SPHSingapore Press Holdings Ltd.
SPHSchool of Public Health
SPHSociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening (Dutch: Social Work)
SPHSection of Physics
SPHSchool of Population Health (Australia)
SPHSession Protocol Handler
SPHSpecific Product Header
SPHSets per Hour
SPHSmooth Particle Hydrodynamics (modeling dynamic fracture and fragmentation problems)
SPHSelf-Propelled Howitzer
SPHSafe Patient Handling
SPHSheets Per Hour (printing speed)
SPHSales Per Hour
SPHSolar Pool Heater
SPHSheepshead (FAO fish species code)
SPHStandard Project Hurricane
SPHSociety of Public Health
SPHService Public Hospitalier (French: Public Service Hospital)
SPHSix-Phase Heating (in-situ resistive heating for soil cleanup)
SPHSutton Place Hotel
SPHSchwartz, Page & Harding, LLP (law firm; Houston, TX)
SPHStrategically-Placed Hole
SPHStatement of Personal History
SPHSeparate Phase Hydrocarbon
SPHShortest Path Heuristic (programming)
SPHSpend Per Head
SPHSaint Paul's Hospital
SPHSevere/Profound Handicap
SPHStock Processing & Handling
SPHSport pour Handicapés (French: Sports for the Disabled; Belgium)
SPHSociety of Psychological Hypnosis
SPHService Profile At Home
SPHSoftware Process Handbook (ISO 9000.3)