
词组 trying
释义 trying /ˈtraɪɪŋ/ SEE ALL
not for lack/want of ˈtryingused to say that although sb has not succeeded in sth, they have tried very hard (虽然没有成功但是)已经尽力了;并非努力不够He’s had no success in finding a job, though not for lack of trying.
like looking for/trying to find a ˌneedle in a ˈhaystackvery difficult to find 大海捞针How can we ever find the quotation if you don’t even know what part of the book it comes from? It’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack.你连这句话在书的哪部分都不知道,我们怎么找得到呢?这简直是大海捞针。

