Any of several related plants or their seeds or pods, such as the adzuki bean, broad bean, or soybean.豆类:一种相关植物或其种子或豆荚,如赤豆、蚕豆或黄豆美国传统〔bean〕Any of various other plants or their seeds or fruits, especially those suggestive of beans, such as the coffee bean or the vanilla bean.豆形果实植物:一种其它豆类植物或其种子或果实,尤指像豆子的那些,如咖啡豆或香子兰豆美国传统〔bean〕It doesn't cost a bean.它分文不值。外研社新世纪〔bean〕It doesn't cost a bean.这一分钱也不用花。柯林斯高阶〔bean〕It's quite incredible to think that he now hasn't got a bean.很难相信他现在身无分文。柯林斯高阶〔bean〕It's quite incredible to think that he now hasn't got a bean.想想他现在身无分文, 真是不可思议。外研社新世纪〔bean〕The state didn't make a bean out of it.国家没有从中得到一个子儿。英汉大词典〔bean〕Use your bean, man! 老兄,要动动脑子!英汉大词典〔bugle〕A tubular glass or plastic bead used to trim clothing.用来装饰衣服的管状玻璃或塑料珠子美国传统〔bush bean〕A shrubby variety of the snap bean.矮菜豆:菜豆的一种灌木状变种美国传统〔bush bean〕Any bean plant with an upright, bushy growth not requiring an artificial support.矮菜豆:任何一种向上丛生且无需人工支撑的豆类植物美国传统〔cannellini bean〕A large white variety of kidney bean.坎尼林尼菜豆,白腰豆:一种大而白的菜豆美国传统〔chokage〕He choked on a soya bean and died suddenly.他被一颗黄豆噎住,突然死去。21世纪英汉〔chop suey〕A Chinese-American dish consisting of small pieces of meat or chicken cooked with bean sprouts and other vegetables and served with rice.炒杂碎:一道由肉片或鸡片与豆芽及其它蔬菜等做成与米饭同食的美式中国菜美国传统〔dew〕The odd bead of sweat was dewing his brow.几滴汗珠弄湿了他的前额。外研社新世纪〔family〕Kidney beans belong to the bean family.菜豆属于豆科。麦克米伦高阶〔famished〕They wolfed down watery bean stew like famished dogs.他们像饿狗一样狼吞虎咽地喝着稀稀的豆子汤。外研社新世纪〔frijol〕A bean cultivated and used for food.菜豆:一种种植的豆类,可做食物美国传统〔gourd〕A paw-paw tree, a bean plant, and a flowering gourd grew in our tiny fenced compound.我们的小篱笆院里有一棵番木瓜树、一株豆荚和一株开花的葫芦。外研社新世纪〔haricot〕The edible pod or seed of any of several beans, especially the kidney bean.扁豆:尤指菜豆等可食性豆荚或子美国传统〔hilum〕The scar on a seed, such as a bean, indicating the point of attachment to the funiculus.种脐:种子(如豆)上的疤痕,系胚珠于胚珠柄的痕迹美国传统〔hollow〕I held the bead in the hollow of my hand.我用掌心托着那颗珠子。韦氏高阶〔jangle〕Her bead necklaces and bracelets jangled as she walked.她的珠子项链和手镯在她走动时叮当作响。柯林斯高阶〔jangle〕Her bead necklaces and bracelets jangled as she walked.她走路时, 身上的串珠项链和手镯叮当作响。外研社新世纪〔legume〕A pod, such as that of a pea or bean, that splits into two valves with the seeds attached to one edge of the valves.豆荚:豆荚,如豌豆或蚕豆之类的,分成两个裂片,其果实附着在其中一片裂片之上美国传统〔marry〕He married Bea in 1925.他在 1925 年娶了贝亚。朗文当代〔navy bean〕Any of several varieties of the kidney bean, cultivated for their edible white seeds.海军豆:一种普通菜豆,由于它的富于营养的白色种子而被栽培美国传统〔nutty〕The humble soya bean is a highly nutritious legume with a nutty texture.