
单词 inherent
释义 inherent, a. (n.)|ɪnˈhɪərənt|
Also 6–7 inhærent.
[f. L. inhærēnt-em, pr. pple. of inhærēre to inhere. Cf. F. inhérent (1599 in Hatz.-Darm.).]
1. Sticking in; fixed, situated, or contained in something (in physical sense). Const. in, rarely to. Now rare or Obs.
1578Banister Hist. Man i. 32 Certayne chinkes, to the which are inherent foure tendons.1664Power Exp. Philos. iii. 169 All the Circles of the Armillary Sphære are really, truly, and naturally inhærent in the Earth.1756C. Lucas Ess. Waters III. 297 Let us examine what further proofs of an inherent acid this water gives.1800Med. Jrnl. III. 581 It destroys the mucilaginous parts inherent to some resins.1802Ibid. VIII. 335 A peculiar fluid secreted into..or inherent in the substance of the nervous fibres.
2. fig. Cleaving fast, remaining, or abiding in some thing or person; permanently indwelling. Now rare or Obs.
1601Dent Pathw. Heaven (1831) 55 This, of all other, is a most inherent sin.1607Shakes. Cor. iii. ii. 123 Least I..by my Bodies action, teach my Minde A most inherent Basenesse.1793Smeaton Edystone L. §282 Owing to..the still inherent property of our vessel as a slow sailer, it was not till eight the next morning that we came to..our mooring ground.
3. Existing in something as a permanent attribute or quality; forming an element, esp. a characteristic or essential element of something; belonging to the intrinsic nature of that which is spoken of; indwelling, intrinsic, essential.
1588Fraunce Lawiers Log. i. i. 4 b, An argument is either inhærent or fet elsewhere.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. ii. iii. §27 Thus began Corpses to be buried in the Churches, which by degrees brought in much Superstition; especially after degrees of inherent Sanctity were erroneously fixed in the severall parts thereof.1711Addison Spect. No. 215 ⁋1 Marble in the Quarry, which shews none of its inherent Beauties, 'till the Skill of the Polisher fetches out the Colours.1804Abernethy Surg. Obs. 12 Whilst it [the tumour] grows by its own inherent powers.1855Bain Senses & Int. i. ii. §18 (1864) 54 There is some difficulty in ascertaining how much of the effect is derived and how much inherent.1886W. J. Tucker E. Europe 33 Our inherent indolence, our apathy in times of peace is proverbial.
b. Const. in; formerly to, unto.
1622Malynes Anc. Law-Merch. 3 The said prerogati[u]es doe also appertaine to the Law-merchant as properly inherent vnto commerce.1633G. Herbert Temple, Faith ix, When creatures had no reall light Inherent in them.a1635Naunton Fragm. Reg. (Arb.) 55 That height of spirit inherent to his House.1791Boswell Johnson Mar. an. 1753, These sufferings were aggravated by the melancholy inherent in his constitution.1808Cervantes Hogg (E. S. Barrett) Miss-led General 7 That sweetness of temper which is inherent to himself.1878H. Irving Stage 29 The love of acting is inherent in our nature.
4. Vested in or attached to a person, office, etc., as a right or privilege.
1628Coke On Litt. i. Pref., Not only by royall descent, and inherent Birthright, but by Rosiall Beauty also, heire to both [Roses].1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. §112 Sr Julius Cæsar was then Master of the Rolls, and had inherent in his office, the..disposition of the Six-Clarks places.1682Burnet Rights Princes Pref. 27 That the Regale is an inherent Right of the Crown.1788Gibbon Decl. & F. xlix. (1869) III. 110 The legislative authority was inherent in the general assembly.1891Law Rep. Weekly Notes 68/1 Every Court had an inherent power to allow a person who had invoked its jurisdiction to withdraw his application.
B. n. Something inherent or indwelling. rare.
1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God xi. ii, The minde..wherein reason and vnderstanding are naturall inherents.
Hence inˈherentness (Bailey vol. II, 1727).

