
单词 lascar
释义 lascar|ˈlæskə(r), læˈskɑː(r)|
Also 7 laskayre, (luscar), 7–8 lascarr.
[Either an erroneous European use of Urdu lashkar army, camp (see lashkar), or a shortened form of its derivative lashkarī (see lascarine). In Pg. c 1600 laschar occurs in the same sense as lasquarim, i.e. native soldier; this use, from which the current applications are derived, is not recorded in Eng. (but see quot. 1698 in 1).]
1. (Freq. with capital initial.) An East Indian sailor.
1625Purchas Pilgrims I. v. 650, I caused all my Laskayres to remaine aboord the Vnicorne.1696J. Ovington Voy. Surratt 464 The English Sailers..perceiv'd the softness of the Indian Lascarrs; how tame they were [etc.].1698Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 107 The Seamen and Soldiers differ only in a Vowel, the one being pronounced with an u, the other with an a; as Luscar is a Soldier; Lascar, a Seaman.1712W. Rogers Voy. (1718) 311, 36 Manila Indians, call'd Las-carrs.1777Miller in Phil. Trans. LXVIII. 172 Besides the four lascars that rowed the boat.1800Asiatic Ann. Reg., Chron. 46/1 There were only the captain and three officers, with 13 lascars, able to do duty.1832Marryat N. Forster xli, If we only had all English seamen on board, instead of these Lascars and Chinamen.1849Longfellow Building of Ship 161 Where the tumbling surf, O'er the coral reefs of Madagascar, Washes the feet of the swarthy Lascar.
attrib. and Comb.1887Pall Mall G. 3 Aug. 2/2 The second mate of a Lascar-manned ship is on watch until four o'clock.1900Daily News 20 Sept. 9/4 Sickness broke out among the Lascar crew.
2. Anglo-Indian. ‘A tent-pitcher’; also, an inferior class of artilleryman (more fully gun-lascar).
1798Webbe in Owen Wellesley's Desp. 7 A body of about 14,000 men can be drawn together, including Lascars and pioneers.1799Baird ibid. 126 One hundred artillerymen with a proportion of gun lascars.1800Wellington in Gurw. Desp. (1837) I. 125 We can get neither recruits, servants, lascars, coolies, or bullock drivers.1870J. W. Kaye Hist. Sepoy War II. iv. iii. 89 All the natives in the Magazine, the gun-lascars, the artificers and others.

