“keep it warm”例句

单词 keep it warm
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chafing dish〕A metal dish or pan mounted above a heating device and used to cook food or keep it warm at the table.火锅:一种置放于加热装置上的金属盘或平底锅,放在餐桌上用来烧煮食物或保温美国传统〔contradictory〕I keep getting contradictory advice - some people tell me to keep it warm and some tell me to put ice on it.我不断得到相互矛盾的建议——有人要我保暖,有人叫我敷冰。剑桥高阶〔warm〕I've put your dinner in the oven to keep it warm .我把你的饭菜放进了烤箱里保温。朗文当代I've been given contradictory advice--someone told me to keep it warm and someone else told me to put ice on it.我得到的建议相互矛盾----有人叫我把它保暖,有人则叫我放些冰块。剑桥国际

