
单词 attach
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HARD〕The tent is made of strong canvas attached to a rigid frame. 帐篷是用结实的帆布系在坚固的支架上搭起来的。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕I would be grateful if you would sign the attached copy of this letter and return it to me. 敬请在本函所附的文件上签字后寄还给我。朗文写作活用〔STICK〕He attached the paper to the wall with special adhesive tape. 他用一种特殊的胶带把纸贴在墙上。朗文写作活用〔acromion〕The outer end of the scapula to which the collarbone is attached.肩峰:肩胛骨的尾端,与锁骨相连美国传统〔adhesive〕You'll need a strong adhesive to attach the boards.你需要强力黏合剂来粘这些板子韦氏高阶〔affix〕Linguistics A word element, such as a prefix or suffix, that can only occur attached to a base, stem, or root.【语言学】 词缀:词素,如前缀或后缀,其只能通过附加于词基、词干或词根而出现美国传统〔affix〕Something that is attached, joined, or added; an appendage or addition.附加物:贴上、加入或加上的东西;附件或附加美国传统〔annex〕Attached at Annex A is a detailed estimate of production costs.在附件(甲)中附有一份生产成本的详细估算。英汉大词典〔annex〕To append or attach, especially to a larger or more significant thing.附加,添加:附加或添加,尤其从属于一个更大或更有意义的事物美国传统〔attach ... to〕He attached himeself to our group.他参加我们组。21世纪英汉〔attach ... to〕The blame for this accident attaches to the man who destroyed the signal.这个事故的责任归于那个破坏信号的人。21世纪英汉〔attach ... to〕We attached no significance to his statement.我们认为他的声明毫无意义。21世纪英汉〔attach oneself to〕He attached himself to us.他和我们作伴。21世纪英汉〔attach to sb/sth〕Don't worry - it was an accident and no blame attaches to either of you.别担心——这纯属意外,谁也不会怪罪你们俩。剑桥高阶〔attach to sb/sth〕Great honour attaches to winning this award.获得该奖是莫大的荣誉。剑桥高阶〔attach yourself to sb/sth〕Being on his own, he attached himself to a noisy group at the bar.因为就一个人,他跟酒吧里一群闹哄哄的人搭上了话。剑桥高阶〔attached〕At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.这些学校一度归教会主管。外研社新世纪〔attached〕At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.这些学校曾一度归教会主管。柯林斯高阶〔attached〕Ford was attached to the battalion's first line of transport.福特曾在该营的第一运输队服役。柯林斯高阶〔attached〕He is attached to the Democrats.他属于民主党。文馨英汉〔attached〕He is very attached to his daughter.他十分喜欢他的女儿。英汉大词典〔attached〕I've grown very attached to this place.我对这个地方已产生了很深厚的感情。文馨英汉〔attached〕Please fill out the attached application.请填写附表。韦氏高阶〔attached〕Please see the attached list.请看所附的名单。文馨英汉〔attached〕She is temporarily attached to this department.她暂时配属于本部门。文馨英汉〔attached〕The children are very attached to their grandparents.孩子们非常依恋他们的祖父母。剑桥高阶〔attached〕The research unit is attached to the university.这个研究单位附属于大学。牛津高阶〔attach〕Attach the rope to the branch of a tree.把绳子系在树枝上。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕A great deal of blame attaches to the officer for his recent action.这名官员最近的行动受到许多指责。21世纪英汉〔attach〕A hook is attached to the back of the picture frame.相框背面装有一个钩子。韦氏高阶〔attach〕Don't attach too much importance to this report.不要过于看重这个报告。外研社新世纪〔attach〕For further information, please contact us on the attached form.欲知详情,请使用所附表格联系我们。柯林斯高阶〔attach〕He attached himself to an older, wealthy woman.他傍了一个大龄富婆。韦氏高阶〔attach〕He attached the rope securely to a tree.他把绳子牢牢地系在树上。牛津搭配〔attach〕I attach a copy of the spreadsheet(= send it with an email).我随电子邮件附上电子表格一份。牛津高阶〔attach〕I am attached to my family.我对我的家依依不舍美国传统〔attach〕It is possible to attach executable program files to e-mail.