
单词 genetics
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mendelian〕Of, relating to, or designating Gregor Mendel or his theories of genetics.孟德尔的:孟德尔的或孟德尔之遗传学说的,有关孟德尔的或有关孟德尔之遗传学说的,解释孟德尔的或解释孟德尔学说的美国传统〔Neo-Darwinism〕Darwinism as modified by the findings of modern genetics.新达尔文主义:由现代遗传学修正的达尔文主义美国传统〔P〕Genetics Parental generation.【遗传学】 父母辈美国传统〔STAY〕He entered University College to study zoology and stayed on to work in genetics. 他进大学学院修读动物学,后来就留了下来研究遗传学。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Did you see that program about genetics that was on a little while ago? 你看刚刚播出的那个有关遗传学的节目了吗?朗文写作活用〔WORLD〕Jones is a world expert in genetics. 琼斯是国际著名的遗传学专家。朗文写作活用〔aberration〕Genetics A deviation in the normal structure or number of chromosomes in an organism.【遗传学】 畸变,变形:有机体正常结构或染色体数量的变异美国传统〔accept〕His views on genetics are not now widely accepted.被普遍接受麦克米伦高阶〔advance〕Our understanding of human genetics has advanced considerably.我们对人类遗传学的了解有了很大进展。朗文当代〔advance〕Recent advances in genetics have raised moral questions.遗传学的最新进展已引起道德上的争议。朗文当代〔authority〕She's a leading authority on genetics.她是遗传学方面的最高权威。牛津搭配〔character〕Genetics A structure, function, or attribute determined by a gene or group of genes.【遗传学】 基因型:由一个基因或一组基因决定的一种组织、功能或属性美国传统〔code〕Genetics The genetic code.【遗传学】 遗传密码美国传统〔code〕Genetics To specify the genetic code for an amino acid or a polypeptide.【遗传学】 指定遗传密码:确定氨基酸或多肽的遗传密码美国传统〔codominant〕Genetics Of or relating to two alleles of a gene pair in a heterozygote that are both fully expressed.【遗传学】 共显性的:属于或有关异型结合体中一个基因对的两个等位基因都已完全传递的美国传统〔complementary〕Genetics Of or relating to a group of genes that act in concert to produce a specific phenotype.【遗传学】 互补基因的:指一组基因共同作用而产生某种特殊表现型的或与之有关的美国传统〔concordance〕Genetics The presence of a given trait in both members of a pair of twins.【遗传学】 双胞胎所共有的特征美国传统〔cross-fertilize〕The study of psychology has recently been widely cross-fertilized by new discoveries in genetics.心理学研究最近从遗传学的新发现中受益匪浅。牛津高阶〔degeneracy〕Genetics The presence in a genetic code of multiple codons for the same amino acid.【遗传学】 兼并:在同一个氨基酸多个密码子的一个遗传密码中出现美国传统〔deletion〕Genetics The loss, as through mutation, of one or more nucleotides from a chromosome.【遗传学】 缺失,中间缺失:由于变异等原因导致染色体中一个或多个核苷酸的缺失美国传统〔demise〕Smoking, rather than genetics, was the cause of his early demise.导致他英年早逝的原因是吸烟而非遗传。柯林斯高阶〔determine〕He believes that one's personality is determined mostly by genetics.他认为人的性格主要取决于遗传基因。韦氏高阶〔develop〕Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very rapidly.遗传学知识一直在迅速发展。朗文当代〔discordance〕Genetics The presence of a given genetic trait in only one member of a pair of identical twins.【遗传学】 不和,不一致:在一对同卵双胞胎中,某一特定基因特征只表现两者中的一个身上美国传统〔disjunction〕Genetics The separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.【遗传学】 在减数分裂过程中同源染色体的分离美国传统〔dominant〕Genetics A dominant allele or trait.【遗传学】 显性:显性基因或性状美国传统〔dominant〕Genetics Of, relating to, or being an allele that produces the same phenotypic effect whether inherited with a homozygous or heterozygous allele.【遗传学】 显性的:不管遗传组合等位基因还是异合等位基因都产生相同表现型结果的等位基因的美国传统〔epistasis〕Genetics An interaction between nonallelic genes, especially an interaction in which one gene suppresses the expression of another.【遗传学】 异位显性:非等位基因的相互作用,尤其是一个基因对另一个基因所表现的显性现象美国传统〔explainable〕He thought all behavior was explainable in terms of genetics.他认为,所有行为从遗传学角度都是可以解释的。