平凡常见的大豆是一种营养价值高、有坚果口感的豆类植物。剑桥高阶〔pad thai〕A Thai dish of stir-fried rice noodles, egg, bean sprouts, shrimp, peanuts, and seasonings.泰式炒米粉:以蛋、豆芽、虾仁、花生与调味料一起炒米粉的泰国菜美国传统〔pea bean〕The navy bean.小白粒菜豆美国传统〔pinto bean〕A form of the common string bean that has mottled seeds and is grown chiefly in the southwest United States.斑豆:普通有筋的豆的一种,种子有斑点,主要产于美国西南部美国传统〔pole〕There were rows of poles supporting young bean plants.一排排支杆支撑着幼小的豆苗。麦克米伦高阶〔prod〕She prodded a bean with her fork.她用叉子戳住一颗豆子。外研社新世纪〔ricin〕A poisonous protein extracted from the castor bean and used as a biochemical reagent.蓖麻毒:从蓖麻子中提取的有毒蛋白质,用作生化剂美国传统〔rightly〕He was proud of his bea utiful house, and rightly so.他为自己的漂亮房子感到骄傲,这是很自然的。牛津高阶〔sell〕Bean sprouts are also sold in cans.也有罐装豆芽出售。柯林斯高阶〔snap bean〕A string bean cultivated for its crisp, edible pods.食荚菜豆:一种线状豆类,因其脆嫩的可食性豆子而种植美国传统〔snap〕A snap bean.四季豆美国传统〔space〕Bean plants should be spaced three inches apart.大豆植株之间要间隔3英寸。麦克米伦高阶〔string bean〕Her boyfriend's a real string bean.她的男朋友就是个瘦高个。韦氏高阶〔sukiyaki〕A Japanese dish of sliced meat, bean curd, and vegetables seasoned and fried together.寿喜烧:一道日本菜,用切成薄片的肉与豆腐和蔬菜一同调味、煎炸美国传统〔swallow〕She accidentally swallowed a glass bead.她不小心吞下了一颗玻璃珠。牛津搭配〔tepary bean〕The bean of this plant.这种植物的豆美国传统〔trifoliolate〕Having three leaflets, as a leaf of clover or string bean.具三叶的:有三中叶的,如三叶草或豆类植物的叶子美国传统〔uniseriate〕Arranged in one row, as the seeds of a pea or string bean.单行的:安排成一行,如豌豆的种子或一行蚕豆美国传统Caffeine became a familiar component of all kinds of tonics and “health drinks” once it had been isolated from the coffee bean.一旦咖啡因从咖啡豆里分离出来以后它就成为所有补药和‘健康饮料’的组成部分。剑桥国际Carr removed the bean from the child's ear with tweezers.卡尔用镊子把豆粒从孩子耳朵里除掉了。剑桥国际Forget about him--he's not worth a bean.忘记他吧----他并不值得你注意。剑桥国际Fried bean sprouts is his favorite vegetable dish. 炒豆芽是他最喜欢吃的蔬菜。译典通It is not worth a bean. 它一点价值都没有。译典通It looked like the project was sure to be approved, but the bean counters said it wasn't cost-effective.这一方案看似可以通过,然而统计专家却认为它不够经济。剑桥国际It's clear that the bean counters and the number crunchers don't have a clue about what's going on in the real world.很明显统计专家和数据统计员对现实世界发生的事毫不了解。剑桥国际Keeping a vanilla (Br) pod/(Am and Aus) bean (= seed container) in your sugar jar will add a delicate flavour.在你的糖罐里放一颗香子兰荚,可以增添一股醇美的香味。剑桥国际Some types of bean contain a toxin which must be destroyed by cooking them at high temperature before eating them.有些豆子含有一种毒素,必须在食用前用高温蒸煮来破坏掉它。剑桥国际The soya bean, used to make tofu, is a very nutritious legume.被用来制作豆腐的大豆是一种非常有营养的豆科植物。剑桥国际