可以在电子邮件里附上可执行程序文件。柯林斯高阶〔attach〕It's easy to become attached to the children you work with.很容易喜欢上和你相处的孩子们。朗文当代〔attach〕Many major issues are attached to this legislation. They gained influence by attaching themselves to prominent city institutions.许多重要事务同这项立法相联系。他们通过与卓著的城市机构之间的联系而获得威望美国传统〔attach〕Natasha attached herself to the film crew filming at her orphanage.娜塔莎对在她所在的孤儿院拍摄电影的工作人员缠住不放。外研社新世纪〔attach〕No blame can be attached to Roy for the incident.这事件罗伊一点责任也没有。朗文当代〔attach〕One proviso attaches to the legacy.这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。21世纪英汉〔attach〕Our regiment is attached to the first division.我们团配属第一师。21世纪英汉〔attach〕She attached no significance to his warning.她不重视他的警告。英汉大词典〔attach〕She is now attached to the American Embassy in Beijing.她现在被派到美国驻北京大使馆工作。麦克米伦高阶〔attach〕The court said it could attach no possible blame to the driver.法庭认为司机无可指责。英汉大词典〔attach〕The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.这小玩意儿可以粘在任何垂直表面上。柯林斯高阶〔attach〕They have attached a number of conditions to the agreement(= said that the conditions must be part of the agreement).他们在协议上附加了一些条件。牛津高阶〔attach〕We attached several riders to the document.我们在主文件上加了几条附文美国传统〔attach〕When approving a merger, the commission can attach conditions.委员会在批准公司合并的时候可以附加条件。朗文当代〔attach〕You can't really attach a label to this type of art.这种艺术真的无法归类。朗文当代〔banderole〕A narrow forked flag or streamer attached to a staff or lance or flown from a ship's masthead.小旗,燕尾旗:连接到一根杆或矛上的或挂在船桅杆上的窄的叉形旗或三角旗美国传统〔band〕The cords across the back of a book to which the sheets or quires are attached.装订线:穿过书脊把纸张订在一起的线美国传统〔bowline〕Nautical A rope attached to the weather leech of a square sail to hold the leech forward when sailing close-hauled.【航海】 帆角索,单套结:当船迎风行驶时套在帆船的风帆缘上以使风帆缘保持朝前的绳索美国传统〔buckboard〕A four-wheeled open carriage with the seat or seats attached to a flexible board running between the front and rear axles.平板马车:一种轻便的四轮马车,车身为一有弹性的平板,上设座椅,无顶盖美国传统〔buckle〕A clasp for fastening two ends, as of straps or a belt, in which a device attached to one of the ends is fitted or coupled to the other.搭扣,搭钩,扣子:用来扣住皮带的两端美国传统〔card〕To furnish with or attach to a card.为…提供卡片,在…上附卡片美国传统〔casual〕A soldier temporarily attached to a unit while awaiting permanent assignment.暂编人员,分遣员:暂时编入某一单位等候固定任命的军士美国传统〔chain〕Such a set of links, often of precious metal and with pendants attached, worn as an ornament or symbol of office.项链:这样的一串连结物,经常由贵重金属做成带有垂饰,作为装饰物或职业标记戴用美国传统〔chaplain〕A member of the clergy attached to a branch of the armed forces.随军牧师:从属于某一支军队的牧师美国传统〔chassis〕The framework to which the components of a radio, television, or other electronic equipment are attached.底架:无线电、电视或其它电子仪器的组成部分都安装于其上的框架美国传统〔cheval-de-frise〕An obstacle composed of barbed wire or spikes attached to a wooden frame, used to block enemy advancement.铁蒺藜:由钉在林桩上的有刺铁丝或尖钉构成的用来阻挡敌人的前进障碍物美国传统〔clamper〕One that clamps, especially a spiked plate attached to the sole of a shoe to prevent slipping on ice.防滑钉片:钳制的东西,尤指附在鞋底的防止在冰上打滑的带钉平板美国传统〔cleat〕A projecting piece of metal or hard rubber attached to the underside of a shoe to provide traction.耐磨钉:在鞋底防止磨损的一块金属或硬橡胶的凸出物美国传统〔clew〕A metal loop attached to the lower corner of a sail.