“status quo”的英英意思

单词 status quo
释义 status quo|ˈsteɪtəs kwəʊ|
[L.: ‘state in which’. Cf. in statu quo (see in prep. 29).]
The existing state of affairs. status quo ante: the state of affairs previously existing (also absol.).
1833Edin. Rev. LVI. 436 The status quo was to be maintained in Luxemburg during negotiations respecting that duchy.1853Ld. J. Russell Let. to Ld. Cowley 28 Jan., in H. Paul Hist. Mod. Eng. (1904) I. xvii. 301 The Ambassador of France was the first to disturb the status quo.1864Spectator 439 The country gentlemen can be satisfied with the status quo as a principle.1877L. W. M. Lockhart Mine is Thine xxxv. (1879) 300 His autumn plans were in the status quo ante.1884tr. Lotze's Logic 403 The desire to protect that particular status quo on principle against all innovation.1951W. Stevens Let. 9 Mar. (1967) 709 Everything is now proceeding in status quo ante.1965H. Kahn On Escalation xiii. 244 It is normal that status quo nations will tend to be crisis-avoiding nations.1967Listener 27 July 103/1 Supposing that Israel withdrew, and that the Arabs were re-supplied with arms, we should be back at a sort of status quo ante.1971Guardian 6 Dec. 13/8 The TUC puts its money firmly on the need for a ‘status quo’ declaration by the employer. In other words, the unions insist that the employer must..abandon his authority to change a work practice or agreement without the blessing of his employees... Workers can be expected to observe procedures only if they contain a ‘status quo’ clause and the employer observes it.1976New Yorker 24 May 115/2 There is a great move to the status quo ante.1978R. Lewis Inevitable Fatality vi. 163 The attempts by Sir Henry Monroe to return QWARTA [sc. a company] to a status quo position.