韦氏高阶〔expression〕Genetics The act or process of expressing a gene.【遗传学】 基因显现:显现基因的行为或过程美国传统〔expressivity〕Genetics The degree to which an expressed gene produces its effects in an organism.【遗传学】 基因的表现度:描述一个组织中的一个基因产生作用的程度美国传统〔filial〕Genetics Of or relating to a generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation.【遗传学】 子孙后代的:属于或关于在父母代以后的一代或代的顺序的美国传统〔flock〕Students are flocking to such fields as genetics and molecular biology.大学生正在大量从事诸如遗传学和分子生物学等领域的研究。21世纪英汉〔flock〕Students are flocking to such fields as genetics and molecular biology.大学生正在大量从事诸如遗传学和分子生物学等领域的研究。英汉大词典〔geneticist〕One who specializes in genetics.遗传学家:在遗传学方面从事专门研究的人美国传统〔genetics〕She did important work on human genetics.她在人类遗传学方面做了重要工作。外研社新世纪〔genetics〕The science of genetics is entering a new era.遗传学的研究正在进入一个新时代。外研社新世纪〔genetic〕Of or relating to genetics or genes.基因的,遗传的:属于或关于遗传或基因的美国传统〔homologous〕Genetics Having the same morphology and linear sequence of gene loci as another chromosome.【遗传学】 同源的:与另一个染色体在遗传座位组合和其可见结构上一致的美国传统〔insertion〕Genetics The addition, as by mutation, of one or more nucleotides to a chromosome.【遗传学】 染色体突增:由于突变而使染色体增加一个或多个核苷酸美国传统〔interest〕As a biologist, my main interest has been human genetics.作为一名生物学家,我主要的兴趣是人类遗传学。朗文当代〔inversion〕Genetics A chromosomal defect in which a segment of the chromosome breaks off and reattaches in the reverse direction.【遗传学】 倒位:一段染色体破裂并且以相反方向重新连接所形成的一种染色体缺陷美国传统〔joke〕It is a joke of genetics that clever women are more likely to have children of average intelligence than children of their own intelligence.聪明女人更有可能生下智力平常而非与其智力相当的孩子, 这真是一个遗传学的笑话。外研社新世纪〔linkage〕Genetics An association between two or more genes such that the traits they control tend to be inherited together.【遗传学】 连锁:两个或多个基因之间的一种关系,使得其携带的特征可被一起遗传美国传统〔linked〕Genetics Exhibiting linkage.【遗传学】 连锁的:表现出连锁的美国传统〔map〕Genetics A genetic map.【遗传学】 基因图谱美国传统〔map〕Genetics To locate (a gene or DNA sequence) in a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known genes or DNA sequences.【遗传学】 比对:将(一个基因或DNA序列)放入与已知基因或DNA序列有关的染色体的特定区域美国传统〔metacentric〕Genetics Having the centromere in the median position so that the arms are of equal length. Used of a chromosome.【遗传学】 染色体中央着丝粒的:由于着丝粒在中央而具有两个等臂的。用于染色体美国传统〔molecular genetics〕The branch of genetics that deals with hereditary transmission and variation on the molecular level.分子遗传学:遗传学分支,研究分子水平上的遗传性传递和变化美国传统〔multivalent〕Genetics Of or relating to the association of three or more homologous chromosomes during the first division of meiosis.【遗传学】 多价的:属于在第一时期成熟分裂时三个或者更多的同源染色体的联合的、或与之有关的美国传统〔origin〕Population genetics owes its origin to Francis Galton.群体遗传学的创立应归功于弗朗西斯・高尔顿。牛津搭配〔parental〕Genetics Of or designating the generation of organisms from which hybrid offspring are produced.【遗传学】 亲本的,亲代的:属于或指产生出杂交后代的第一代生物体的美国传统〔pedigree〕A chart of an individual's ancestors used in human genetics to analyze Mendelian inheritance of certain traits, especially of familial diseases.记录家族遗传特性及疾病的图表:用于人类遗传学分析孟德尔遗传学说的某些遗传特征尤其是家族病的个人家系表美国传统〔player〕She is a key/major/top player in genetics research.她是基因研究的关键/主要/首要参与者。韦氏高阶〔population genetics〕The branch of genetics that deals with the genetic makeup of populations.群体遗传学:遗传学的一支,研究人口的遗传基因的组成美国传统〔prepotent〕Genetics Of, having, or exhibiting prepotency.【遗传学】 遗传优势的:(具有或显示)优先遗传的美国传统〔promoter〕Genetics A DNA molecule to which RNA polymerase binds, initiating the transcription of messenger RNA.