帆下角的金属环美国传统〔clog〕A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.重物,坠脚:一种重物,如大块物品,系在动物腿上阻碍行动美国传统〔cofferdam〕A watertight chamber attached to the side of a ship to facilitate repairs below the water line.潜箱:一种不漏水的容器,附着在船旁边以便在吃水线以下进行修理美国传统〔crosspiece〕The carpenter attached a crosspiece to each side of the frame to give extra support to the roof.木匠给房屋框架的每一面都加了一根横梁以更加牢固地支撑房顶。韦氏高阶〔disc〕The dog's name was engraved on a little metal disc attached to its collar.狗的名字刻在项圈上吊着的一块金属小圆盘上。剑桥高阶〔distressingly〕It is very distressing to see your baby attached to tubes and monitors.看见自己宝宝身上连着各种管子和监视器,心里会非常痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔divaricate〕Relating to a separation of two bones normally adjacent or attached but not located in a joint; diastatic.分开的,脱臼的:与通常邻近或附着在一起,但并不在同一关节里的两骨分开有关的;脱臼的美国传统〔dock〕The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.那辆卡车水龙带还连着就驶离装运月台了。外研社新世纪〔doorstop〕A rubber-tipped projection attached to a wall to protect it from the impact of an opening door.防撞门器:固定在墙上防止门撞墙的带胶头的突出物美国传统〔earmuff〕Either of a pair of ear coverings often attached to an adjustable headband and worn to protect the ears especially against the cold.耳套:一对套住耳朵的物体,通常附在可调节的头带上用来保护耳朵,尤指用来御寒的美国传统〔elevator〕A movable control surface, usually attached to the horizontal stabilizer of an aircraft, that is used to produce motion up or down.升降舵:一个可动控制台,通常安装在飞机的尾翼上,用来操纵飞机升降美国传统〔epigynous〕Having floral parts attached to or near the summit of the ovary, as in the flower of the apple, cucumber, or daffodil.有上位的花被的:子房顶部有花被的,如苹果花,黄瓜花或水仙花美国传统〔fall〕An ornamental cascade of lace or trimming attached to a dress, usually at the collar.装饰的项饰:装饰性花边或衣服领后的下垂物美国传统〔fastening〕Something, such as a hook, used to attach one thing to another firmly.紧固件:能使一件东西牢牢固定在另一件东西的物件,如钩子美国传统〔flag〕A marking device, such as a gummed strip of paper, attached to an object to attract attention or ease identification; a tab.书签,标签:一种用作标志的附在其它物体上以引起注意或便于辨认的东西,例如用胶粘起来的纸条;标签美国传统〔fob〕A short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist.表链:佩戴在马甲或腰前的与怀表连接的短链或短带美国传统〔fringe〕A decorative border or edging of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band.穗(缘饰):一种装饰性的边缘有垂吊的线穗或布条,常与单独的镶边连在一起美国传统〔gaffer tape〕The cables should be attached to the floor with gaffer tape so that nobody trips over them.这些电线必须用结实的胶带固定在地板上,防止有人被绊倒。剑桥高阶〔gaff〕A large iron hook attached to a pole or handle and used to land large fish.手钩:一种用于把大鱼拉上岸的系在杆上或柄上的大铁钩美国传统〔gaff〕Nautical A spar attached to the mast and used to extend the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail.【航海】 桅上斜杆,圆桁:一种用于拉长纵帆上缘的系于桅杆上的圆木美国传统〔garter belt〕A flexible band of cloth worn around the waist to which garters are attached to hold up socks or stockings.吊袜带:具松紧带的布料,穿戴于腰部让丝袜或袜子能上提不滑落美国传统〔garter〕A suspender strap with a fastener attached to a girdle or belt to hold up a woman's stocking.吊袜带:有系结物的一种吊带,连于腰带之上用来撑起女子的长统袜美国传统〔graft〕Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.移植物:通过外科手术联接或植入身体一部分用以替换受损部分或修补缺陷的材料,尤指活组织或活器官美国传统〔guard〕A small chain or band attached to a watch or bracelet to prevent loss.链,带:系在表或手镯上以防其丢失的小链子或带子美国传统〔guard〕Nurses should guard against becoming too attached to their patients.