“dismiss from”例句

单词 dismiss from
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COURT/TRIAL〕She says she will go to court to try to prove that she was unfairly dismissed from her job. 她声称自己会告到法院,以证明开除她是不公平的。朗文写作活用〔DELIBERATELY〕Rogers was dismissed from the army for deliberately disobeying an order. 罗杰斯因故意违反命令而被军队开除。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕A New York art teacher who refused to take part in the daily flag ceremony was dismissed from her post. 纽约一名教艺术的老师因拒绝参加每天的升旗仪式而被免职。朗文写作活用〔blow open〕Soon after the true story about the stolen goods blew open,she was dismissed from her job.被窃商品的真相一经公布,她即被解雇了。21世纪英汉〔cook〕Lily was dismissed from the bank for cooking the books.莉莉由于篡改账目被银行开除了。21世纪英汉〔dismiss from〕She was late again and was dismissed from her job.她又迟到了,她被解雇了。21世纪英汉〔dismiss〕Bryant was unfairly dismissed from his post.布赖恩特被不公正地免职了。朗文当代〔dismiss〕He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence.他因无法胜任工作而被解职。剑桥高阶〔dismiss〕He was summarily dismissed from his job.他被立即开除了。牛津搭配〔dismiss〕Jackson was dismissed from her job because of the allegations.杰克逊由于这些指控被免职。麦克米伦高阶〔dismiss〕Major Parker was dismissed from the army last October.帕克少校去年10月被军队开革。英汉大词典〔dismiss〕She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post.她声称自己被无理免职。牛津高阶〔dismiss〕She was dismissed from the hospital when found free from leukaemia.检查结果没有得白血病,她便获准出院。英汉大词典〔go〕I'm afraid he'll have to go (= be dismissed from his job) - he's far too inefficient to continue working for us.恐怕他得走人了——他实在太不称职,没法继续在这儿干下去。剑桥高阶〔kick in the teeth〕She was dismissed from her job, which was a real kick in the teeth after all the work she'd done.她辛辛苦苦做了那么多工作之后被解雇了,这使她深受打击。剑桥高阶〔misconduct〕He was dismissed from his job for gross misconduct after handing over confidential documents to the press.在把机密文件交给新闻界之后,他就因严重渎职而被解职了。柯林斯高阶〔misconduct〕He was dismissed from his job for gross misconduct after handing over confidential documents to the press.在把机密文件交给记者之后, 他就因严重渎职而被解雇了。外研社新世纪〔post〕He was dismissed from his post when he was found to have accepted bribes.被发现受贿后,他被免去了职务。牛津搭配〔remove〕To dismiss from office.开除职务美国传统〔send〕To suspend or dismiss from a university.开除:从大学中停止学籍或开除美国传统〔unthink〕To dismiss from the mind; disregard.忽视:把…置于脑后;忽视美国传统Ever since she was dismissed from the Cabinet, she has been gunning for the Prime Minister with fiercely critical speeches.她自从被内阁开除以来一直用激烈的抨击性的演说来反对首相。剑桥国际He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office. 他被解职后成了隐士。译典通He was dismissed from his job. 他被开除了。译典通He was dismissed from the hospital a week later. 他一周之后出院了。译典通I'm afraid he'll have to go (= be dismissed from his job)--he's far too inefficient to continue working for us.我恐怕他将被辞雇 ----他效率太低,不能为我们继续工作。剑桥国际She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post.她声称自己被无理免职。牛津商务She was dismissed from her job for disobeying the company safety regulations.她不遵守公司的安全制度,被解雇了。剑桥国际She was dismissed from her job, which was a (real) kick in the teeth (= a great and unexpected disappointment) for her after all the work she'd done.她干了那么多工作之后被解雇了,这对她真是个重大挫折。剑桥国际The official was dismissed from office for taking bribes. 这官员因受贿被免职。译典通The two workers were dismissed from the factory by the same token. 那两位工人以同样的方式被工厂解雇了。译典通To keep the company alive half the workforce is being made redundant (= dismissed from employment).为让公司生存下去,一半员工要被解雇。剑桥国际

