
单词 yby
释义 ybe, yben(e, yby
earlier ȝebeon, ib(e)on, ibi, etc. (see be v. A. 8).
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 5729 Sein swithin..Þat longe adde vnder erþe ybe.c1320Sir Tristr. 1203 Sche..sleiȝest had y bene.1340Ayenb. 239 Ane cite huer he hedde y-by at ane bredale.a1500Flower and Leaf 375 The grete affray That they in greene without had in ybe.1513Douglas æneis xi. i. 73 The quhilk Acetes had tofor ybe Squyer to kyng Evander.

