
单词 geraniums
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bed sth out〕May is the time to bed out the geraniums.5月份正是移栽天竺葵的时候。剑桥高阶〔bed〕The geraniums in the flower bed looked bedraggled from the heavy rain.花坛里的天竺葵看起来被暴雨浇湿了。外研社新世纪〔bed〕The geraniums in the flower bed looked bedraggled from the heavy rain.花坛里的天竺葵被大雨浇得七零八落。柯林斯高阶〔cascade〕Vivid red and pink geraniums cascade over my balcony.鲜红和粉色的天竺葵如瀑布般从我的阳台垂下。外研社新世纪〔cascade〕Vivid red and pink geraniums cascade over my balcony.鲜艳的红色和粉色的天竺葵从我家的阳台上直挂下去。柯林斯高阶〔clay〕Lobelia and geraniums look marvellous in clay pots.半边莲和天竺葵在黏土罐里看起来妙极了。外研社新世纪〔gay〕The garden was gay with red geraniums.花园里红色的天竺葵花色彩艳丽。牛津高阶〔grow〕I've grown these geraniums from seed.我用种子栽培出了这些天竺葵。麦克米伦高阶〔own〕This is when geraniums and petunias come into their own.这是天竺葵和矮牵牛盛开的时节。柯林斯高阶〔perennial〕Roses and geraniums are perennials, flowering year after year.玫瑰和天竺葵是多年生植物,年复一年地开花。剑桥高阶〔plant sth out〕Plant out the geraniums in early June.在6月初把天竺葵移植到室外。剑桥高阶〔pot〕Pots of geraniums lined the balcony.一盆盆天竺葵排成列摆放在阳台上。外研社新世纪〔pot〕Pots of geraniums stood on the windowsill.窗台上放着几盆天竺葵。英汉大词典May is the time to bed out the geraniums (= move them from inside and plant them outside.) 五月是将天竺葵栽于花坛的最好时间。剑桥国际Roses and geraniums are perennials, flowering year after year.玫瑰和天竺葵是多年生植物,年复一年地开花。剑桥国际These geraniums have zonal markings on the leaves.这些天竺属植物的叶子上有带状斑纹。剑桥国际Tubs of geraniums and begonias add colour to your garden in the early summer.一盆盆的天竺葵和秋海棠在初夏给你的花园增添了色彩。剑桥国际Your local nursery or garden centre should be able to provide you with a good range of hardy geraniums.你们当地的苗圃或花卉商店应该能给你们提供品种丰富的耐寒的天竺葵。剑桥国际