护士应该防止自己对病人产生过多的感情依恋。朗文当代〔hang〕Many of his finest pictures hang/are hung (= are attached to the wall so that they can be seen) in the National Gallery.他有许多上乘画作在国家美术馆中展出。剑桥高阶〔headband〕Printing A cloth band attached to the top of the spine of a book.【印刷术】 书脊顶带:系在书脊顶部的一条布带美国传统〔headset〕A pair of headphones with a voice transmitter attached.一副附有传话器的耳机美国传统〔heavy ion〕A charged microscopic particle that forms when an ion attaches to a dust mote or similar object.重离子:带电的微小粒子,在离子附着于灰尘微粒或类似物质时会形成美国传统〔hoe〕A tool with a flat blade attached approximately at a right angle to a long handle, used for weeding, cultivating, and gardening.锄头:一种其平坦刀面成直角并与一手柄相连的工具,用于割草、耕作及园艺美国传统〔implant〕To become attached to and embedded in the uterine lining. Used of a fertilized egg.(受精卵)着床:附着或进入子宫壁,用于描述受精卵美国传统〔inboard〕A motor attached to the inside of the hull of a boat.舱内的马达:安装在船体内侧的马达美国传统〔indulgence〕To attach an indulgence to.豁免:给予特赦、豁免美国传统〔keel〕The principal structural member of a ship, running lengthwise along the center line from bow to stern, to which the frames are attached.龙骨:船的主要结构部件,沿前沿中心线从船头延伸到船尾,船的肋骨附在这上面美国传统〔label〕To attach a label to.贴标签于美国传统〔label〕Why do we need to attach a label to these feelings? 我们为什么要给这些感情贴上标签呢?牛津搭配〔latchstring〕A cord attached to a latch and often passed through a hole in the door to allow lifting of the latch from the outside.栓锁带:活栓锁上的带子,通常由一个小洞通到门里以便从外边拉开活栓锁美国传统〔lavabo〕A washbowl that is attached to a wall and filled from a water tank fastened above.洗手盆:固定在墙上,并由上部的水箱供水的洗手盆美国传统〔ledger〕A horizontal timber in a scaffold, attached to the uprights and supporting the putlogs.脚手架上的横木,横板:脚手架上的一条横木,附着于直柱之上,支撑脚手架跳板短横木美国传统〔lister〕A plow equipped with a double moldboard that turns up the soil on each side of the furrow, often having an attached drill for seed planting.双壁开沟犁:犁头后部有两块曲面铁板的犁,可翻开犁沟两边的泥土,常附有播种机美国传统〔living〕Chiefly British A church benefice, including the revenue attached to it.【多用于英国】 教产:教堂的圣俸,包括附带的税收收入美国传统〔locomotive〕The octopus has a distinct head and prehensile and locomotive organs attached.章鱼的头很显眼, 上面长着具有吸附力的灵活腕足。外研社新世纪〔lollipop〕A confection consisting of a piece of hard candy attached to the end of a small stick.棒糖:一种甜食,一根小棒末端有一块硬糖美国传统〔magazine〕Any of various compartments attached to machines, used for storing or supplying necessary material.附属仓库:附属于机器的部件,用来存放或提供必要的材料美国传统〔minicam〕They attached a minicam to the back of a terrier.他们将一台小型摄像机装在一只小猎狗的背上。外研社新世纪〔name〕He's been in four movies with Spielberg's name attached.在斯皮尔伯格执导的电影中,他出演过 4 部。牛津搭配〔noria〕A water wheel with buckets attached to its rim, used to raise water from a stream, especially for transfer to an irrigation channel.戽水车:边缘安有桶的水轮,用于从溪流中提水,特指向灌溉水渠传递美国传统〔nosepiece〕The part of a microscope, often rotatable, to which one or more objective lenses are attached.换镜旋座:显微镜一部分,通常为可为围的,连接一个或多个物体透镜美国传统〔nozzle〕Attach the nozzle to the hose before turning on the water.打开水龙头之前,把管嘴接到浇花园的软管上。剑桥高阶〔oxbow〕A U-shaped piece of wood that fits under and around the neck of an ox, with its upper ends attached to the bar of the yoke.牛脖套弓:安在牛脖子下面或周围的一块U形的木头,其上部末端与牛轭的两臂相连美国传统〔oxygen mask〕A masklike device placed over the mouth and nose and through which oxygen is supplied from an attached storage tank.