【遗传学】 启动区:和核糖核酸聚合酶相结合的脱氧糖核酸分子,它引起核糖核酸信使的转录美国传统〔puff〕Genetics A localized region of swelling in certain chromosomes indicating the active synthesis of DNA and RNA.【遗传学】 染色体的结合部分:某些染色体上表明脱氧核糖核酸和核糖核酸活性成分的局部肿胀美国传统〔recessive〕Genetics Of, relating to, or designating an allele that does not produce a characteristic effect when present with a dominant allele.【遗传学】 隐性基因的:属于、指向或与这种等位基因有关的,即当这种等位基因与主导等位基因同时出现时,它不产生显性后果美国传统〔recombine〕Genetics To undergo or cause recombination; form new combinations.【遗传学】 重新组合:经历或产生重组;形成新的组合美国传统〔repressor〕Genetics A protein that binds to an operator, blocking transcription of an operon and the enzymes for which the operon codes.【遗传学】 阻遏物:结合在操纵基因上的一种蛋白,阻止操纵子以及操纵子的酶的转录美国传统〔reversion〕Genetics A return to the normal phenotype, usually by a second mutation.【遗传学】 返祖遗传:向正常表现型的返回,通常是通过第二次突变美国传统〔revert〕Genetics To undergo reversion.【遗传学】 经受回复变异美国传统〔saltation〕Genetics A single mutation that drastically alters the phenotype.【遗传学】 突变:大规模改变表现型的一个突变美国传统〔satellite〕Genetics A short segment of a chromosome separated from the rest by a constriction, typically associated with the formation of a nucleolus.【遗传学】 随体:由于收缩,从染色体本身分离出来的一段短的部分,与细胞的形成尤为相关美国传统〔science〕The science of genetics has developed rapidly.遗传科学已迅速发展。英汉大词典〔segregate〕Genetics To undergo genetic segregation.【遗传学】 (基因)分离:经历基因分离美国传统〔segregation〕Genetics The separation of paired alleles especially during meiosis, so that the members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes.【遗传学】 分离:成对等位基因的分离,尤指在减数分裂过程中的分离,结果为每对等位基因的成员出现在不同的配子中美国传统〔stake ... out〕It is as if he has staked out this bit of genetics as his own.他似乎把遗传学的这一部分变成了他的独占领域。21世纪英汉〔track〕It's difficult to keep track of all the new discoveries in genetics.要全面掌握遗传学的新发现是困难的。朗文当代〔transformation〕Genetics Alteration of a bacterial cell by introduction of DNA from another cell or from a virus.【遗传学】 通过引入一个细胞或一个病毒的DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)而改变另一个细胞或病素美国传统〔transform〕Genetics To subject (a bacterial cell) to transformation.【遗传学】 转变:使(一个细菌细胞)发生转化美国传统〔transposition〕Genetics Transfer of a segment of DNA to a new position on the same or another chromosome, plasmid, or cell.【遗传学】 换位:把脱氧核糖核酸的一个片断转移到同一个或另外的染色体、质体或细胞上的一个新位置上美国传统〔triplet〕Genetics A unit of three successive nucleotides in a molecule of DNA or RNA that codes for a specific amino acid; a codon or anticodon.【遗传学】 密码子,三联密码:一个把一种专门的氨基酸,密码子或反密码子译成密码的DNA或RNA的分子中三个相接连的核苷酸的一个联合体美国传统〔understand〕He doesn't understand genetics.他不懂遗传学。英汉大词典〔univalent〕Genetics Of or relating to a chromosome that is not paired or united with its homologous chromosome during synapsis.【遗传学】 单价染色体的:属于或有关一种染色体的,在染色体结合过程中不与它的对等染色体配对或结合美国传统〔unravel〕We have a long way to go before we unravel the secrets of genetics.在揭开遗传学之谜前,我们还有很长的路要走。剑桥高阶〔vector〕Genetics A bacteriophage, a plasmid, or another agent that transfers genetic material from one location to another.【遗传学】 遗传媒介:把遗传物质从一个地方转到另一地方的噬菌体、质体或其它介体美国传统Dr McKusick is one of the (world's) leading experts on human genetics.麦克库锡克博士在人类遗传学方面是(世界上)领先的专家之一。剑桥国际He's very modest about the success of his research in genetics.他对自己在遗传学研究上的成功很是谦逊。剑桥国际The article is not really intelligible unless you already know a lot about genetics.除非你已经了解了遗传学方面的许多知识,否则这篇文章没法读懂。剑桥国际The plant traditionally used for investigating the genetics of flower pigmentation is the petunia.通常被用来研究花颜色基因的植物是矮牵牛花。剑桥国际

