
单词 pedicel
释义 pedicel|ˈpɛdɪsəl|
Also 7 pedicil(l.
[f. mod.Bot. L. pedicell-us (Linnæus Philos. Bot. §82 ‘Pedicellus est Pedunculus partialis’), dim. of pedīcul-us little foot, footstalk, dim. of pēs, ped-em foot. In mod.F. pedicelle.]
1. Bot. A small stalk or stalk-like structure in a plant; applied by Grew to the filament of a stamen; in mod. use esp. each of the secondary or subordinate stalks which immediately bear the flowers in a branched inflorescence (the main stalk being the peduncle); also, a single main flowerstalk when short or slender; a small peduncle.
1676Grew Anat. Flowers iii. §2 That Sort of Attire, which may be called Seminiform; being..a little Sheaf of Seed-like Particles; standing on so many Pedicills.Ibid. §4 Standing sometimes double upon each Pedicil..Sometimes fastned to their Pedicils at their middle.1821S. F. Gray Arrangem. Brit. Pl. 105 Flowers either sessile or upon pedicells.1854Lindley Sch. Bot. 11 The stalk of the flower is its peduncle: and if the latter is divided into many small stalks, its divisions are called pedicels.1862Darwin Fertil. Orchids Introd. 7 The pedicel, or prolongation of the rostellum, to which in many exotic Orchids the pollen-masses are attached.
2. Zool. and Anat. Applied to various small stalk-like structures in animals (most of which are also called peduncle).
a. In insects, the third joint of an antenna, esp. when geniculate and forming a base for the succeeding joints; also, the basal joint of the abdomen when long and slender. b. The stalk on which the eye is supported in some Crustacea, etc.; an eye-stalk. c. The stalk by which a brachiopod, cirriped, etc. is attached. d. Each of the ambulacral feet of an echinoderm. e. The pedicle of a vertebra.
1826Kirby & Sp. Entomol. III. 366 Pedicellus (the Pedicel). The second joint of the Antenna.1830R. Knox Cloquet's Anat. 26 Others..have compound eyes supported upon a moveable pedicel.1851–6Woodward Mollusca 25 The pedicel of terebratula.Ibid. 104 Strombidæ... Animal furnished with large eyes, placed on thick pedicels.1854[see eye-pedicel s.v. eye n.1 28].1883G. J. Romanes in Athenæum 17 Mar. 349/1 The righting movements of a sea urchin when inverted on its ab-oral pole (which are performed by means of the pedicels).1888Rolleston & Jackson Anim. Life 546 The tube feet or pedicels.
3. attrib., as pedicel-cell, a cell forming a pedicel, e.g that supporting the antheridium in Characeæ.
1882Vines Sach's Bot. 238 Beneath the pedicel-cell of the ascus shoot out filaments which form the envelope of the fructification.1884Trans. Victoria Inst. 86 These twenty-four cells, together with the pedicel cell of the globule.
Hence pediˈcellar a., pertaining to, or of the nature of, a pedicel; ˈpedicelled, -eled a., having a pedicel, pedicellate; pediˈcelliform a., of the form of a pedicel.
1806J. Galpine Brit. Bot. 11* Ruppia... Seed 4, pedicelled.1870Hooker Stud. Flora 154 Fertile flowers subsessile, males pedicelled.1871Cooke Brit. Fungi II. 618 Ramuli pedicelliform, ascending, septate.1900Proc. Zool. Soc. 287 Brissus carinatus... There are 5 pedicellar pores on each side of subanal area.

Add: [c indigo][2.] f.[/c] = pedicle n.1 2 c.
1877J. D. Caton Antelope & Deer Amer. 193 The pedicel is the permanent process of the skull on which the antler grows.1956I. McT. Cowan in W. P. Taylor Deer N. Amer. 544 The base of the shed antler has the unpleasant smell of decomposition, and the antler pedicel left on the skull bleeds slightly before healing.1975J. G. Evans Environment Early Man Brit. Isles iv. 88 Two elk skulls with the pedicels of shed antlers.