氧气面具:象面具的一种置于嘴和鼻子上的装置,通过它氧气可以被从与之相连的贮存罐所提供美国传统〔pantalet〕A frill attached to the leg of underpants. Often used in the plural.荷叶边:内裤腿上的褶边。通常用作复数美国传统〔pectoral fin〕Either of the anterior pair of fins attached to the pectoral girdle of fishes, corresponding to the forelimbs of higher vertebrates.胸鳍:一对紧附于鱼的环状胸骨的前鳍且与更高等的脊椎动物的前肢相对应的任一个美国传统〔peplum〕A short overskirt or ruffle attached at the waistline of a jacket, blouse, or dress.细腰狭裙:装在夹克衫、衬衣或女服腰部的半短裙或二重裙美国传统〔pierced〕Of or relating to a body part that has been perforated for the purpose of attaching a piece of jewelry.穿有环孔的:属于或是关于穿有洞孔以便戴上装饰品的身体部位美国传统〔plumb bob〕A usually conical metal weight attached to the end of a plumb line.铅锤,垂球:系在一根垂线末端的通常为圆锥形的金属重物美国传统〔porch〕An open or enclosed gallery or room attached to the outside of a building; a verandah.游廊,阳台:靠近于建筑物之外的露天式的或封闭式的走廊或房间;阳台美国传统〔push〕Files can be attached to your email at the push of a button.只要按一下键就可以把文件附在电子邮件后。朗文当代〔rear〕A trailer was attached to the rear of the truck.卡车后面挂了一辆拖车。牛津高阶〔receive〕If you would like to receive further information , return the attached form.欲收到详细资料,请交回所附表格。朗文当代〔record〕It is recorded that, by the year 630, four hundred monks were attached to the monastery.据记载,到了 630 年有 400 个僧侣隶属该寺院。牛津高阶〔reel〕A cylindrical device attached to a fishing rod to let out or wind up the line.钩丝螺旋轮:装于鱼杆上用来放出或收回鱼线的卷筒状装置美国传统〔rhizoid〕A slender rootlike filament by which mosses, liverworts, and fern gametophytes attach to the substratum and absorb nourishment.假根:一种纤细的似根丝状体,苔藓、地钱及蕨类的配子体通过它附着于基质并吸收营养美国传统〔rib cage〕The enclosing structure formed by the ribs and the bones to which they are attached.胸廓:由肋骨和连于其上的骨头形成的封闭结构美国传统〔rib〕Nautical One of many curved members attached to a boat or ship's keel and extending upward and outward to form the framework of the hull.【航海】 肋材:附在船或轮船的龙骨上向上及向外延伸形成船壳框架的弯曲零件美国传统〔ring〕He bought her a diamond/emerald, etc. ring (= a ring with a jewel attached to it).他为她买了一只钻石/祖母绿戒指。剑桥高阶〔scan〕How do I scan a photo and attach it to an email? 怎样把照片扫描并以附件形式加在电子邮件里呢?牛津高阶〔scooter〕A child's vehicle consisting of a long footboard between two small end wheels, controlled by an upright steering handle attached to the front wheel.踏板车:在两个小轮之间有一长踏板的儿童车,由附在前轮上的一垂直操纵把控制美国传统〔sheet〕A rope or chain attached to one or both of the lower corners of a sail, serving to move or extend it.帆脚索:连接于帆的较低角部的绳子或链索,用来移动或拖拉它美国传统〔shield〕A steel sheet attached to an artillery piece to protect gunners from small-arms fire and shrapnel.遮护板:装在大炮上的一种钢片,用于保护射手不受小兵器或炮弹弹片的伤害美国传统〔sickle〕An implement having a semicircular blade attached to a short handle, used for cutting grain or tall grass.镰刀:用来切割谷物或高杆草的一种工具,有一连接在一短柄上的半圆形刀刃美国传统〔sidecar〕A one-wheeled car for a single passenger, attached to the side of a motorcycle.边斗,跨斗:只能容纳一个乘客的单轮车,连接在摩托车的侧部美国传统〔significance〕Stella didn't attach any significance to Doug's query.斯特拉并不重视道格提出的问题。朗文当代〔social stigma〕There's a social stigma attached to receiving welfare.对于领取社会救济金存在一种社会偏见。韦氏高阶〔squamule〕A small, loosely attached thallus lobe of certain lichens.小鳞片:一种小的、松软地附着于某些地衣的叶状体美国传统〔stick〕To fasten or attach with an adhesive material, such as glue or tape.粘住:用粘着物体、胶水或胶带,把东西固定或相连美国传统〔stigma〕She had to overcome the stigma attached to mental illness.