AWLAlways with Love
AWLAnimal Welfare League (Queensland, Australia)
AWLAccess Point Wireless
AWLAnnotated Web Link
AWLAdvanced Wireless Laboratory
AWLAddison Wesley Longman (publishing)
AWLA Wonderful Life (gaming, Harvest Moon series)
AWLAnweisungsliste (German: Instruction List)
AWLAlliance for Workers Liberty
AWLAbsent Without Leave
AWLAlaska Wilderness League
AWLAssociation of Women Lawyers
AWLAtos Worldline (Belgium)
AWLAdvancing Women in Leadership Journal (online journal)
AWLAward Winning Listener
AWLAverage Word Length
AWLAutomated Welding (Netherlands)
AWLAirworthiness Limitation
AWLAdvanced Weapons Lab
AWLAll Weather Landing
AWLAbsence with Leave
AWLAway Without Leave
AWLAircraft Warning Lights
AWLAlbury Wodonga LAN
AWLAustralian Wrestling League
AWLAutomated Wire List
AWLArt Web League (France; online gaming)
AWLAirbag Warning Lamp
AWLAmerican War Lords (gaming clan)
AWLAdministrative Weight Limitation