
词组 wood
释义 wood /wʊd/ SEE ALL
not out of the ˈwood(s) (informal) not yet free from dangers or difficulties 尚未摆脱困境;尚未渡过难关Our sales figures look much better this month, but we’re not out of the woods yet.
not see the ˌwood for the ˈtrees (BrE) (NAmE not see the ˌforest for the ˈtrees) (informal) not have a clear understanding of a situation because you are only looking at small aspects of it and not considering the situation as a whole 见树不见林The situation is so complex that many people are unable to see the wood for the trees.
ˌdead ˈwood (informal) people or things that are no longer useful or necessary 无用的人(或物);废物;冗员The management wants to cut costs by getting rid of all the dead wood in the factory. Fifty workers are to lose their jobs.管理层要清除工厂里所有吃闲饭的人来节省开支,五十个工人将面临失业。 NOTE This refers to the parts of a tree or a branch that are dead and no longer produce fruit, etc. 这个习语原指“枯木”或“枯枝”。 touch ˈwood (BrE) (NAmE knock on ˈwood) (saying) used for expressing the hope that your good luck will continue 碰碰木头以求神保佑;希望还走好运We haven’t had a serious accident yet, touch wood.我们还没有遇到过严重的事故,敲敲木头,好运依旧。 NOTE This refers to the custom of touching something made of wood to prevent bad luck. People still often try to touch something made of wood when they say this. 这个习语原指触碰木质物体以防厄运的习俗。现在人们在说这个习语时仍旧会触碰木质物体。

