
单词 incidency
释义 ˈincidency Obs.
[See prec. and -ency.]
1. An incidental occurrence or circumstance; an incident.
1611Shakes. Wint. T. i. ii. 403 Declare What incidencie thou do'st ghesse of harme Is creeping toward me.1663J. Spencer Prodigies (1665) 171 We have no reason why we should..vouchsafe the honor of a solemn notice to any such little incidencies as these.1701Norris Ideal World i. ii. 42 But ordinarily, and out of these singular incidencies..his way of procedure..is to act according to the general and stated laws of motion.
2. a. The quality of being liable to fall to. b. (with pl.) A thing incident or liable to befall or fall to.
1615T. Adams White Devill 55 First the difficulty, to beare the bagge and not be couetous—secondly the usual incidency of the bagge to the worst men.a1662Heylin Laud i. (1671) 53 If any other considerations of Profit, Preferment or Compliance, did prevail upon him..they may with charity be looked on as the common incidencies of Humane frailty.a1683Whichcote Disc. (1703) III. 426 Particular errours and misapprehensions in some things is an incidency to uprightness of heart.
3. Physics. = incidence 4.
1646J. Gregory Notes & Obs. Ep. Ded. (1650) 4 Rayes of incidency contract no warmth upon the Earth, unlesse reflected back upon their originall Sun.1704Norris Ideal World ii. 245 As a certain subtile matter in its direct incidency is light.
fig.a1711Norris (J.), He..receives a more vigorous joy from the reflexion than from the direct incidency of his happiness.
4. The falling of one line upon another, the meeting of lines.
1789Morse Amer. Geog. 346 Four streets intersect each other at right angles..whose incidencies form a spacious parade.