她必须战胜精神疾病给她带来的耻辱感。牛津搭配〔stigma〕There is a strong argument for remaining an unmarried mother. There's no stigma attached any more.有强有力的理由来支持未婚妈妈。这再也不是什么丢脸的事了。柯林斯高阶〔stigma〕There is no longer any stigma attached to being divorced.离婚不再是什么丢脸的事。牛津高阶〔stigma〕There is still a lot of stigma attached to suicide.自杀仍然被看作一种很不光彩的事情。牛津搭配〔stigma〕There is very little stigma attached to crime and criminals.人们几乎都不把犯罪和罪犯视为一种耻辱。柯林斯高阶〔stretch reflex〕A reflex contraction of a muscle in response to stretching of an attached tendon or of the muscle itself.拉伸反射:肌肉的反射性收缩作为腱受到击打或肌肉本身伸张时的反应美国传统〔string〕Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached.应该无条件对发展中国家提供援助。外研社新世纪〔string〕It's a business proposition, pure and simple. No strings attached.这只是个业务建议,仅此而已。没有任何附带条件。牛津高阶〔tabard〕An embroidered pennant attached to a trumpet.附于小号上的刺绣三角旗美国传统〔tagalong〕The tagalong attaches to an adult's bicycle.这拖车是挂在成人自行车后面的。朗文当代〔tally〕Nautical A metal plate attached to a ship's machinery and bearing instructions for its use.【航海】 金属牌:附在一艘船的机构上的一块金属片,上有其使用说明美国传统〔tap〕To attach metal plates to (shoe toes or heels).给(鞋)钉掌:将金属片附钉在(鞋的脚趾处或后跟)美国传统〔thistledown〕The silky down attached to the seedlike fruit of a thistle; pappus.蓟的冠毛:蓟的种子样的果实下的丝状物;冠毛美国传统〔tongue〕The harnessing pole attached to the front axle of a horse-drawn vehicle.辕杆:马车前轴上固定着的控制马匹的长杆美国传统〔top〕Nautical A platform enclosing the head of each mast of a sailing ship, to which the topmast rigging is attached.【航海】 桅楼,桅盘:帆船上包围着所有帆头的平台,顶桅索具就加结于其上美国传统〔to〕Attach a recent photograph to your application form.在申请表上附一张近照。朗文当代〔to〕He is deeply attached to his little sister.他深深地爱著他的小妹妹。文馨英汉〔tractor-trailer〕A truck consisting of a tractor attached to a semitrailer or trailer, used for transporting loads.牵引或挂车:一种卡车,由牵引车连接在半拖车或拖车上构成,用于运输货物美国传统〔trampoline〕A strong, taut sheet, usually of canvas, attached with springs to a metal frame and used for gymnastic springing and tumbling.蹦床:一张通常由帆布制的结实坚韧的床布,和弹簧一起连接在金属框架上,用于体操跳跃及翻滚美国传统〔tramp〕A metal plate attached to the sole of a shoe for protection, as when spading ground.底铁:装在鞋后跟上起保护作用的一块铁片,如用铲子挖地时美国传统〔true rib〕Any of the ribs that are attached to the sternum by a costal cartilage, especially any of the seven upper ribs on either side of the thorax in human beings.真肋:通过肋骨软骨部分与胸骨附结的肋骨,尤指人体胸部两边的七根上肋美国传统〔tuft〕A short cluster of elongated strands, as of yarn, hair, or grass, attached at the base or growing close together.一簇,一丛:连在底坐上或长在一起的小簇细长物质,如毛线,头发或草美国传统〔umbilically〕Gibraltar is umbilically attached to one of the fastest-growing tourist areas in the world.直布罗陀紧密依附于全世界发展最快的旅游区之一。外研社新世纪〔underslung〕Having springs attached to the axles from below. Used of a vehicle or of its frame.下悬式的:有弹簧从下面连接到轴上的。用于车辆或其框架美国传统〔vane〕One of the metal guidance or stabilizing fins attached to the tail of a bomb or other missile.舵:装在火弹或其他导弹尾部的金属导向器或稳定钉之一美国传统〔velocipede〕Any of several early bicycles having pedals attached to the front wheel.脚踏车:任一种前轮上附有踏板的早期自行车美国传统〔vertically〕The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical surface.该装置可以装在任何垂直或近似垂直的平面上。柯林斯高阶〔visor〕A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.遮阳板:汽车挡风玻璃上一块用以挡强烈阳光的固定不动的挡板美国传统〔wall plate〕A plate used to attach a bracket or similar device to a wall.