
单词 ylike
释义 I. ylike, a. and n. Obs.
Forms: α. 1 ᵹelic, 2 ȝelic(h), 2–5 ilich(e, ylych(e, 3–5 ylich(e, 4 ileche, 4–5 yleche, ilyche. β. 2–5 ilik(e, 3–5 ilyke, 4 ylik, ilek, 4–5 ylyk(e, illike, ylike.
[OE. ᵹelíc: see y- 1 b and like a. Represented now by alike, q.v.; see also inlike.]
A. adj.
1. Like, similar (const. dat. or to).
a900Cynewulf Juliana 549 Ic ær ne sið æniᵹ ne mette in woruldrice wiþ þe ᵹelic.c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. xix. (1890) 322 [Se lichoma] wæs slæpendum men ᵹelicra þonne deadum.c1175Lamb. Hom. 109 Þe alde mon þe bið butan treowscipe bið iliche þan treo þe bereð lef and blosman and nane westmas ne bereð.c1200Vices & Virtues 9 Ic scal bien ȝelich ðan heisten [orig. ero similis altissimo].a1225Ancr. R. 200 Hwose haueð eni unðeau of þeo þet ich er nemde, oðer ham iliche.1340–70Alex. & Dind. 792 Ȝe ben to þe helle-hond holliche i-like.c1380Sir Ferumb. 2336 A semede þe diuel ileche.1422Yonge tr. Secr. Secr. xxii. 149 None afore the hath be y-lyke the, ne aftyre the shall come.c1474Caxton Recuyell (1894) 321 A geant named Cerberus ynowh ylyke vnto pluto of condicions.
2. Of a number of things: Like one another; alike; equal. ever ylike: always the same.
Beowulf 2164 Feower mearas..ᵹelice.c1060Laws of æthelred vi. lii. (Liebermann) 258 Se maᵹa & se unmaᵹa ne beoð na ᵹelice, ne ne maᵹon na ᵹelice byrþene ahebban.a1240Ureisun in O.E. Hom. I. 203 Þet naueþ nouðer ende ne biginnunge þet is euer iliche wiðute sturiunge.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) IV. 355 Þinges þat beeth i-liche [MS. γ buþ ylyche] acordeþ to gidres.c1391Chaucer Astrol. i. §17 Than ben the daies & the nyhtes illike of lenghthe in al the world.c1420Chron. Vilod. 399 Thre waxe-candels he let make þen, Euery candelle y-leyche of weyȝt.1422Yonge tr. Secr. Secr. xxiii. 151 Yestyrday he hadd frendys Speciall, but to-day he haue ham all y-lyke.1430–40Lydg. Bochas iv. xi. (1558) 103 Fortunes gyftes be nat aye ylyche.
3. Fitting, suitable. (Cf. like a. 6 a.)
c1205Lay. 15117 Nusten heo an world-riche ræd þat heom weore ilike.
B. n.
1. (One's) like, equal, counterpart.
a1000Boeth. Metr. xx. 37 Nan þing nis þin ᵹelica.c1175Lamb. Hom. 151 Iob wes..swa godmon þet ure drihten..seide þet under houene ne nan his ilike.c1205Lay. 25378 Nes þer na king his ilike.c1305Judas 66 in E.E.P. (1862) 109 Ech þing loueþ his iliche.
2. Outward appearance, likeness, semblance; concr. an image, ‘likeness’.
a1225Leg. Kath. 1843 Crist..þurh his ahne engel i culurene iliche, fedde hire.a1225Ancr. R. 136 Loke þet tu habbe his iliche, þet is þet crucifix.a1300K. Horn 305 In hornes ilike Þu schalt hure biswike.c1315Shoreham vii. 883 Ase mannes ylyche ymad of tre May nauȝt be al ase man may be..Ne godes ylyche, man, y-wys Ne may nauȝt be al ase god ys.
II. yˈlike, adv. Obs.
Forms: 1 ᵹelíce, 2 ȝelic(h)e, 3–5 iliche, yliche, 4–5 ilike, 4–7 ylike, etc. (cf. prec.); also 4 eliche, elike, elyke, 5 yeliche.
[OE. ᵹelíce = OS. gilîco (MDu. gelike, Du. gelijk), OHG. galîhho, g(i)lîcho (MHG. g(e)lîche, g(e)lîch, G. gleich), Goth. galeikô; f. prec.]
1. Similarly; likewise; alike; equally. ever ylike: unceasingly, continuously.
971Blickl. Hom. 119 Ne wæron þas ealle ᵹelice lange.c1000Ags. Gosp. Matt. xx. 5 Eft he ut-eode embe þa sixtan & niᵹoþan tide & dyde þam swa ᵹelice.c1200Moral Ode 66 (Trin. Coll. MS.) Africh man mid þat he haueð mai bugge heueriche Þe þe more haueð and þe þe lasse boðe iliche.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 152 Þat water of baþe is þat on þat euere is iliche hot.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xix. 436 Al tymes ylyke.c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 1668 Til that the Thebane knyghtes bothe yliche Honured, were in to the paleys fet.c1391Astrol. ii. §39 The longitude of a clymat ys a lyne ymagined fro Est to west, illike distant by-twene them alle.a1395Hylton Scala Perf. (W. de W. 1494) i. xxxiv, Who soo is euer ylyke wyse in knowyng of god & ghostly thynges.c1400Lydg. Chorle & Bird 48 (MS. Harl. 116) Of lengthe and brede yeliche square and longe.c1403Clanvowe Cuckow & Night. 64 The floures and the gras y-lyke hye.1423Jas. I Kingis Q. lxx, Tantalus..That euer ylike hailith at the well Water to draw with buket botemles.c1460Towneley Myst. viii. 106 A bush I se burnand full bryght, and euer elyke the leyfes are greyn.1486Bk. St. Albans c vj b, Take Fenell Maryall and Kersis ilich moch.
2. Const. dative: In the same manner (as), like, as. Also with as (OE. swá), as conj. or conj. adv.
c893ælfred Oros. v. vii. §2 Þe elpendes hyd wile drincan wætan, ᵹelice & spynge deð.971Blickl. Hom. 17 He him ᵹehet his æriste,..ᵹelice swa he ær þa þrowunge dyde.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xx. 330 Wusshen and wylnen Alle manere of men mercy and forȝeuenesse, And louye hem yliche hym-sylf.1579Spenser Sheph. Cal. May 4 How falles it then, we no merrier bene, Ylike as others, girt in gawdy greene?c1634W. Cartwright Ordinary ii. ii. (1651) 25 If I kissen, These thick stark bristles of mine beard will pricken Ylike the skin of Hownd-fish.
III. yˈlike, v. Obs.
[OE. ᵹelícian (cf. MDu. ghelîken, MHG. gelîchen, Goth. galeikan): see y- 3 c and like v.1]
trans. To please.
c893ælfred Oros. v. i, Ascian þonne Italie hiera aᵹne londleode, hu him þa tida ᵹelicoden.1340Ayenb. 109 Leue uader ylyky þe þet þe holy gost ous wille alyȝte þe hert.