承梁板:用于把托梁或类似构造物固定到墙上用的板子美国传统〔weight〕To add to, by or as if by attaching a weight; make heavy or heavier.加重于,使变重:通过或好象通过附加一个重物来增加重量;使变重或变得更重美国传统〔whip〕An instrument, either a flexible rod or a flexible thong or lash attached to a handle, used for driving animals or administering corporal punishment.鞭子:一种用具,一个富有弹性的棍棒或是弹性好的系于一个手柄的皮带,用以驱赶动物或进行身体惩罚美国传统〔wrest pin〕One of the pins to which the strings of a musical instrument, especially of a keyboard instrument, are attached and by turning which they are tuned.校音栓:附在乐器的弦上的一种调弦栓,尤指键盘乐器上的,并通过旋转调弦栓来调音美国传统〔zoophyte〕Any of various invertebrate animals, such as a sea anemone or sponge, that attach to surfaces and superficially resemble plants.植形动物:一种无脊椎动物,附着在表面而且看上去象植物一样,例如海葵和海绵美国传统A black wire is often attached to the cathode which is also marked with the negative sign (_).阴极上常常接黑线,标着表示负极的符号(_)。剑桥国际A copy of the court order must be attached to the form.这张表格上必须附有一份法庭命令。牛津商务A fully completed customs declaration must be attached to the package.填写妥当的报关单必须贴在包装上。牛津商务A red wire is often attached to the anode which is also marked with the positive sign (+).红色电线通常与阳极相联,阳极也用正符(+)标示。剑桥国际A spark arced across when he attached the wire to the battery.当他把电线接到电池上时,冒出一道电火花的弧光。剑桥国际After he was voted out of power few people attached much weight to what he said.他落选下台后,很少有人重视他所说的话。剑桥国际All blame must attach to myself. 一切责任应由我本人承担。译典通Being on his own, he attached himself to a noisy group at the bar.由于他只是一个人,他就和酒吧里一群闹哄哄的人坐在一起。剑桥国际FYI, I have attached our programme for next year.我已将明年的计划附上以供参考。牛津商务Frigidity is often difficult to deal with because there are so many taboos attached to human sexuality.性冷淡症很难治疗,因为关于人体性能力方面的忌讳太多。剑桥国际I am very attached to her. 我非常喜欢她。译典通I don't attach any importance/significance to these rumours.我根本不把这些谣传当一回事。剑桥国际I've got a mask with a snorkel attached.我有一个连着水下呼吸装置的面罩。剑桥国际Make sure the rope is firmly attached before attempting to climb down it.先看清楚绳子是系结实了再作打算往下爬。剑桥国际No one is suggesting that any health risks attach to this product.没人指出这款产品可能会危害健康。牛津商务The babies in this unit have various devices attached to them which monitor the vital signs.这一间屋的婴儿都连接着各种设备监控他们的生命特征。剑桥国际The bank's agreed to lend me £1000 with no strings attached.银行同意我无条件贷款1000英镑。剑桥国际The four fingers, thumb and palm are the main parts of the hand, which is attached to the arm by the wrist.四指、大拇指和手掌是手的主要部分,手和手臂由手腕相连接。剑桥国际The new employee was attached to the sales department. 新来的雇员被派在销售部工作。译典通The system automatically deletes any viruses attached to emails.系统会自动删除电子邮件上的任何病毒。牛津商务The two rocket boosters attached to the shuttle's belly drop back to sea and are reused.安装在航天飞机腹部的两台火箭助推器掉回大海,被重新利用了。剑桥国际They attach great importance to education. 他们十分重视教育。译典通They have attached a number of conditions to the agreement.他们在协议上附加了许多条件。牛津商务Two of his fingers were chopped off in the accident but surgeons managed to attach them again.他的两个手指在事故中被切掉了, 可是外科医生又把它们接了上去。剑桥国际Use this lead to attach the printer to the computer.用这根连接线把打印机跟电脑接上。剑桥国际You acted quite correctly, and no opprobrium attaches to you for what you did.你做得很对,你所做的没有给你招致骂名。剑桥国际You may appoint a person to act as your proxy at the meeting by completing the attached form.你可以通过填写所附表格指定一个代理人替你出席会议。牛津商务

